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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. The should bring it to PSN so I can play it.
  2. I want to have an official logo designed for my metal band. Does anyone here have experience in that area or know a good place or person to go to? This one place I checked seemed like it would be quite good because they'll submit tons of designs and you pick the one you want but the lowest possible cost is $240. Is that the normal price? Cause I was hoping I'd be paying around $100.
  3. Oh man! Why do you guys all rock so hard?! Thank you all for showing up. I think I've made my decision. I will PM that person and let them listen to the song so they can confirm their participation. Once confirmed, I'll post in this thread. Thanks a lot guys. You all are amazing. Just lie in wait for a bit, please. I'll keep you all posted about the schedule as well just in case you're interested in getting a copy. You MAY have to buy it. You may not. The group is still in session on that piece of business. Look forward to the album either way, because it will have an awesome FF Tactics inspired song by me and one of you vocalists as well as several other talented musicians' tracks.
  4. Nekofrog, I just want to say that I LOVE your Xenogears Awakening metal mix SO much. Thank you for that and good luck with your next endeavor. I gotta say though. Something similar kinda happened to me too. I used to be all about OCR and enjoyed hearing all the different interpretations of each song. Then I later decided that I liked stuff like Tri-force Majeure where it sounds extremely close to the original. By about remix 1700 or so, I completely quit listening to remixes because I just wanted to hear the originals instead. What the hell is wrong with me?
  5. I didn't think to clarify this until just now. This is unfortunately a non-paying gig. I don't know if I'll have any chance to make money off of this either. I'm still waiting for Tom Hess to release all of the details. I will be paying for the studio time to record the drums and for mastering which means that I will actually be incurring expenses. So like I said in the opening post, I am asking for your HELP in making this song and the reward will be having your name and voice on the album. Just wanted to make sure we all knew exactly what was happening. Sorry that I cannot pay you and thank you very much.
  6. Yeah. If you guys can just say a few words real quick into the microphone, I'd love to hear that. Is that possible? I guess I'll record the image track and send it to both of you. I'll record the image track soon. That would be the track of me doing a bad job singing it just so you can know what my image for this song is.
  7. Yeah. I can't do death vocals anymore. It destroys my throat in an instant. Both of you two death vocalists are really good. Dusk, can you do any lower tone death vocals? Omni-Psyence, can you do any higher tone death vocals? Thanks guys.
  8. Yuki Kajiura! She did the Xenosaga 3 soundtrack. Check out the song, Godsobb.
  9. Tom Hess is a legendary guitar teacher and being on one of his albums would be quite a nice credential for becoming a pro musician or just something cool to show your friends. However you wish to take it. What I am looking for: A good death vocalist to sing a death metal song that I wrote that can record high quality sound and have fairly clear pronunciation to boot. If I were to pick a vocalist that I would want to be emulated, it would be Amon Amarth's vocalist. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31BfB671_cQ If you're interested please post or pm me an audio clip of your death voice. Thanks a lot!
  10. Number 1 will happen yo. Number 2 is not happening. The exact lines are: "Murder and theft are commonplace throughout the streets of Ivalice." "Hit 'em with the Bahamut." "The knights are unleashed. Face the Hokuten!"
  11. Sweet. Thank you guys. Those last two examples that were given are pretty amazing. Hahaha. Look forward to an RPG inspired full album of melodic death metal in the future.
  12. Oh yeah. I forgot that I mention Bahamut and Excalibur, too. Although, those two are from mythology and history, so nevermind about them. It's GOT to be OK. FF Tactics is a Japanese game so I'd assume that puts me more at risk than less. I tried to search for whether or not the band, Blind Guardian has to pay for Lord of the Rings rights but couldn't find anything. That band constantly drops names. They have a song entitle "Mordred's Song" and even "Lord of the Rings". They are famous, so it is quite possible that they can afford the rights.
