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Everything posted by Penfold

  1. You make it sound like you won't be beating it in one sitting . j/k Anyway, at least unless someone else plays the game between you playing it (or you reset the game), you get that pseudo-save state effect on the VC so you won't have to enter codes every time you pick up the game.
  2. Personally, I'd recommend getting Punch-Out!! over Kid Icarus. Can't go wrong with that game IMO.
  3. Alternatively, try lowering the Microphone input volume in your volume control.
  4. That would make me so happy. Is it confirmed?
  5. It's ok, it took me a while too...
  6. You're farther than I am, so I can't really be of help. Haven't played for about two weeks either (been in the process of moving, finally gonna be in the new place on Sat), but I've greatly enjoyed it so far. It has a great feel. I understand Super Mario RPG is quite different, but still playing this makes me excited for that game to be released on the VC.
  7. Wait, you lose money on this? Or is it that you're just not making as much per cd sold? I mean, if you're losing money on it, why adverstise the one-day price drop?
  8. Must have been enough people complaining about compo threads being less visible in the previous location.
  9. So....is this thread being back in community going to affect Atma's decision about no longer continuing it? ... This is in community now, and not just my imagination right?
  10. http://media.wii.ign.com/media/951/951711/imgs_1.html
  11. It pretty much looks the same IMO, not that it's a bad thing. I greatly enjoyed ToS so I'm pretty confident I'm going to enjoy ToS2.
  12. Ok...if you're looking to "get somewhere" you're not going to do it via pyramid/work-at-home-and-make-a-million-a-month schemes. What you're asking is extremely general, but here's the big question: what do you want to do? Are you looking for more money, better hours, or a specific job type? Is there a company you'd ideally like to work for? What skills/training/schooling do you have? These are a couple of the things you must consider if you want to make a better effort in finding a new, good job, and answering these would help me narrow down the advice I could give you. It might be that you're just looking for a better part-time position (like if you're a student or something), for which I'm gonna give you slightly different advice: don't stress it too much. If you're a student, expect to not make much money right now. If you tried answering the questions I presented above, and feel you're lacking in your skillset, use this time to try to beef it up, either via internship, taking a class, or just finding a job that'll teach you that. Anyway, I can really only give general advice without knowing more about your specific situation.
  13. (double post) And it'd clean up my channels menu a little better. I'd be all for it.
  14. Yeah, the SD slot is there, but it's not useful. You can put pictures onto it for viewing in a slide show (as well as put music on there that you can listen to during the slide show) and back up save files/downloaded VC games, but that's where it stops. As was said on the last page, you can store a VC game onto an SD card but you can't access the game from the SD. It also pretty much takes the same amount of time for me to move a game from the SD onto the console as it does for me to re-download the game, so it's not even worthwhile for that IMO. Short story shorter: There is no good reason for me to put an SD card into the Wii at this time.
  15. We need a hard drive for the Wii, or the ability to use the SD card for something...useful soon. I honestly don't mind buying some most likely proprietary hardware in order to have quick and easy access to the vc games I've bought. Sure, I could just delete games to make room for new ones, but instead I'm simply going to slow my consumption of the classic gaming goodness I missed the first time around. Still gonna keep my fingers crossed for a Virtual Console channel too, since it's not only a mess to keep vc games on the main channels menu but I'm going to be out of channel spaces soon too.
  16. This has been great, thank you all for your responses. It seems like the majority of people learned pretty much from playing around with the programs and asking questions/consulting faqs/manuals as needed...that definitely makes me feel a little more comfortable starting out. I guess my next step now is to try out some trial versions of software and see where that takes me. Thanks again, everyone.
  17. I'm hoping this isn't too general a question. Basically, I'm wondering what made you choose the software you use (FL, Sonar, etc) over others out there? Was it the interface, the features, or something else? Did you play with several different programs, then narrow it down from there? There's a part-two to my question, but first a little background. Now that I've graduated, I'll (eventually) have free time again and am strongly considering getting more involved in music. I've definitely been inspired by this community to learn more about doing my own arrangements, so I'm going back and relearning music theory and for the first time learning basic composition, etc. I'm also heavily leaning toward getting the M-Audio Axiom 49, since it seems pretty well-rounded for what I'd probably be doing with it (right now I've got a crappy Yamaha keyboard, which currently serves for me to practice on), but that's neither here nor there. (Here comes the actual second part to the question) My next step is going to be choosing what software I'd like to start out with, and this is where I'm having the greatest difficulty. One of the things I'm considering is how I'll be tackling the learning curve. I've seen for programs like Reason and Sonar, they have guides in bookstores on how to use them, something I haven't seen for, say, Fruity Loops. How did you guys figure out how to use the software you use? Was there a book you read on it, did you have a friend who showed you, or did you just figure it out by fiddling with it? Did you already have some basic knowledge as to how to use the program before downloading and playing with it? I'd really appreciate hearing anyone's experiences and advice on the matter; right now I'm not even sure what factors I should take into consideration when looking at the software, let alone good resources for learning how to use the programs. Thanks in advance, guys.
  18. Yeah, Trauma Center is awesome. I checked on IGN's release date revision thing they published this morning, and according to that Trauma Center New Blood is coming out in Nov, which is way earlier than I'd expected. I'm pretty excited!
  19. Hell yeah. Btw, what was the deal with that other Tales game for DS? It came out in Japan and was rated less-than-stellar (though I still wanted to try it out), but there was never word of it coming out in the US...anybody know if it's even planned to come here?
  20. That's what I was thinking too. If so, I think that's a good sign, so we can expect even more N64 titles now. The loading time is somewhat annoying, as are the random slowdowns, so hopefully those will be fixed later.
  21. I remember when StarTropics came out, I really wanted to play it but never got around to it. I really do hope they release it to the VC, since I'll probably never play it otherwise.
  22. lol, pretty much. Anyway, I know I'd be interested in learning more about Kid Icarus Wii if it were to be announced.
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