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Everything posted by Penfold

  1. I'd like to think so. It seems whenever IGN has interviews with Miyamoto, they either ask him about the possibility of a Kid Icarus sequel for Wii or Miyamoto brings up that people ask about it a lot. Anyway, hope Nintendo does wiivive (teehee) the franchise.
  2. Yeah, it happens a lot I've noticed, usually when there seems to be no good reason for it (not a lot of objects on-screen, etc). It's a little annoying, but it hasn't detracted from my fun yet. First time I've ever gotten to play the original, and I've been really enjoying it. On the topic though, has anyone noticed that Paper Mario has load times between the home menu and the game? They have a little spinning N64 symbol that I've never seen, and it's on-screen for quite a bit longer than I'd anticipate as far as load times go. I guess their emulation isn't quite perfect. The only other N64 VC game I've dl'd and played so far is Mario 64 which I didn't noticed with that, so I dunno how isolated this incident is for sure. EDIT: To clarify, when going from the home menu and back to the game there's the loading time. It also happened the first time I started the game, though not since then when I've started it.
  3. Sequel to Tales of Symphonia for Wii. I loved ToS, having played through it 3 or 4 times with friends, so I'm really excited for this. This had better make it to North America.
  4. I agree. If she were a separate character, that'd be one thing...but now she's just gonna be a dumbed down version of Samus after she uses her final smash, so it basically punishes you for getting the final smash.
  5. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to those too. Super Mario All-Stars too, and I'd also really like a chance to play Earthbound. They're gonna need to add hard drive support or let us save VC games to the SD card and play them directly off of the card soon though, since I only have about 600 blocks left and still have plenty of other VC games I'll be downloading (I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation). Given that they'll be launching WiiWare in early 2008 at the latest, we're gonna need more useable storage space on the Wii.
  6. What can I say, that second "really" he put in there sold me. EDIT: I also very much liked the following quote:
  7. Reminds me of that tv show Comedy Central had with Michael Ian Black, etc. like 2 years ago, called Stella. "FUNK rock, not funk rock" or however the line went. Ah, I loved that show. Anyway, I think the One-Ups split up then they got back together...there was a thread about a show they did after getting back together again, had to have been in late winter/early spring.
  8. Same here. I really enjoyed it, but that's partially cuz I came to the Gamecube party late, so I didn't have so many preconceived notions about it.
  9. I wouldn't know, since the last Ninja Gaiden I played was the for the NES .
  10. At any rate, anything on RE5 is always welcome right? Ero: I know what you're saying. PoP2 was buggy as all hell, which didn't help that the direction they took the game sucked. Because of it I never got around to PoP3, even though I heard for the most part they changed the stuff that made PoP2 so bad. Sands of Time was awesome, though, so I hope Assassin's Creed has that sorta feel. It's definitely looking nice so far; the free running mechanics seem to be a more fluid counterpart to PoP controls (and at least at a glance, the fight mechanics look pretty much the same...hopefully it won't feel so repetitious though).
  11. For mine, I made Samus' helmet. I was quite pleased with it.
  12. Finally got a chance to watch more Metroid Prime 3 vids, as well as read the hands-on for that and Mario Galaxy. The more I hear about those, the more excited I am to play! After reading the hands-on for Umbrella Chronicles, though, it's sounding less and less appealing. Dammit Capcom, why didn't you just make it like RE4 like you were supposed to?
  13. I thought it had been confirmed for, like, forever that RE5 was going to be for 360 and PS3 so I didn't find that suprising at all. Assassin's Creed, though...that looked really cool. Seemed like the controls were more or less Prince of Persia (albeit more fluid). Looking forward to it.
  14. Gotcha, I can understand that point of view.
  15. Yeah, that's how EB/Gamstop operates (though it seems like their online store component lets you preorder a game as soon as they have it on the site). I'll be preordering from amazon, at any rate .
  16. I'm not sure what you mean. I mean, when playing against harder AI, it should be tougher right? But I've never found any of the Mario Kart games to be so tough that I can't win after some practice. In the end, it just comes down to how good I become in the game that determines if I win or not, and not so much what kart/character combo I use if I adapt my play style. EDIT: I also didn't find it too hard to snake in Double Dash, though of course that was more kart-dependent.
  17. Just saw some of the screen shots for this...looking forward to seeing some gameplay vids, but it's looking awesome from the little we're seen thus far.
  18. Just watched the new Mario Galaxy gameplay vid...can't wait to play that! The Boo Mario seems like it could be cool.
  19. Took me a minute to realize that was DK lol.
  20. I was kinda hoping Pikmin Wii would be announced (or the unveiling of a new franchise), but otherwise quite pleased. The Wii Zapper looks pretty cool, I'm looking forward to using it (they said it'd be bundled with some software, but didn't specify if it was gonna be with Ghost Squad, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, or what right?). Also, good to know about the release dates...really looking forward to getting my hands on Metroid Prime 3 in less than 2 months. Wii Fit is kinda meh for me personally since my life is already active (like doing the Seattle to Portland bike ride on Saturday which I'll probably do in one day, so finding yet another venue for working out isn't on my priority list), but I'm sure at the very least my mom and Wii-owning female friends will be all for it (it's harder to imagine my Wii-owning male friends being excited for it). I'm obviously psyched for Mario Kart Wii, I just really hope there won't be the problem of DC'ers like there were for Mario Kart DS's online play. I don't fully see the point of the wheel; I didn't get much of a look at the pics, but it just seems like its a shell to put the wiimote into without any added functionality (like buttons or whatnot). I mean, one will be bundled with the game, right, so that's fine and all but what would really compell me to buy more wheels for my wiimotes? I suppose it's like the Wii Zapper, it doesn't add functionality but just gives you a little added immersion in the game by how you hold the controls. Maybe it'll make more sense to me after using it. The Check Mii Out channel I'm not so sure about, but maybe could prove to be a nice little diversion.
  21. Nice...that's right, I totally forgot they have the coverage. First E3 that I have a dvr, so I'm gonna make good use of it this week .
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