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Everything posted by Penfold

  1. Resident Evil 4 now confirmed for Wii. More (somewhat disappointing, IMO) Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles details. A few more details for NiGHTs. Looks like it has a similar wiiconnect 24 feature to Madden, where what the forecast channel shows the current weather as being will be what the weather is in the game.
  2. lol happy b-day man. Shit, mine's only a few days away too (Fri)
  3. Both are good (and worth getting IMO). I wouldn't call WarioWare a disappointment, but that's just me.
  4. Yeah, that's pretty much the question. That, and when do we start getting release dates. I've got the feeling the next time we'll be seeing another big 1st party title hit shelves is probably July. While people have argued this is because they don't want to flood the market with many 1st party games because the 3rd party titles can't compete, I disagree. I think, for them, it's all gonna come down to sales momentum. Seems to me they'd be able to keep up momentum if they space out their big releases.
  5. Btw, looks like Mario Strikers: Charged will have online play.
  6. Yeah, I've known about Dizzee Rascal since his debut album (Boy in da Corner), what, 4 years ago? For several reasons, I preferred his debut album over his second. So, is that all you wanted to know?
  7. Yeah, the play mechanics they're putting in are really looking fun/innovative. Since the Gamecube Paper Mario (personally I really liked it), looks like they've really tightened the visuals (better anti-aliasing, more vibrant, etc). When I first heard about Paper Mario for the N64, I imagined something much closer to this Wii game than what actually became the original Paper Mario: a platformer, not an RPG. Can't wait for next week!
  8. I'm kinda interested in this game. So overall pretty fun? Do you think you'd recommend it? Btw, Kak, how'd Fire Emblem Goddess of Dawn end up treating you? I assume it ended up being at least equal to Path of Radiance, no? Anyway, preordered Super Paper Mario last week (finally!) online, so should be receiving that by the 13th at the latest. Really frickin' excited for that, especially after watching the vids they had on ign recently. That game is looking solid.
  9. It's looking cool, from the little media we've seen. Glad to hear the rumors panned out. Looking forward to seeing some vids for it. Anyway, been a long time since I've seen NiGHTs...the colors used and all that really remind me of Klonoa games (guess it's from all that purple).
  10. Fair enough. Btw, I haven't gotten around to KH2 yet...how important is Riku's side of CoM to understanding KH2's story? Personally, I enjoyed the control scheme in Zelda and it never wore on me so I'd welcome another game that did it well again. I guess it's one of those split issues, cuz I hear people on both sides. Anyway, if it comes to Wii it'd be cool IMO but wouldn't be torn up about it if it went to another console. Watch, it's gonna go Dragon Quest and end up on the DS lol . Btw, Lyrai, you're sig is pretty frickin' awesome (may have said it befor too lol).
  11. Would you really wanna play Chain of Memories more than once though? I played through the Sora half and most of the Riku half when I just couldn't take the game anymore, and I've heard similar opinions before...no matter what kind of graphical upgrade they gave it, it wouldn't be enough for me to pick it up again. Also, I really don't see how it'd be so terrible on the Wii. I don't understand that logic..."(name videogame franchise here) would suck on (name console here)!" If they make it specifically for that console and don't do a half-assed job, then I don't see what the hangup is. Not saying "KH on Wii would be TEH BEST THING EVAR!!!11" but if were to end up being so, I'd personally be interested to learn about it instead of just damning it's existence right off the bat.
  12. Yeah, it's lookin' pretty awesome. They were saying the screenshots don't really do it justice because of the dynamic use of the camera and whatnot, so I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  13. I think you may be in the minority on this one. I, for one, don't doubt the creativity of the Nintendo staff, nor their ability to make fun games. RealFolkBlues cited Pikmin, and I agree. Many of the first-party titles coming from Nintendo are looking pretty fun and rather innovative to me, such as Super Paper Mario and Mario Galaxy. Anyway, to each his own eh? EDIT: That's interesting that Retro Studios is technically first-party for Nintendo, since I always thought they were 2nd party. You learn something new every day, I guess.
  14. Pretty much what happened to my Mega Man 2, 5, and 6 (along with my original Metroid cart ). It was a shame, as I had 1-6 with the original boxes and booklets.
  15. That's a very good point, which I hadn't considered before. I guess the HDMI will also come into play more with the hd-dvd drive, assuming that format lasts (does it look like there's a format poised to win yet btw?). On the topic of hard drive, there have been crazy deals lately, for sure. With CompUSA closing shop, went to one in Portland last weekend while visiting a friend...750gb for 120, and given it's Oregon there's no sales tax (best deal I've seen at least). Chose not to purchase though, just because I don't have the need for more storage space at the moment. Anyway, just wanted to clarify, can you use just a regular hard drive with the 360 or do they force you to use their proprietary hardware?
  16. I would agree the content is different, not the demographics. I wouldn't say this one demographic is more apt to liking what the Wii has to offer, and this other one liking what the 360 has to offer. I say this as guy who wants a 360 somewhere down the line but doesn't mean that I got sick of the Wii or whatnot. My ladyfriend bought a Wii too, but still loves her some 360 for many of the same reasons I plan to get one (plus Halo 3...yeah, she's into it more than me). From the people I know and what I'm seeing in day-to-day life, I'm not seeing any specific demographic going to one more than the other (aside from, say, older people...just like DS, I think the Wii is succeeding in bringing in more people who aren't traditionally gamers, such as my parents and grandparents). Anyway, long story short, I would have been more apt to agree if it were a comment on the original XBox and Gamecube having different demographics, but I'm not really feeling that way about these two next-gen systems.
  17. lol, you make me wanna play that game saying all that! j/k
  18. I could be wrong (you'd know more about this, given you actually own a 360), but was under the impression they used their own little proprietary hard drive. If that's right, getting 6 times the hard drive space alone for $80 isn't that bad, in fact it's pretty damn good (given they sell their 20gb drive for about $90 retail now, and the 120gb will be hitting stores certainly at over $100). Anyway, by the time I get my 360 I'll have a tv which supports 1080p so I'd prefer getting the most out of it with the HDMI. Just cuz you can't/don't want to use it doesn't mean it's not a selling point for others (and I'm not sure where your 2% came from, but I couldn't care less since I don't buy because of trends). At any rate, I wouldn't say it's a major ripoff, but I'd say you got a good deal on your premium.
  19. 3 words: Star Fox Adventures. Also, Peach doesn't *just* get kidnapped...she also uses her feminine emotions as power-ups to fight (that was the concept behind Super Princess Peach right?). Point taken, at any rate.
  20. Holy double-posting, Batman! (yeah, I know, I'm full of clever) Microsoft, there's no need for bullshit remarks and whatnot. This kinda shit-talking is annoying, how do they think that's gonna change consumers' minds? That, and I find it annoying when a company explicitly tells the consumers what THEY want to buy. In other news, looks like April 12 we can expect a little more news about Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles.
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