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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. That post cracked me up, Dhsu! Well, just so you know, I'm 13 hours into (yeah, I know. That's kinda fast, right?) and it's SO sweet. I was playing Demon Souls recently and as soon as I started this, I haven't even had a thought about Demon Souls. . . Especially after I got enough stones of ephemeral eyes to die in each world enough times to turn them all to pure black tendency and then reload the game the next day only to find them back at the default tendency because apparently, playing online can do that sometimes. Argh! But yeah. Breath of Fire 3 is rocking. I know there are a lot of haters out there against Breath of Fire 5 but that game is equal to all other BoFs out there. It's just a different setting and less traditional. Yeah, I wish they would make a BoF game for PS3.
  2. Sweet. I think that's everyone, right? And Dhsu, I got Breath of Fire 3 in the mail yesterday. I sent you 14 bucks for shipping yo. Thanks a lot. By the way, how is it that you happened to have an unopened old and kind of rare game sitting around in your house like that?
  3. All of your games are in the mail. Let me know when you receive them, please. You can also let me know what you think of the games after you play them some.
  4. I'm sorry to all the people who came to the thread a little later and was interested in the games I was offering. However, all four have been claimed and confirmed. All that remains is for me to ship them. I'll let you know when they are in the mail.
  5. Sorry, Prophetik. Of course, if Soma hadn't replied, the game definitely would have gone to you my brother. I'm gonna package your games' and send them at my earliest convenience. I'll let you know when they are in the mail.
  6. Status Report. I went to the post office to get the exact shipping price and it's 670 yen. Sorry that it turned out to be more than $5. Please do not send me $6.70 because that will not equal 670 yen. It will probably be more like $8 or so. I'm not really sure. There should be an option to send payment as yen on paypal. If not, let me know. This message is mostly directed at you, Ramaniscence, since I PMed this info to the other 3 people. So, all I need from you before I send you your games are: Project Spam: Confirmation that are willing to pay 670 yen to me. Soma: Confirmation that you are willing to pay 670 yen, your address, and hurry up and compliment my beard. Golgagh: Confirmation that you are willing to pay 670 yen to me. Ramaniscence: Confirmation that you are willing to pay 670 yen and your address.
  7. God, I hope not! I was looking forward to that as well. So they wouldn't really just throw out all that material that they had would they? The game must have been somewhat complete by the time they cancelled. Don't they have some way to not waste all that. It seems like they'd be wasting more money by cancelling a project so late in development than they would just releasing it and seeing what happens. They'd get SOME kind of return in that case, wouldn't they? Could someone who knows about marketing or game dev. enlighten me?
  8. Well, well, well. The truth comes out. It's not that nobody wanted my games before. You bastards were just to cheap to... I'm totally joking. Hahaha. It breaks my heart to turn down any of you guys but I'm afraid first come first serve is the best available system here. So, assuming that the people can pm me their addresses and then pay me the shipping after I find out exactly how much it is, the following people will be receiving early Christmas presents. Project Spam - BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (I hope you didn't think it was Continuum Shift. Sorry.) Soma - 3D Dot Game Heroes Golgagh - White Knight Chronicles Ramaniscence - I GUESS you want Brutal Legend. I don't know what WTB means. Freaking kids with their freaking acronyms for freaking everything. And by the way, it might be more than $5 because the yen is unbelievably strong right now. I really don't know. I just took a random guess. Tomorrow is a holiday so I can go find out. And Soma and Rama still need to compliment my beard if they really want stuff!
  9. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/112/1128118p1.html The mofos cancelled Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned. It looked like it was going to be the great pirate game ever made and they freaking cancelled it! NOOOOO! I assume it was a money problem because that game did sound like it was going to be expensive as heck to make. But GOD is that the disappointment of the year for me! I was looking forward to that game more than ALL the other PS3 games that are coming out.
  10. Actually, that puzzle is more logical than you think because ALL of the switches move ALL of the blocks between their two positions. Your life sounds so awesome right now. Make sure you don't pass any chests that in your dreams. Some of them contain life vessels or gilded falcons which can never be gotten if you missed them the first time. The same is true for most chests in the entire game, really.
  11. I knew it I knew it I knew it! It's just not possible to dislike the "Uhh!" I want to know what the first puzzle you get stuck on is when you get to it. There was actually, I think two optional puzzles that I never could get the answer for. So whenever I finally go back and play it again I'll have to take care of those. Finish that paper so you can play it guilt-free.
  12. Awesome! Worth it! Not only is a rare game just sitting at your local shop but it's also cheap?! Where the heck do you live? I wanna go there. Question to those who have played the game: If you watch the entire demo before starting the game, you'll see a ton of in-game scenes. During some of those scenes Alundra is dashing all over the place. If you don't remember what I mean, check out the scene at 2:54 in Dual Dragons' Youtube video. My question is how do you change directions during a run. I've always thought that you could only run in one direction at a time.
