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Everything posted by Penfold

  1. I don't really have any criticism I can offer which would be very constructive (aside from the abrupt ending, which is obviously there because, as you said, the track is only 85% complete yet), but all I can say is I really enjoyed this piece. Personally, I liked the "wolf howl" trombone, but that's just one man's opinion. Keep up the great work!
  2. I wasn't the biggest fan of the original Starcraft, but I still certainly enjoyed it back in its day. I'm pleased to hear about the sequel (and that it's not an MMORPG), so I'll be getting it when it comes out.
  3. w00t Prime 3! Hopefully it'll be available for preorder soon. Also, RE4 for Wii on June 19 (I didn't realize until now that it has a solid release date) and I'll definitely be getting that.
  4. I'm really hoping they put Majora's Mask onto VC. Never got to play it, and I'd definitely like to.
  5. You could get CT for Playstation on eBay for not too much. Given they pad the shipping cost, but I wouldn't say it's a bad deal overall. The only big problem with the Playstation port is the lag when going into battles. EDIT: Oops, beat me to it lol.
  6. While you're clearly aware of it, I still have to recommend Punch-Out!! Others I'd recommend are Comix Zone, Sonic the Hedgehog (though 2 and 3 are better...they've gotta make it to the VC eventually here), Gunstar Heroes, and of course the Zelda and Mario games. I remember Excitebike being cool back in the day but haven't played it since the NES era, haven't played Kid Icarus enough to be able to recommend it, and I hear Legend of the Mystical Ninja is good though I haven't played it yet.
  7. That wasn't really the point back in the day, and the main reason I resubscribed last yr was because of the nostalgia factor. At any rate, I like Bigfoot's point-of-view...honestly, if I were to resubscribe it'd be for the free gift (ie, if they have available something I'd want to get anyway, I may as well essentially buy it and get a free yearly subscription ).
  8. "HORNLESS HORNLESS!" "BlasphEEmer!" Ahh, good times. Anyway, don't think I can really help with your question, as I had only played FFVII out of those 3 and it wasn't quite my cup of tea. Without playing the other two, I'll go ahead and say you should play IX.
  9. Yeah, I can understand that. I had NP way back in the day too, and one of my favorite things about it was the monthy comic section (I remember the Star Fox one was great). Exclusive material such as that really made it worthwhile back in the day (I still have my full sets of Super Metroid and Mega Man X pogs ). I stopped renewing for the same reason you did: I didn't own (or, at the time, want) a 64. Anyway, I resubscribed last year when I got my DS but when it came time to renew, I just let it go for whatever reason. I may resubscribe eventually here, if they have a free gift thing I really want .
  10. Yay for WA, but lol @ Centralia . Ok...carry on.
  11. lol, well profit the is the reason they made the first one, dude. You kinda make it sound like you weren't expecting this to be the usual Hollywood blockbuster fare, which is all about explosions and needless fight scenes.
  12. Me too. I honestly doubt it'd happen (especially anytime soon), but that'd be my wish.
  13. For Chocobo's Dungeon, it was really more of the announcement without much any news (basically, they said there will be some similarities and some differences between this and the original Chocobo's Dungeon). The "news" for Crystal Bearers was pretty much SE saying "Hi guys, remember this game? Yeah, we're still working on it." IGN stated that both games had trailers at the announcement but were asked to not record/photograph any of them, but maybe we'll see more at the Square-Enix Party this weekend.
  14. As I posted in the respective Wii and DS threads, Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate news, Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers "news", and new Chocobo's Dungeon coming to Wii.
  15. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate news.
  16. Chocobo's Dungeon on Wii, and the "news" about Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers.
  17. Ended up just updating firmware on both the WRT54G and the WRT55AG and so far neither one has died again. Yay!
  18. Meh, I dunno when I last encountered fast food that was actually spicy...maybe cuz I hardly ever eat fast food...but anyway, not so spicy . ... Seems like there's been enough JT threads lately that we may as well make an all-encompassing thread called "Jack Thompson fucks up again," where each week people can post his latest crazy antics. EDIT: Hmm...Jack Thompson LOL thread...that works.
  19. It'd be kinda cool if they re-released/remade the stuff that was only for Sattelaview (or however you spell it). It'd be interesting to see Radical Dreamers released.
  20. Cool. I enjoyed FFIII for DS, so this one sounds like fun to me as well.
  21. Oh man, I totally forgot about the Street Fighter movie. This movie, the Mario Bros movie, the Super Mario Bros Super Show, Capt. N, Doom, that Zelda cartoon....it's amazing how they can never do justice by their video game source material. And no, Lucy Liu would not make a good Chun-Li. End of story.
  22. Well, all I have to say is screw this concert. If they don't perform in the Seattle area, they don't deserve my money lol.
  23. Boo, nothing new on Virtual Console today that sounds interesting
  24. Saw it on Saturday...it was ok. Read some reviews after, and I think the one from Seattle PI says it all.
  25. Nintendo announces 2007 DS lineup. Not as exciting as the Wii 2007 lineup announcement, but interesting nevertheless.
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