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Everything posted by ocremixfan

  1. yay! a FF7 project! 75% of the soundtrack? WOOOOOOOO! I hope you've picked Cid theme, battle and boss battle themes, bike chase, cry of the planet, great warrior... aeris and OWA are for sure! oh boy! this is great! that's the downside of keeping up-to-date with WIPs... I get anxious! a pack of remixes that are coming, Sonic Chaos, this project... *joy*
  2. strange... lately the remixers are choosing many musics that I wished for so long to get a remix from... down to business... it sound as a very early remix. it feels empty... it have very little moments when it gets a better overall result, like 0:00-0:57 - boring intro, i'm afraid to say 0:58-1:35 - too timid melody... I'd to make an effort to hear it 1:36-2:14 - now it got better, but it still was pretty mush always the same... what about adding up something as it keeps going? a new instrument or something like it... the rest is like the previous pieces... also, I think you shuld add custom melodies somewhere... your very own work and style! and give the music some life... some beat and many instruments altogether, that kind of thing that catch the attention! keep improving, and I'll keep listening!
  3. This is a real demonstration of skill! Two completely different styles tied together and creating such good mix! Unknown and zircon... please keep this 'partnership'! It's really promising! Great work!
  4. zircon... you did it again! You are great! Another mix that really surprised me! So many different sounds mixed together in such terrific way! Great job! Unfortunately, this time I don't liked a bit of the music: that the little 'Hidden Truth' piece... seems just not necessary. The music could go nicely without it!
  5. I think this was the very first mix that made me look for this site, and now I'm permanently attached to it! Amazing work, Rayza! Thanks for so many musics you added to my playlist!
  6. Miguel from Chrono Cross... if it was that hard I'd remember... but anyway: Omega Weapon from Final Fantasy VIII - DAMN! what a pain! his attack sequel is pretty much the same always repeating, but is fuckin hard to avoid getting killed by that damn meteor spell! for me, only only Invincible Moon from Rinoa and Lion Heart from Squall can take this guy down! and for what? pretty much nothing! Ozma from Final Fantasy IX - this one I still haven't beat up! he spank me up in no time! I've done everything I could to get this battle easier, except catching frogs... and I'm not in the mood to do that for some days until Frog Drop does some serious damage!
  7. I must say that I don't expect good remixes for originally nice musics... and 'Marble Zone' is a very nice music... but this remix is GREAT! I couldn't believe when I heard it! AWESOME! DistantJ, you have the gift!
  8. When I was downloading this one I was thinking like this: "A 'Trial' remix... must be ordinary stuff!" Oh my... I was wrong! DAMN wrong! Incredible remix! A masterpiece! You are a genius, zircon!
  9. There's no way I can fairly express the greatness of this mix... absolutely AWESOME!!! I think my ears will never ever hear something better! DJ Carbunk1e, you turned a piece of heaven into music!
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