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Everything posted by SenPi

  1. Well, I didnt actually use a limiter/maximizer on the final mix or anything. I suppose everything is just very loud XD. I actually dont use compressors very much, because I'm not very good at using them, so I try to just mess with volumes and frequencies instead. Also the synth playing the lead in the beginning is The Descipline preset for the combinator under lead synths (reason 3.0) lol oh yea, I am very bad at figureing out which genre my music falls in to, which is why I think its so many XD.
  2. umm.... UMM... WRONG!! ok first off Nintendo cant do jack all, because Adrian is not selling this remix, or making money off of it in any way. I'm not entirely positive, but I believe the rule is, its copyright enfringement if somebody is making money off of somebody elses song without permission, or a remix of somebody elses song without permission. Either its a rule, or people just dont care unless the other person is making money off of it. Also, OCReMix would never get sued by anybody unless they were selling CD's of the songs on here. again if (person == making money from remix) { enfringement = true; } else { enfringement = false; }
  3. Ok, not really my style, its something a little different. Hardcorish/Energetic/Chilloutish? not sure how to describe it. Just check it out, tell me what you think. DJ SymBiotiX - Determination
  4. hmm, looks like I'm gonna have to pull some Acid + Reason action for this one! Tripple remix?... Lo-fi + Haven + Coactive?? Hmm this could be interesting. Maybe I should through in some me semper menas vocals in there too o.O.. This is gonna be really really fun!
  5. hehehe, I think that would be a really neat idea.
  6. Too wide!! lol.. yea I cant make sense of your project 5 file, and how it interacts with reason. The sound is very different, and I'm obviously missing alot of sounds. If you could make some sort of sample pack of that, that would be awesome. But it doesnt look as if there is too much want to remix that song. If not, then I'll take a crack at coactive
  7. man I'm sad that this didnt work out. Come on winnipeg people, we gotsta uhh represent?
  8. EDIT: Update number 3 I guess? Ok so this is pretty much the final render. I just want to get a bit more comment in on it so I know what people think. -Varied the drums a bit -Mastered a bit more -Fixed a few volume things. -etc. here is the new link DJ SymBiotiX - Traces [Tracing The Noize Mix] V2.5 Enjoy
  9. heh aight cool. Looking forward to it if you do so. But yea dont worry, my final render will be for sure under 6MB
  10. Alright, so my remix finally got judged like a week ago, and as soon as I read it, I stared on my redo. This version is just incredibly so much better that I cant believe it. It is pretty much all complete. All music and synth selection is finished. And most mastering is done. I just gotta do one more mastering run, and add in a few sound effects and vocals (well one vocal) to it, and then it will be ready to send in once more. So tell me what you guys think of it so far! Traces - TaQ (The original song) DJ SymBiotiX - Traces [Tracing The Noize Mix] V2 alright.. also if anybody could help me with a better name, that would be great lol. Comments and Criticism PLEASE. I really need to know if any of you think there is something wrong (bad eqing in one part, bad choice of instrument) etc. Thanks! EDIT: Update number 3 I guess? Ok so this is pretty much the final render. I just want to get a bit more comment in on it so I know what people think. -Varied the drums a bit -Mastered a bit more -Fixed a few volume things. -etc. here is the new link DJ SymBiotiX - Traces [Tracing The Noize Mix] (final) Enjoy
  11. Ok question. Dunno if anybody has tried this yet or not but, can you download a game from the VC, put it on an SD card and delete it from Wii memory, and still play it? like could you keep it on your sd card untill you wanted to play it, and then just transfer it to your wii memory. Would it still work? I just dont wanna risk deleting it from my wii memory, only to have it not work later on. anybody know?
  12. bump for great justice? Seriously guys we should get this thing going!
  13. hehehe. Anyways, I am part of the CSSA (Computer Science Students Association) at the U of M. We do have a lounge. It has a few couches (3), and a 27 inch tv (kinda old, it only has a yellow and red/white input on the back). But perhaps we could meet up in there? It only has a keypad lock, and I know the password.
  14. Oh which reminds me, if anybody wants to buy a copy of my debut album "Act 1" (http://www.djsbx.com/act1.html) for details. I'll make up a few and bring em
  15. I'm totally in. I go to the U of M anyways. Actually anyplace would be good I dont really care about driving anywhere. Hopefully we can get a good amount of people to come, that would be awesome.
  16. Wow! I never knew there were so many OCR people from winnipeg. I'm from winnipeg too! I live in the tyndall park area (if anybody knows where that is). yea...
  17. just for the record. I was getting 2 MB Per second and I only have dsl XD. Anyways.. I'm uhh having problems installing it.. it starts installing, and then just kinda stops..
  18. hmm ok. I think I want to change my choice to Knight of Fire. I wasnt really getting anywhere with emotions,and I think I will be able to do something with knight of fire.
  19. Hmm thanks. Yea I always thought like artist vs. artist was alright, but from now on, I'll probably do it your way. Anyways, yea I dont ever follow generic trance rules, heh I dont even know them lol. My idea was to make it more dreamy/chillout, so I never really inteded it to go in to a big trance/house piece. and personally I like the pizzicato's . Anyways, I dont like the ending. It just feels like it kind of drops. But, I think I'm gonna do something about that.
  20. umm.. if I can, I'll take emotions. I'm thinking a trancy calm chill kinda track. We'll see though.
  21. Alright, so just recently one of my friends introduced me to the song Fable by Robert Miles. I have to say that I immediately fell in love with it. She asked me to remix it, and being the cool guy that I am, I decided to give it a shot. Its not entirely quite finished (its at a finished state, but I would like some comments and criticism to make it better). So far its only been mastered using my headphones. I will do the speaker tweeking once I Get home sometime. So check it out guys Robert Miles - Fable {DJ SymBiotiX Phantasmagoric Mix}
  22. Nov 20th. Its out already. And I'll check that music later.
  23. Hey, I got your PM, and I'd be glad to contribute something here. The thing is, I am not very familiar with Xenogears music. Is there any place I can get some.. or from somebody here(just the songs left)? I'm sure it has awesome music, and I'll want to remix a song or so. So yea, I hope to hear from somebody, cause I think this is going to be awesome!
  24. Alright, so I have like a little mashup thing here with about 10 seconds from every song that I made. Check it out. Act 1 Promo Mashup
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