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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. It says on their website that they just need about 6 CDs for various things and. . . That's it? I just wonder how the supply and demand system works and I can't find it written out in detail anywhere. Do they ask me to have a bunch printed and sent to them when they run out of stock or do they just wait for an order and then have it printed themselves? I guess I'll find out sooner or later but if you know, I would greatly appreciate hearing what you know. Thank you very much!
  2. Just finished mine today. I LOVE how it came out. Even if I don't get chosen, making all those sound effects and stuff is resume/portfolio-worthy.
  3. It doesn't matter if it's $10. I agree that Earthbound is worth much more than $10. I would say it's worth we'll over $30. Will you be mad if it is priced at $30? It doesn't matter HOW MUCH they're screwing us. Punishing people for being a fan of Earthbound is not OK. This is an act of pure greed. The good will of the consumers is worth more than they are going to make with that extra dollar. http://www.nintendo.com/wiiu/downloads/virtual-console Why did they bother to make this if they don't even value it?
  4. If you are a Nintendo fan, you should be angry at them right now because of this nonsense they pulled with Earthbound. They set their own pricing rules and then broke those rules just because they know they can squeeze an extra buck out of all the Earthbound fans. It's terrible business and just a shitty thing to do to people who are loyal to your brand.
  5. Whew! I worked hard today making a cool new song to fit the video along with some sound effects, too. I expect to be able to perfect everything and send it in tomorrow. I hope that's not too late.
  6. As I prepare to go to bed for tonight, I have put "make Neon Blast audition track" on my list of things to do tomorrow. This is going to be fun. That game looks like a game I would enjoy.
  7. Well, dude, if you want start off with a short little jazz tune I'm doing, I'd love to have you. Here's a link to the rough draft. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81603940/FF8%20Train%20Song%20v1.wav What do you say? Would you like to write and play the bass line on that piece?
  8. Here you are. This is a rough draft of the entire thing. I'm going to add some string parts, a bass line, have another solo from a different instrument, and vary the drums some more, but this is the exact structure and length, so you can record your A performance now, if you want. With melody on guitar: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81603940/FF8%20Train%20Song%20v1.wav Without melody: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81603940/FF8%20Train%20Song%20v1%20Melodyless.wav Do you know of anyone who could play some relaxing piano or an acoustic bass? I can play an electric bass, which is what I'll do if I can't find anyone who actually plays jazz.
  9. That sounds great. I can't wait to hear it. Just do a quick little audition kind of a recording for now because that is only just a piece of what the entire song will be. It will probably have the vocal part come in twice total and there will be some guitar and wind solos breaking them up. That's what I'm thinking.
  10. “Train Train Take Us Away. Take Us Away Far Away. To the Future We Will Go. Where It Leads No One Knows.” Those are the lyrics that Selphie sings on one of the trains in FF8. Lusipurr of Lusipurr.com has commissioned me to write that song in a relaxed jazzy way. I have written the basic chord progression and the melody. The final version will be polished and have percussion and all that stuff but for now I just want to let you hear the chords and melody to which to sing the above lyrics. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81603940/FF8%20Train%20Melody.mp3 Yes, you can take liberties with the melody as long as it is chill-sounding. Yes, there is a time limit. We finish by the 31st. Lusipurr.com gets several hundred unique hits per day so it's potentially a pretty large number of people that could hear this song. What do you say?! Let's make the FF8 train song!
  11. I made it up to sector 5 today. Whew! I'm tired. I'll try the Engi ship that I unlocked, next time.
  12. This game is extremely addicting and anger-inducing. Dying totally sucks in this game. Man, I wish I could save! but there are SO MANY TACTICS you can use in this game. Love it!
  13. I actually hinted at my favorite game-breaker in a song I wrote about FF Tactics for my metal album. You can hear it here. http://lusipurr.com/2013/06/23/music-blame-yourself-or-god/ It's the line that says, "Holy spell we calculate. Excaliburs will keep us safe." Basically, you use an item duplication trick on Orlandu's sword, the Excalibur and equip one on everyone. BOOM! Auto haste and absorb Holy on everyone. Now you can calculate Holy indiscriminately becuause it can't hurt you. It's EVIL!
  14. Playstation fanboys are out trolling in full force. I would have actually tried to make a serious comment to see if they can actually be convinced to go back. It's gonna be a fun final console generation either way.
  15. Dude, I bought it. It's genius! I love this game so far. I only made it past the first sector so far. I'll try again tonight.
  16. Do you guys no about that insane 9999 job points cheat. Love it!
  17. Hey, Flash Strife. It's weird. Along with a lot of other games that I have not yet played, I REALLY am looking forward to Dragon's Crown because I love the artwork, co-op gameplay, and breasts. However, ever since the PS4 got announced. I just feel like there's not point in playing PS3 games anymore. Stupid, right? I know. Also, the blu-ray drive on my PS3 is dying so I don't want to buy any games on disc. So let's do this; Since you want to play it with me and I like you, I will buy it and play it with you if it comes out digitally. I don't know if it's going to be day-one digital, though. Next video will be a Tales of Vesperia review. Look forward to it!
  18. I agree. Nobody needs to try to convince others that this is a bad idea. I am playing tactics right this moment. This is the BEST game to name your characters after people you know in real life. I always eject all the characters they give you at the beginning (after taking their equipment, of course) and spend all my money on four new soldiers. My wife wanted freaking Hamedo AND Fly! It took forever but now she is a knight who can cast white magic, fly, and cancel people's attacks by attacking the, first. Not bad, eh? I actually would like to go on and on about all my characters because FF Tactics is my all time favorite game to talk about "builds" with.
  19. I always grind not because I want to level up but because I want access to all the jobs and abilities so I can make exactly the characters I want.
  20. That was very impressive. It reminded me of Mario Galaxy music. Have you done Sonic on orchestra? That must have been awesome. Yes, I would like to hear more unique arrangements as well. But you got a great thing going here. So many possibilities. I'll put in my request for some Xenogears music.
  21. CRAZY NECRO-POST! I'm getting back into making my mini podcast (if you can even call it a podcast) called Your RPG Playin' Ass. I made some new episodes, put them all on YouTube, and then embedded them all on a single page on my new website. It feels so good having them all together. When I go back and listen to some episodes, I think that they are embarrassingly not funny but I decided not to delete them or remake them. They are preserved in their original state so you can see the evolution. I've got 18 episodes up. Enjoy! http://thelegendaryzoltan.com/your-rpg-playin-ass/ I wonder if I should give each video it's own page so that people can comment on them.
  22. For those of you who don't get it, I will tell you. People like playing ridiculously hard games because 1) it makes battles way more epic and thusly more fun for challenge seekers and 2) the accomplishment of winning such battles feels good. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle! I agree that it wasn't really that easy. I don't know how you guys beat it without grinding. I always ground. The problem was not the experience for me as much as it was job points. I should try a no random battles FF Tactics challenge. That could be fun.
  23. If you've ever wanted to make your own RPG just for fun, it's TOTALLY worth it. If you've ever wanted to make your own RPG for profit it's a MUST HAVE. Unless you can do your own programming, then maybe you don't need it. But I needed it.
  24. DUDE! I just heard that RPG Maker VX Ace is on the Steam Summer sale. I have it and I love it. If you were ever on the fence, it's probably dirt-cheap now. I recommend it.
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