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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. This month I did one of those "improvement remixes" for Chrono Trigger's Wind song. http://lusipurr.com/2013/06/10/tsm-episode-103-xbone-assault/ PS: You can enjoy lots of pre E3 Xbone bashing on this episode of the podcast.
  2. Well, if your account gets banned, that means that nobody is going to use it and they should untie the games that were related to it. So one SHOULD be able to make a new account and reactivate from the disc. Hopefully that is what they do. You know I never knew that people in the military were even allowed to play video games. I'm glad they can, though. Somebody get those guys some PS4s!
  3. You're right, Brandon. I'm having fun making fun of Microsoft because it is a huge company that is making a lot of mistakes right now. But I agree that it must be hard to be support for Xbox right now. It is unfortunate that the answer that they guy gave was the only answer he could give.
  4. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/59533/Screenshots/qy.png This is HILARIOUS!
  5. So a friend of mine brought up a nice point. He said that he doubts that any company's game will work differently on either system. He means that the developers will program whether a game will work one another system once it's tied to an account. The developers probably won't intentionally make it so that their used games work on PS4 and not on Xbone. So really Sony is doing nothing different from Microsoft in that one regard. Of course the price and the DRM situation still make PS4 my system of choice this coming generation. But what do you guys think of that?
  6. Thanks a lot. I definitely need to get a new website which will have all this fun game stuff on it and have my musician stuff as well. I prefer to consolidate everything. I am actually sitting on 3 tracks of RPG Playin' Ass right now. I just need to release them. Some of the earliest episodes embarrass me now though. Hahaha. But I'm not going to change them.
  7. Those are all freaking excellent suggestions. Thanks a lot. All this time, I thought that I wanted to be a musician who is tied to games in some way but I'm realizing that I really want to be a recognized game-inspired entertainer which includes music, comedy, and actually playing the games so let's plays are probably on the menu. I made a goal for myself after the announcement of the PS4. I want to platinum every single RPG or at least JRPG for PS4. I know it sounds crazy but it would be epic. Hence, the name The LEGENDARY Zoltan. My ideas so far are: -Continue my educational video series about the origin of a lot of the mythology in RPGs, -My own remixes and original game-inspired music. -sell my original games on the site. -art books. I live in a town full of manga artists! I'd like to join forces with them to make some kind of product. -game reviews in Japanese. It doesn't seem like there are millions of people who think they're funny, reviewing games on youtube here in Japan like there is in America. You can type "Metal Gear Solid review" in Japanese and NOTHING comes up on youtube! Ridiculous. It's time to get the Japanese in on the fun! They're all just ideas for now. But I am moving towards this idea more and more everyday.
  8. This album is totally worth 500 bucks! Maybe even 5,000 bucks! A hidden gem indeed! Spread this awesomeness all over the net!
  9. I haven't really been following Nintendo but I hear that their E3 showing for the Wii U is not very strong. Do you agree or disagree?
  10. Oh, man. You guys have given me a lot of good ideas. Thank you. I'll post more,about what I'm thinking after work today.
  11. I suppose you really do have a point, Charlemagne. Even though the 360 had a lot more RPGs than the PS3 at the beginning, it still didn't sell much in Japan. I guess MS just gave up on us. . .heh heh heh.
  12. I ask because I am very seriously thinking about making a games-related website. So what are your favorite things about games and game websites? Podcasts, news, reviews, comedy, analysis,or perhaps there is something you always thought you would like to see but is not being done. The point is that I want to create a site that has value to people. Something that people will really enjoy reading or watching either because of the entertainment value or the educational value. Thanks to Sony, I am very excited about the new generation of games and I've done nothing but read every possible bit of info I can about everything related to the current announcements and E3. I also am wrapping up making my own game right now and will be able to release it soon. I can't wait to make my next game bigger and better! All of these things have made me realize how much I want to become a known phenomenon in the gaming community and eventually make it into some kind of living. I've done a podcast segment in the past called "Your RPG Playin' Ass" where I would explain common names of mythological things that are often used in RPGs in a comical way. I definitely want to make more of those and add some more awesome stuff to have a really appealing game focused site. Your ideas and input are greatly appreciated.
