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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. We already got a remake of MGS1. I don't need another. For all you who have played Zone of the Enders 1 but not the 2nd, I HIGHLY recommend it. You guys are in for such a treat!
  2. wait, are you guys serious?! I tried to download the two games. Both times it said "There is no content that you can download at this time" and then when I backed out to the menu, the icon to download the free games were both gone. I assumed it was because I live in Japan. So I'm the only one that got screwed by errors? That sucks!
  3. Thanks a lot guys. I'm glad you all enjoy it. I just posted episode 5. It took an embarassing number of hours to make this one. The link is in the first post as well. http://www.mediafire.com/?9vy63qcmbaob6
  4. So that's what those errors were. So, I don't suppose knowing that it's a group called Lulzsec gets them any closer to being caught, does it? Cause that would be nice.
  5. Screw Lulzsec. I hope they wake up in the morning with dick in their ears. They just do it for fame and fun. They don't even have motives anymore, if they ever really did in the first place. It's not like Sony was ever going to reinstate the second OS option on PS3s because of a lesson they learned from hackers. Was that not their whole gripe in the first place or do I not know what I'm talking about? Let me know.
  6. Nah. It's not useless. I got the Wizardry demo. That game looks pretty fun. But MAN! Do not go into the dungeon without a map!
  7. We FINALLY got the PSN store back up here in Japan. I don't know if it matters that I'm in Japan, though, since I'm accessing the American store. How about you guys? Have you had it all this time?
  8. This is a huge jump in quality for me and this is what I strive to make the norm for my videos. You WILL enjoy this. I'm just so sure of it. Your RPG Playin' Ass - Episode 23: The Funniest Dragon Age: Inquisition "Review" Starring JAIME LANNISTER Your RPG Playin' Ass - The Entire Playlist All the Previous Episodes in an Eye-Pleasing List for No Reason Your RPG Playin' Ass 22: Chrono Trigger Jokes Your RPG Playin' Ass 21: Dark Souls II Jokes Your RPG Playin' Ass 20: Persona 4 Jokes Your RPG Playin' Ass 19: Tales of Vesperia Jokes Your RPG Playin' Ass 18: Faster Than Light Jokes Your RPG Playin' Ass 17: How to Pronounce Epoch Your RPG Playin' Ass 16: Demon's Souls Jokes Your RPG Playin' Ass 15: How to Pronounce Orichalcum Your RPG Playin' Ass 14: How to Pronounce Shiva Your RPG Playin' Ass 13: Star Ocean 4 Jokes Your RPG Playin' Ass 12: How to Pronounce Ifrit Your RPG Playin' Ass 11: Catherine Jokes Your RPG Playin' Ass 10: How to Pronounce Masamune and Muramasa Your RPG Playin' Ass 09: How to Pronounce Kujata and Bahamut Your RPG Playin' Ass 08: Atelier Rorona Jokes Your RPG Playin' Ass 07: How to Pronounce Atelier Your RPG Playin' Ass 06: How to Pronounce Ouroboros Your RPG Playin' Ass 05: Alundra Jokes Your RPG Playin' Ass 04: How to Pronounce Deus Your RPG Playin' Ass 03: How to Pronounce Shaman Your RPG Playin' Ass 02: How to Pronounce Gungnir Your RPG Playin' Ass 01: How to Pronounce Mana and Wiki
  9. Japan never got PSN back when America guys did for that short time. I can't wait until they get this thing fixed but the same guy will probably just hack it again and again, right? Ugh!
  10. But Balthier IS the main character. He kept on saying so himself. Hahaha.
  11. I'm really picky about which games I play, so I'm only going to download one, Super Stardust, unless I find out that Infamous is the best game EVER or something. Yeah, it's still down in Japan.
  12. Whaaaat? Someone really wants to hack it again? God damn it. Somebody arrest those ass holes.
  13. You guys... I'll tell you right now that nobody needs to worry about their credit card numbers. They are safe. You know how I know? Because... ...I... ...hacked PSN. ... So, what do you guys have to say to that... huh?
  14. I wrote it. It's one minute long. Check it out and laugh your ass off. http://tubecontest.com/submissions/2ipmo And then, I hope that you will vote for it. I'm attempting to win the prize of $500 to save towards getting professional band coaching from famous guitarist, Jim Hess. I'm sure you'll have fun while listening to it. Thanks a lot everyone.
  15. I've actually decided to go BACK and finish all games I've started. I've SOMEHOW managed to live through perfecting the Tales of Monkey Island series, Trine, Demon Souls, and Resonance of Fate. HOWEVER. I think I've found the harshest platinum trophy ever and I don't know if I'll be able to escape this game with my sanity intact. The Star Ocean 4 battle trophies are EVIL! supposedly it takes an average of 400 hours to achieve. I'm at hour 130 or so now. Un-freaking-believable!