  13. I wrote an original song about FF Tactics. In it, I use the words, Ivalice and Hokuten. Does anyone know if it's against the law to use a song like that in a for-profit album? I made such a good rhyme with Hokuten. I'd really like to not have to change it.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JfDvGtwKRk&list=UUwlnPPVX8YCgfPXR9VItNHg&index=1&feature=plcp My latest review. Enjoy it. Disclaimer: It's not a real review from which you can judge whether or not you would like the game.
  15. Honestly, I don't see why you guys aren't flying off the hook about this. The name of the song is RODEO de Chocobo. . . RODEO! There's going to be freaking chocobo rodeo in the game! How awesome would it be if it was a bucking chocobo-back riding mini game. Screw racing them. 8 seconds on a thrashing chocobull sounds way better to me.
  16. Every one who thinks Crazy Chocobo was disheartening, Isn't this exactly what you wanted? This seems to be the real chocobo theme.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnbpc00dMfw Somebody made a comment that there should be an RPG with a playable race of Ifrits. That sounds awesome to me.
  18. I eat there sometimes and enjoy it. As for the McRib... The first time I had ever heard about it was when I saw its return announced on The Colbert Report. I later found out that the McRib was some kind of legendary sandwich that everybody mourned when it got discontinued. About a month ago I FINALLY tried it. Now, I don't know if it tastes different at a Japan McDonald's but everything else I eat actually tastes a little bit better at Japanese McDonald's. The McRib, however, I thought it totally sucked. I prefer Spam or any other canned meat to a McRib any day. That's my opinion of the McRib. I hope YOU guys all enjoy it though.
  19. I recently realized that my TV doesn't have component inputs, so Hauppage might not be the way to go for me. But I've thought of some options. Could use the component output from the PS3 to the Hauppage and the HDMI output to my TV and would it send the picture to both? In other words, I'd be watching myself play on the HDMI cable but recording what comes through the component cables. Another thought I had was, what if I got a DVD recorder instead. They're probably cheaper. What do you guys think? Thanks for your help.
  20. congratulations to all the newlyweds. My wife and I have been trying to make a baby for over a year now but she still hasn't gotten pregnant. Don't know what to do differently.
  21. This is awesome. It's so freaking beautiful. Several people at another community gave me the exact same answer too. Looks like this is the way to go. Now to see how much it costs. Thanks a lot.
  22. (I hope this is the correct forum.) Do you guys know a good way to do that? I am willing to spend some money on it. Right now I have a somewhat weak laptop and I heard that video capture cards are usually the type of things you have to install. So I don't know if I can do that unless there is a USB video capture card. I want to record in the best possible quality. The Angry Video Game Nerd uses a DVD recorder and then I guess he just rips the DVD with his computer. So that's a possibility as well. I just don't want to do another video the way I did my Catherine review (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuqlk3oi1TE) which was by searching youtube for videos in which people played the way I wanted them to. To sum up: HELP ME! Thanks.
  23. Thanks. I know it's out buy I haven't played it yet. Amazing sig by the way. It's all for the sake of comedy so I'll do a lot of old games that I've played too. Next is Catherine though.
  24. Because I'm really thinking of getting it. If you do, let me know so we can play together. I still have to platinumize Catherine first.
  25. That's right. I made a mistake in my post. Although "Uroboros" is supposedly an accepted spelling, I go with Ouroboros just because I've seen it spelled that way in more places than any other spelling and that's good enough for me. Thank you guys for giving me more ideas. I'll probably do one on "chimera" now. Assuming there is something to say about it. I don't want to make another episode like the very first one about mana where I just say, "It's pronounced ma-na" about three times and that's it. Hahaha. I haven't researched it yet but I'm thinking the best pronunciation will be "kee-meh-rah." I suppose that's not EXACTLY the same as the Greek pronunciation, I imagine it should be a bit English-ized because that word is kind of accepted as an English word. Unlike Ouroboros where I'll be going directly from the Greek pronunciation which took me HOURS to figure out. You can look forward to that on Saturday morning.
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