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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. I'm winding up two projects right now and I'm ready to star working on the next one. I believe the next thing I would like to do is a hip hop remix album kind of like what Mega Ran does. I have written several hip hop songs in the past but only one of them was game inspired. It's a metal gear song. I started listening to some Xenogears and then some Valkyrie Profile... I am excited but also overwhelmed because there are just so many awesome possibilities. Whatever I do, I want it to be aggressive with mostly slow brutal beats with heavy ass orchestra parts...I think. Hahaha. Also, the subject of the lyrics will be lifted right out of the game. No real life stuff. Does anyone here have any ideas of games, or game music they would like to hear made into some gangsta rap?
  2. But if those family members are in your house, how are they going to even know who is at the controller? They won't use Kinnect to go that far, right? I just don't see how they plan to enforce that.
  3. People like to compare it to Steam and say that it is similar and I suppose it is but the difference here is that they are trying to do the same thing with physical discs that Steam does with digital. In the case of digital games on PC, if there isn't SOME kind of DRM, people could just copy and paste games onto hard drives and give them to their friends, right? Is that not what Steam is trying to protect against? That's not the problem with consoles. I like digital stuff but I don't want to go into the direction of not being able to own anything and having everything beamed directly into my brain. ESPECIALLY if it is a physical product. If it is in my home and I bought it, I want to own it completely. Also, I think they could still do the thing where your games are connected to your account in a way that lets you play them on any Xbox One without restricting used games. Those two things have nothing to do with each other. If they really want to have an advantage, they'd find a way to bring that back. But we are all just a bunch of PS4 fans just ripping into Microsoft because it is fun, so really nobody should listen to what we are saying. Haha.
  4. I also heard that the item management really sucks. It's an mmo style game. Isn't that how the quests are in all games like this?
  5. Doesn't that constitue not an artificial shortage but an actual shortage?
  6. Brandon is correct. Don't reward this behavior. Companies are in business to make money and not for any other reason. But if you are a game company, your business should be the business of giving gamers what they want not trying to take away their ownership. http://kotaku.com/xbox-one-drm-reversal-cuts-features-requires-one-time-514419715 Reading that article really bothered me. They didn't sound happy to please us at all which is supposed to be their business In the first place! Instead they sounded like they were complaining that they HAD to give us what we wanted. They said that they wanted to have the ability to have your games with you everywhere you go and I do not know what they are talking about. I was under the impression that your games are only with you when you visit one of the two or three friends of yours that have also owned an XBOX One for more than 30 days. Taking a game disc with me to a friend's house has never been a difficult thing for me and I have to use public transportation! And anywhere other than those friends' homes, your games will not even work. We were never going to have a game library that travels with us everywhere even with all their recently repealed DRM policies. So, yeah. I really don't like their attitude, right now. This brings my rant to its conclusion.
  7. It's probably just the sum of all the small things that make people like it more than FFXII. - you can fast travel to anywhere from anywhere instantly in Xenoblade and not FFXII. - you never have to return to a quest giver to get rewards for finished quests. In FFXII you do. - best music and art ever. Some people neither liked FFXII's Star Wars inspired music nor the graphics. - FFXII has Vaan. - Xenoblade has jumping. I don't really know why I'm jumping in here when I haven't even played Xenoblade and FFXII is my favorite one in the series but anyway, upon hearing some of those things, they sounded quite appealing to me.
  8. Well, I haven't played it but I always here people talk about how good the systems all are and in particularly the quest system. It takes the popular open world and mmo style of game and cuts out all the annoying stuff. That's what I heard. It's by Monolith so I will be biased towards liking it until I play it. Stupid Nintendo has to steal the things I love!
  9. There's no way, right? It should be in there. I don't think they'll leave it separate. I'm optimistic about stuff.
  10. Update #3: The sound engineer has mastered most of the tracks for me. Yay! He was kind enough to give me feedback on one artist's track so I told that artist and he is adjusting some things. He asked if he could finish it by this weekend. I told him that sooner would be better but since everyone involved is working for free, I don't intend to push to hard. Asking for a week is not really an outrageous request after all. So once he's got that done, I'll send it to the engineer and he can finish the mastering and then I stick them into the game, test it one more time and then send it to all of you. Thank you for your patience.
  11. Thanks a lot , Dave. I already got someone to do the job. I just edited the first post to prevent confusion in the future. Sorry about that. Perhaps, we'll be able to collaborate in the future!