  16. I forgot to mention that I'm crazy about Dragon Quest 8. As simple as it is, it's just beautiful and feels good to play. Yeah, it feels good. It's the "feel good RPG" of the Playstation 2.
  17. What did you like about X2 so much more than X? Ahahaha! You said that in the other thread! I agree with the Zone of the Enders 2 sentiments. Looking towards the future, I have a strong feeling that Dark Souls will be more fun than Demon's Souls. Also, Armored Core 4. I played the demo of 4Answer and didn't like it as much.
  18. I don't think anybody really has the right to complain about dress spheres unless they've ever complained about changing a characters job or class in FFV or Tactics because that's all it is. They just happen to change their clothes at the same time. Whether you think that's needed or unneeded is one thing but there's no reason for anyone to think that one aspect messed up the gameplay. By the way, Star Ocean 4 will be a good game for you. In my opinion the systems for everything have been improved on between the 3rd and 4th and the story's plot twists are better as well. But I personally liked that crazy story twist that messed up every other game's story with it. Hahaha.
  19. Whatever, you guys! FFX-2 is freaking sweet! It was just too stylish for you guys. It's supposed to have that cheesy flavor yo. It had one of my favorite battle systems in the series, too. Anyway, out of everyone here, I'm thinking it's this guy. I never heard of anyone who played the first and then could turn around and play Alundra 2 and even just say "Ah, it was OK, I guess." I don't suppose there's anyone here who liked it, is there? I'd certainly like to hear why. I watched some Youtube footage of it and it looks like they still have tons really creative puzzles. But I just can't bring myself to play that game.
  20. I was hoping that this would all be cleared up by now but since it's continued for this long, the water in Tokyo and Fukushima contains a level of radioactive iodine that is beyond the allowed limit. I don't know how dangerous it is but it's worrying.
  21. I'm trying to go down kind of the opposite path. My dream is to be a touring metal band very similar to Amon Amarth's playing all over Europe. I still don't know how to get to that point though. I have an awesome band with awesome songs but our day jobs suck up most of our time so we can never play a show outside of Niigata prefecture. Everybody says that sending demos out to record companies is the ultimate waste of time so I haven't tried that. Maybe I should. I don't suppose there is anyone in this community that has a performance career is there?. Getting back to your original topic, I second the notion that you do not need college to learn how to write music. If you can learn a bit of music theory then you just need to practice. Since you can play guitar, you can probably already write music in at least a couple of genres. Use college to meet lots of people, just like that other guy said.
  22. Thanks, The Xyco. Although I do realize that 10,000 people dead by tsunami is a bigger problem than the current reactor situation, I think the reason we all worry about reactor more is because it's not "over" yet. I'm guilty of this way of thinking, too. Since the tsunami and earthquake are all over, I want them to hurry up and get the reactor situation taken care of because that still has the potential to kill. I know that there are still a million things to worry about regarding thousands of evacuees' health but since that doesn't directly affect OTHER people, those other people tend to worry more about the reactor. Of course, I could be wrong. It could be that I'm the only selfish one here and everybody else just doesn't realize which is the more dire situation. But if they get the reactor under control, it will probably relieve some pressure from the rebuilding effort. So now spinach and milk of certain areas can no longer be shipped out to stores to be sold because there were traces of radiation in them. Did I say that in my last post? I don't remember. I really don't know how much worry I need right now. When I hear it on the news it's pretty emotionless fact that I get. When I get updates from my company or talk to you guys, it's like "yeah there's a bit of radiation but it's not enough to hurt anyone so no worries." Simultaneously, I get emails from my mom who does know a lot about radiation basically saying "that radiation is gonna MESS you guys up!" Ugh. Anyway, they found VERY SMALL traces of radiation even here in Niigata. Perhaps the wind is not protecting us as much as I thought it would
  23. Those people are heroes. I think they had about 180 people rotating for the helicopter water dumping mission. And that wasn't enough for them to do it as much as they wanted to. I don't know about training. I'm sure anyone who is related to the plant and nuclear work in general is involved though. Yes, they are wearing suits but my mother believes that they are certain to ALL get cancer in the future. Here's a map of Japan's prefectures. I live in Niigata which is RIGHT next to Fukushima. Just yesterday they found small traces of radiation in some spinach and milk in the prefectures of Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Gunma. It's kind of nerve-racking to think about how nearly all of the prefectures surrounding Niigata are being affected by radiation. The only thing that's saving, I think, is the wind. Luckily, the wind almost never blows from East to West in Niigata. They are at the point where, in order to restore power to the plants, someone needs to go directly to the reactor to do some work. Everybody knows how deadly it is. There was just a nuclear worker crying and telling the camera that now they need to decide who is going to do it. The word "hero" is no understatement here.
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