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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Random Encounter yo! I have an account but don't comment a lot there. Maybe I should change that. Brandon, there's nobody more suited to that task than you and I.
  2. You have all been PMed. I can't wait to get your feedback!
  3. Cake on a stick, dipped in chocolate. It sounds like Heaven to me. . .Like 7th Heaven! Heyooo!
  4. Update #4: The soundtrack has been mastered and I have already placed all the music in the game and tested it. I will be sending you guys the game to playtest very soon. Thank you!
  5. AHAHAHAHAAA! You backed it? Awesome! On a side note, why don't you "put yourself out there and do something with your life and really try to pursue your dreams"? GO FOR IT! I WANT TO EAT YOUR CAKE POPS!
  6. That video was amazing. The three character-gameplay should be really neat and I can't believe there are underwater areas now. That is insane!
  7. Why do we have to take it to a PM? We're talking about kickstarter.
  8. Yeah. I know that. That has nothing to do with Kickstarter. I'm not suggesting they do that. I'm suggesting that they deliver on one or more of their previous promises before asking for more money based on literally just more promises. Well, is he being transparent about what exactly all the money is being spent on? If Tim Schafer has announced something along the lines of how much more money he'll need and what he plans to do with the money, I will admit that I am wrong about him on some accounts. underestimating your budget (if he had one) by more than 800% does not happen to every project in the history of shit being made ever. I would guess that the budget being off by 200% is pretty rare. It is his job to have some idea of what will be involved in making the game he wants to make. So I'm not convinced that he is being pretty much the absolute opposite of totally irresponsible. As for Sullivan's Sluggers. What they did could be a little worse than this or it could be 100 times worse. It does not matter because it does not lessen what Double Fine is doing in any way. I read the email that Tim Schafer sent to the backers about needing more money and making the game big and all that. Not once does he apologize for not having a plan, a budget in mind, a definite goal, or even delaying the game. It's like none of this stuff that is happening has anything to do with his actions. He is completely free of the responsibility. I have to stand by my claim that he is being totally irresponsible.
  9. If he had said, "Thanks for your donations. We used them to buy a shitload of tacos." I would like him more. Hahaha.
  10. You are all really awesome people and I just don't believe that Tim Schafer deserves to be defended by you. The guy is being absolutely irresponsible and greedy. He comes into kickstarter with no plan, no budget, and no title for his game, asks for $400,000 of people's hard-earned money and their trust that he will make an awesome game, he gets more than 8 times that amount, and now he suddenly doesn't have enough money to make a game. He already has ANOTHER Kickstarter for his game Massive Chalice. He may have made some really great Monkey Island games in the past but I don't think that's a good enough reason for us to trust him with so much money. We don't know if the game actually will come out in the end. This is not what Kickstarter is supposed to be used for. ESTABLISHED companies don't need to kick-start anything. They are just kick-continuing and it's likely sucking a lot of the oxygen out of the crowd-funding arena for the small, one to four person basement projects out there. You know, the ones that are actually trying to kick-START their careers. I highly doubt that he is really going to use all that money for the game. I just can't recommend supporting any of his projects right now.
  11. Awesome! I actually frequent RPGfan and listen to their podcast. The best of two worlds!
  12. I would wager solely on the fact that Zircon is doing the music that this will be a great game.
  13. Does he mean that the women are overly sexy? I thought that was different from mysogeny. He can't be talking about the violence. It's freaking Mortal Kombat!
  14. http://www.joystiq.com/2013/07/02/double-fines-broken-age-goes-to-steam-early-access-for-addition/ This article makes me mad. Every time I hear something about Double Fine, I like them a little less.
  15. Yes. We used to talk on IRC. I don't go there SO often because of the time difference but I could definitely come and hang out on Saturday and Sunday mornings which would be Friday and Saturday daytime for you (I think). I used to be called CHIPP Damage and I do indeed have the viking locks and dwarven beard. I'm stoked that you wanted to get back in touch with me and now I feel kind of ashamed that I didn't take the initiative. Good job! So how have you been lately? Got any sweet projects going on?

  16. http://lusipurr.com/2013/06/26/editorial-kickstart-my-early-access/ There is an interesting article about Kickstarter.
  17. http://www.behance.net/gallery/Fable-Responsive-WordPress-Full-Screen-Blogging-Theme/9190691 This one looks pretty good, actually. The text spans pretty wide. The one I want the most is this one (http://themeforest.net/item/ekho-unique-responsive-wordpress-theme/4078841) but if you click the live demo and then click on "Fullwidth page" there's so much unused space on the sides of the screen.
  18. I've been searching like crazy. I've seen so many amazing looking website templates that say full-screen. The only thing full-screen about them is that you can have a huge picture in the background. When I click on the live preview and click on the blog page or any other page that has text on it, the text is trapped in that strip in the center of the website. All I am looking for is a template with a horizontal menu bar at the top (which have drop-down submenus) and a big open space that I can put embedded videos or text in and I want to be able to use the entire screen. Has anyone every seen a wordpress template like that before?
  19. Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that this newest song has vocals by Brandon Strader.
  20. This is an original song based on Battle on the Bridge from FF Tactics. http://lusipurr.com/2013/06/23/music-blame-yourself-or-god/ I GOT MY OWN SECTION! I'm not just a part of the podcast anymore. Starting from episode 5, I'll have my own entry with my own comment section and everything! YES! My very first entry since getting my own section turned out to be a huge controversy about whether it was appropriate for the site.
  21. It was a group of musicians that Sam gathered up to . . do . . . something. I was in in the last time but I don't remember what I submitted.
  22. Happy birthday guys. Especially you, Zircon. You made a dream of mine come true! I'll send you a copy of the physical album as a birthday present! Hahaha.
  23. Ideas for WHICH game to base a game-inspired rap album on.
  24. Oh, man. That would be epic. I thought about doing Valkyrie Profile as a rap album where each song is about the death of one of the Einherjar. Some of those are just amazingly dramatic. I almost cried when Nanami sacrificed herself!
  25. Oh, I see. Thanks Darkesword. Yeah, cooler than I thought actually.
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