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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Because I REALLY want to write lyrics and rap them but I don't want to make the beats. I've written 5 or so rap songs in the past and a couple metal songs with rappy verses but I want to rap to beats made by people who actually make hip hoppy beats. I'd like to do originals in the future, but for now is anybody interested in doing a hip hop game remix with me? You can pick the game and the song. Style-wise, my favorite description would be "aggressive orchestral" hip hop. But I'll try anything. I just want to put some CHIPP Damage rap on display in OCR. SO... Who's with me?
  2. ...Oh. ....Right. ...I knew that. This is going to be my first Massively Multi-player Online game EVER! I can't wait.
  3. OK OK. prophetik rocks. God damn it! You just made me start a sentence without a capital letter.
  4. WANT: PS1 Lunar Silver Star Story Complete [CHIPP Damage] Breath of Fire 3 [CHIPP Damage] Breath of Fire 4 [CHIPP Damage] The Prophet rocks!
  5. So is this going to turn into a war where those guys will keep releasing mods or hacks for it and Sony will keep making patches that stop them?
  6. Geez. This thread just shows how little I know about the internet. Because once again, I have no idea what people are talking about. I've seen some videos labelled "Let's Play Alundra" on YouTube and innocently thought it was a completely normal title that the author of the video came up with. Now, you guys are telling me that there is an entire phenomenon of videos out there that are intentionally named "Let's Play ..."? What is happening to my world?! Also, what the heck are the "MST3K commentary style" and "peanut butter jelly time"? Thank you for your time.
  7. I'll be the first to jump to conclusions and say that it's their own fault cause they probably didn't read the instruction manual. I can't imagine it didn't come with one detailing exactly how the gameplay works. So I guess the version that's out now is only on PC? I'm waiting for the PS3 version. I hope that version will be able to look as nice as all the beautiful videos out there.
  8. I agree with everything you said. People's ideas are totally making this thread rock. And crazier customization = crazier good times. off topic question: Have you played any of the Armored Core games that are on PS3 (and I think XBOX also)? Because they tried to make it more accessable to new players this time around and I'm wondering if it's even still worth it for robot building maniacs like us?
  9. All the links on that page frollo posted are dead too. You guys are trying to keep me out, aren't you! I TOTALLY want to hear this.
  10. I think the perfect move for FF7 would have been to do the Star Ocean 2 move where, if you do certain side quests, the final boss becomes WAY stronger. It was so nuts. I think his name was Indalecio. In Star Ocean 2 EVERY spell caster had to stand still and chant to cast magic. Then you do the side quests and when you arrive at the final battle he's zinging all over the place and chanting at the same time. Your guys run all over trying to catch him, and as soon as you think you've gotten close enough to attack him, the action freezes and the spell animation plays, your guys get stunned by the damage and Indalecio is on the other side of the arena again. GOD that was epic! So anyway, yeah. They should do that to Sephiroth. Here's another one for Wind Waker: Use the same world, but add more enemies, ships, and better treasure and allow upgrades on every aspect of your own ship. BOOM! Awesome ship simulation game. Because I really do think the Wind Waker world is a good one.
  11. I agree. but it already has deity-level attacks in chests in Sphere 211. At least if you play on normal mode. 4D mode is another story. Same here. I enjoyed the regular action more than the stage battles. That game is brutal and awesome and you, my friend, are crazy. Zelda Wind Waker has the most awesome overworld and you too, my friend, are crazy.Another game for the complete list: Alundra Everything that could be done with that game engine was done in that game.
  12. Have you guys ever thought, "man, if this game just had such and such it would be perfect"? Post it! On the other hand, have you ever thought that a game could not be more complete than it is? Post it! Here're mine: Imagine this. Star Ocean 3 (or 4) with a battle mode like Kingdom Hearts or FF12. Oh my god! Because I've always thought that SO games had really nice environments and great music behind them, but there is absolutely ZERO interaction with that environment and you end up just listening to the battle music throughout most of the areas anyway. The enemies are already walking around on the overworld anyway, so they just need to make it so you can attack them. Does that not sound like the funnest thing ever to you guys? And a game that couldn't be anymore complete: Valkyrie Profile 2 There is NOTHING left out of that game. You can even change the battle music on a new game+!