  13. Is MGSV going to be out day 1? I just can't imagine why anyone would prefer the Xbone after all of this. Well, I can but I don't want to imagine it. Haha.
  14. Thin Crust is correct. Nobody needs to judge FFXV (I totally called that it would just be Versus rebranded^_^) based on how they felt about XIII. Totally different guy. Totally different game. I can't wait for it and I'm going to give FFXIV a fair chance despite the initial launch failure.
  15. If Mcrosoft, after seeing the huge reaction to the Sony conference decides sometime during the months leading up to launch to remove always online and unblock used games, would you buy an Xbone?
  16. Update #2: I gave all the music to the mastering guy and he said he'll be done by next weekend. I want to give the game to all of you after I have put in the mastered music so that any glitches relating to music will be found as well. Hopefully, we'll all be playing the game together starting next Monday. Yay!
  17. I actually don't think Final Fantasy needs a change. I think FF13 is awesome and I think FF13-2 will be even better. You can enjoy it more once you realize that it's not supposed to be the same as FF7 or FF12. I thought the localization job of FF12 was great. They should get those two guys again.
  18. After hearing that Sony may not block used games, I have high hopes for the system. We'll see what happens. I think this E3 will be one of the more epic ones.
  19. Say what? Although the new search functions and filtering system is better, I prefer the old Playstation Store by far because it never lagged at all. Maybe it's because of my unbelievable internet connection. I don't know. The new one doesn't respond until three seconds after I have pushed a button.
  20. Damn! I'm getting bested by all these other gaijin! I live in Japan and I didn't bother to play it in Japanese. Now I feel like I should just so I can add more to this conversation. Anyway, Derrit's reply didn't seem like any kind of copout to me. It also sounds like djp, Derrit, and Malaki all agree that the voice acting is a big problem, which is not what I expected to hear. I had always assumed that people didn't like the stories themselves or aspects of the gameplay. I mean, I know everybody likes to make fun of Tidus but I always thought the REAL turn-off to people was the running through hallways and switching party members in and out. I disagree with the CEO saying that they should make games that people want instead of the games that they themselves want. I said it in the Metal Gear thread as well but, I think everyone should make the games they want and let the market decide. I personally love these huge AAA console games but most of them require too much money to be profitable it would seem. I would like it if Square-Enix would make some much simpler games (like with sprites and no voice acting) that had killer gameplay ideas in them and had Final Fantasy be there only huge-budget franchise. I like Brandon's vision of Final Fantasy.
  21. I trust Hideo's decision and in the end it doesn't and shouldn't matter what we want. He should make what he wants and the market can decide if it is good or not.
  22. After reading all 412 messages, here are my thoughts. The presentation: It's for the press and was supposed to be exclusively about the hardware and not the games so I'm fine with it. All in one: I think Zircon is right. If it only does games, it won't have a wide enough appeal and even hardcore gamers will probably start complaining later on about the lack of other functions, I think. Even the current generation doesn't solely play games. If they had just talked about the games and then later we found out that it can do all these other things, we would consider all that stuff awesome bonuses instead of being upset about it. So let's just say that was another flaw in the presentation. Always online and Blocking used games: It is like they are treating physical media just like digital. People say that Steam has DRM but those are digital games. I feel like buying a physical disc entitles you to full ownership of the disc which includes the freedom to give it away or sell it. I think they are going this way because eventually they would like to make it require a continual connection. I don't like it. Achievements for watching TV: That is the most hilarious nonsense I have ever heard. Microsoft wants to give people ACHIEVEMENTS FOR LITERALLY ACHIEVING NOTHING! I love it. Kinnect: Not something I like. Will I buy one? No. PS4 sounds more appealing to me and they have shown signs of not blocking used games in any way. That could change but if it doesn't they could get the entire hardcore market in one fell swoop, I think.
  23. I think that despite being called new, it's going to be Versus XIII renamed as XV. This not what I want but that is what I think will happen. They already have Lightning Return's coming and Versus is also a XIII game in some way I guess but really the do need to make it something completely different. For Heaven's sake, I don't want Agni's Philosophy to be a Final Fantasy game. Everything about that video felt NOT like Final Fantasy and it was way too brown and grey and AK47. I hope I am wrong but I think we won't get anything REALLY new until FFXVI.
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