  13. Ectogemia: When you say "pick up a copy" do you mean download it or an actual PS1 disc? Because the original games are really rare and expensive these days. It comes with an AWESOME booklet though. It even has a map of your town. Love it. But the PS3 downloadable one is only 6 bucks I think. Quite a steal compared to the EIGHTY BUCKS!!!! I paid for my original one. I forgot to mention that, yes, the music is also excellent. The town's theme is gonna have you singing along as soon as you hear the guy say "Ooh!" The first dungeon and the last dungeon are my two favorite songs. I can't wait until you first time players get stuck on your first puzzle or the villagers start getting pissed off at you about ******. You're gonna be in love.
  14. Sweet! I've converted one person. Mwahaha! You stole a map to a game that you don't know anything about? WTF! Go get buy the god damn game!
  15. If you've EVER thought that you like games like Zelda but wished the bosses, puzzles and story weren't only targeting little kids AND you own a PS3, then you need to get on the network and buy the newly released PS1 classic Alundra right now! For those of you who don't know about this game, it's a lot like Zelda, as I mentioned, except it has a much darker and deeper story, more difficult bosses, and, the most outstanding feature, REALLY hard puzzles. Try going through the whole game without ever looking at a guide. I did that and was stuck on several puzzles for hours! But when you're done, it feels like you really had the epic adventure that most RPGs strive to deliver but often fail to. My main testament for this game: There are a lot of damn good old games out there. However, sometimes when you play some of those old games, they aren't as good as you remember them or as good as the hype because we've been spoiled by the more advanced systems. But the first time I played Alundra was just 5 years ago and it BLEW MY SOUL! That's all. If you end up playing it for the first time after this, please state your opinions in the thread. I'm dying to know what new players think.
  16. That WAS awesome. How come nobody else cares about this? It's really dramatic. I can tell you about something old school I used to listen to. I don't think it's a tribute but it was called "What if Mozart Wrote Beethoven". It's a fun string quartet album by the Hampton Rock String Quartet. I think they're all originals. Here was my favorite from when I was a kid.
  17. RE-EDITED! The games I HAD available are: Blazblue Brutal Legend White Knight Chronicles 3D Dot Game Heroes Congratulations to those who were lucky enough to wander into the thread early enough to claim them.
  18. Maybe I'm crazy to think that you haven't already done this, but have you applied to every fast food restaurant in your area? They almost always need someone and they pay well enough. If you had a job, you'd probably only have to be homeless for a month before you got paid.
  19. I have several things to say on and off of the topic. Here goes. I agree. That box art was horrible. As a painting it's fine. But as a game cover, it didn't make me want to play that game at all. I swear, nobody has such similar taste in FFs as Prophetik and I. We're always promoting FFVIII and XII in a see of FF7 comments. There is a large group of people out there who think we should only focus on new games, but I'm in the "bring on the remakes" crowd. I'm totally getting this. Yes. It was. But come on... COME ON...! I know it had CHEESY-ass dialogue and girl power all over it but it was so stylish and the battle mode was one of FF's best in my opinion.I'm gonna say the same impossible thing I always say when people talk about remakes. Remake Xenogears! I know it's never gonna happen. There. I have thoroughly derailed the thread, so let me get it back on track: THIS IS GONNA BE SWEEEEET! I played both on PS2 back in the day. HD versions of the colossi will be so nuts. I just wish they could have given them all different deaths. They all have different puzzles for climbing them, but they all die by being stabbed in the head. I wanted to make one of them fall into a ravine or something like that.
  20. I wish your character looked better in third person. You know, the way they jump and move sideways is all unnatural, it just makes me think that they really wanted us to play it in first person. But I love being able to see all around my character. I actually had a 180-hour file that I was willing to delete because I found out about how to power level. So now I have a guy at level 41 who can't even go any higher. How otaku is that?! I don't suppose there is anyone out there who has explored EVERY area of the game is there?
  21. Yeah. I learned about that from Oblivion. Those trolls really knew how to push my buttons, too!
  22. That statement is only valid if you actually played the game in Japanese and not an English version. I learned how to do puzzles well. . . Or so I'd like to think.
  23. cool. I've got plenty of cool stuff. Yo, Prophetik. I guess my favorite type of beat is gangsta rap. I also like beats labelled as "crunk." Although, I don't even know what that is. And as far as instrumentation goes, my favorite will always be orchestral. I hope that's sufficient information. Looking forward to hearing something. Darkesword, I was just thinking about what I could do with yours. I'll be working on it and get back to you.
  24. That's cool. Did you already have in mind where you wanted me to rap? There's plenty of melodic stuff all over the place. Were you thinking I could rap over that? I already have an idea of what kind of rhythm I could use for it before it gets lively. This one will be a challenge for me but I want to do it if you want to have me. Black Panter, I'm also totally onboard for your zeal idea. Neblix, thank you. I will check out the scuba divers. Mustin, thank you. I haven't listened to your album yet, but I WILL. I went and got all excited about rap during the busiest month I've ever had. I can't wait until October when I'll have tons of free time again. But for now I'm sticking with the two projects I mentioned. LET'S DO IT!
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