  13. I disagree with all of you who think this sucks. They aren't plagiarizing, they're covering (kinda). Since most of those artists have had a ton of other famous songs come out before these cover songs, I don't feel like these guys are talentless or rip-offs. And some of them are pretty good. My favorite would probably have to be Coolio's version of Fantastic Voyage. More songs that may not have been mentioned in this thread are: Sexual Healing: Big Poppa: On the topic of very good sampling, how about this Ludacris song using Quincy Jones' Soul Bossa Nova? Love it.
  14. Looks like you're right. In that case it was thanks to him that I felt like I was playing the "loudest" game ever. It rocks.
  15. Whoa! I don't know what's happening to me, but it seems like I'm getting hooked on Shmups. I always loved the games Axelay for SNES and Macross Scrambled Valkyrie for Super Famicom. They just had such unique atmospheres in my opinion. Axelay built off of the creepy atmosphere of R-type but they made it with machines instead of aliens and it really appealed to me. Scrambled Valkyrie had Yoko Kanno doing the music (I think) and just felt like it was the "loudest" thing I had ever played. So with those games on my mind, I recently downloaded a game from the Japanese PS3 store called Gaiaseed. I reccomend it if you like R-Type or Axelay style shooters. It doesn't have the nicest graphics, especially on an HDTV but it has really good music that unfortunately gets drowned out by the explosions and a nice system where you don't die in a single hit. I'll warn you that there isn't much in the way of weapons though. You basically choose between lasers and a spread shot. It's kind of interesting because the spread shot is good for the small enemies in the levels, whereas the laser only shoots straight ahead but is much stronger, thus good for bosses. Each time you pick up the correct power up, your weapon gets bigger up to four levels. I've beaten it on normal mode and have gotten up to level 5 on hard mode and REALLY want to become a pro at the game. Now I'm thinking that I want to download and master ALL the flying shooting games on PS3! Gaiaseed Video:
  16. http://www.zeldauniverse.net/forums/general-gaming/109113-xenoblade-soundtrack-listing-is-out-both-shimomura-and-mitsuda-composing.html Why for the Wii?! Anyway, does this not sound awesome to you guys? It does to me and I wish that same team would make an RPG for the PS3.
  17. I watched the episode about MMOs. You think of EVERYTHING man! I think it would be CRAZY if the quests involved going outside and doing something real. I have a question. I hope it's not rude. I'd just like to know if doing internet videos pays enough to support you without having another job. Can I ask that? I hope so.
  18. Yeah. That Norway thing kinda blew my mind. 100 bucks?! Most new games in Japan start between 60 or 70. FF13 was over 100 though. But I pre-ordered an American copy for like 40. I also agree with the people who said that MS should release the Tales of Vesperia extras as add-ons. Even though I totally support PS3 in the battle of the consoles, it's just not fair to XBOX users.
  19. Wow. It sounds like XBOX owners got totally played. Do you think that was their plan from the start? Like, they decided to make this huge RPG and then thought, "before we put in all these exhaustive things that the hardcore audience will love, let's release a bare-bones version on XBOX since XBOX owners aren't huge Tales fans anyway." Do you think it was something like that? I have to be happy none-the-less that I'll finally get to play it. I've only played one Tales game through to completion. Looking forward to doing it again.
  20. Here's a link. http://scrawlfx.com/2010/06/troy-baker-confirms-tales-of-vesperia-ps3-localization-in-video I'm so happy.
  21. Hey Prophet, thanks for the thread updates. Can you please erase grand theft auto 4 and strat guide [chipp damage] from the PS3 section? Thank you.
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