  12. It's my real middle name. Jahan The Legendary Zoltan Honma.
  13. I, too, am VERY excited about world maps and airships. Well, maybe that's how it felt regarding the exploration but the battling in FFXIII is a LOT more strategic than any other mother ship Final Fantasy (I'm not sure if mother ship is the right word). What are you talking about? Brandon doesn't troll.
  14. That was great. I love the Kanno and I love you, too.
  15. He didn't actually mean 9 years. He just exaggerated to make a point: that the current development times are too long at least to him.
  16. As awesome as XV looks, I don't want them to make a bunch of sequels. I want them to continue the tradition of all FF games being different from each other. And I really want them to make one game at a time to be honest. Then we know that there is a correct amount of effort going into it.
  17. I'm a very boring and predictable person. Of all the games you just mentioned, the only ones I care about are FFXIV, FFXV, and Kingdom Hearts III.
  18. What he should do is hire you as a writer and then all you produce is articles full of growly death metal phrases. All capital letters and the only punctuation allowed are exclamation points.
  19. Alright! You made an OCR account. You could probably find a lot of superior musicians here and then fire my ass. Hahaha.
  20. Thanks, Roadie. That's a great idea. I just got advice from the creator of Lusipurr.com about what how difficult it is for that type of site to be successful. For now I have registered TheLegendaryZoltan.com and will be using it as my portfolio site and a gateway to my original YouTube videos. Once I have the basic site up and running, I'll know how I can change it to become a fun source of entertainment for gamers. For now, I'll continue to do remixes for Lusipurr.com since they already have a an established audience.
  21. Lusipurr.com, a gaming news editorial website that I work for, has an opening for a Comic Artist and an Editorialist/Reviewer. If you are interested in getting your first experiences in game journalism or would like to have your art posted on a site that gets several hundred views per day, this could be your golden opportunity. What kind of site is Lusipurr.com? It's a website which has almost-daily posts about gaming industry news, editorials relating to games, a weekly podcast, a weekly comic, and a monthly music track by yours truly. ^_~ It is a very professionally run website. Although we do not get paid, there is an employee contract to sign, a rulebook, and a style guide for the writers to follow. What exactly will I have to do there? Well, I am neither an artist nor an editorialist/reviewer but here is what I have observed. The comic artist: Drawing a 1 to 3-cell color comic and posting it on the site once every two weeks. The old comic was called Castle Lusipurr and was based on the staff and inside jokes. I don't think Lusipurr requires it to be about the website staff but he may ask that it be related to games in someway. You'll have to talk with him about it. The editorialist/reviewer: Reviewing games that are usually not AAA releases and writing about them in a professional way. Also finding news or creating your own game-related topics to write editorials about. You can see some examples of editorials that have been written at the site. Here is the latest one: http://lusipurr.com/2013/06/14/editorial-the-first-gaming-epic/ editorials are posted once a week. Reviews are posted on much less often occasions. What kind of people work there now? It is a group of people who are very passionate about games and the industry. They are very opinionated and much of the humor on the podcast and news posts is quite aggressive. If you are a very nice person who never makes fun of others and are not accustomed to such aggressive humor (like me), you may have a hard time enjoying adjusting to the atmosphere. For example someone might say on the podcast something like, "You'd have to be mentally retarded to buy an Xbone." But everyone who is currently there does their job professionally and has a good, self-policing work ethic and it makes the site a long-running success. You can listen to the personalities on the podcast' http://lusipurr.com/2013/06/10/tsm-episode-103-xbone-assault/ Sounds great! How can I get the job? Just fill out the job application. http://lusipurr.com/documents/application.txt All the instructions of where to send it are contained in the document. When you fill it out, you may mention that you found out about the job from Zoltan but that does not ensure your employment. Lusipurr will interview you and see your work (if you're an artist) and decide for himself.
  22. Ah. It's going to be so interesting to see what happens when the first multi-platform games come out. I bet that even if Xbone and PS4 sales are EQUAL (Not going to happen), the Xbone versions of games create only the slightest bit more profit than the PS4 versions if any at all. I'm hoping that we all see that being able to share our games increases worldwide interest and ends up selling more than their DRM controlled counterparts. But we probably won't be able to make that comparison very well since the console sales will probably be quite different. God, this is the most fun the industry has ever been!
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