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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. To think...I of all people would make a thread that turns out like this.
  2. It still doesn't work, Zircon. "Sorry, the page you requested was not found. Please check the URL for proper spelling and capitalization"
  3. And his name says that he's ALL ABOUT JUSTICE! So, Bahamut, what you're saying is that if we love the judges, we should pretend that we h8 thm? Hahahaaa! Davidicus, I remember all that stuff you said in the other thread. That was like pro wrestling in text form. Hahaha.
  4. Glad you could enjoy the guitar playing, Fray. I can't wait to submit this so you can hear the entire thing. The riff RIGHT after the stuff in the sample was freaking hard to play man. Hey Knives. Thanks for the advice about the headphones. Yeah, even just for listening to music, something like that does sound appealing. Thanks for giving me more of your time and advice Zircon. I'll try exactly what you said (Although I'd like to keep the heaviness of the bass drums AS WELL as add the snap) and then post a HOPEFULLY better version, later. Edit: Oh man. Blinded in Chains was 0 bytes large. In other words. nothing plays.
  5. That would be interesting as heck, but I think most of their remixes have also gone through the judges panel yo. Even Calamitous Judgment had a vote. Quote: Originally Posted by Dhsu View Post Oh I thought this thread was gonna be about zircon and pixietricks. Ppppsshhh! Hahahaaaa. You should have read the first post man. It's all about how Liontamer is a cannibalistic gangsta. Hahaha. Penfold and Hoboka, you guys are the bomb! That's exactly the kinda posts I'd like to see more of in here. I'm not pointing my finger at you guys, but Zircon said in another thread that when judges first start they're really enthusiastic, but despite how much great music WE hear, they have to judge TONS of really bad music that just starts to wear them down after a while. So thanks judges. I personally, would still love to do such a job though.
  6. Yeah you should do. That combined with my Hardcore version will make TWO metal remixes of a song that NOBODY else would of that to turn into metal. How cool are WE?!
  7. I think it's because it's just a dissonant harmony. I don't remember the exact notes now, (one of them was an A, I think) but I remember that I transposed up the low part of the harmony up an octave from the source tune. So perhaps it was a 7th before and now it's just a 2nd which sounds a little more dissonant because it's closer together. That COULD be it. Those are only guitars, no synths. I'm glad I sound like a famous metal band! Thank you!
  8. That sounds SO damn cool! So you pressed Y button for the Y in "key" how did you get the K and the E? You stepped on one switch 11 times for K and another switch 5 times for E? Are you just supposed to leave the third switch? Having 52 pages of puzzle notes is exactly where it's at for me! Nuts! All the stuff that you talked about sound cool, Other than the puzzles did you like the other aspects of Brandish more than Alundra too?
  9. Ugh. I hate spending money all the time for this stuff. I guess I have no choice though. Thanks Fray.
  10. I wonder if I could request some "from scratch" EQ advice of you. http://chipp_damage.sitesled.com/Music/ValkywipMP3.mp3 This is the version that hasn't had any EQ or effects added to anything except the drums. You (Zircon) said the snare and hi hat are too small, but I don't know. They were louder before I thought that they're always too loud in like EVERY song I ever listen to. So I brought them down. Bass drum needs more punch huh?... OK.
  11. I think we ARE actually hearing the same things though. By "monitoring" you mean how I can listen to the playback right? I recorded the guitars and then put them into sonar and I just listen with my 20 dollar headphones. Hahaha. I've been working with Tensei san A LOT (Thank you man!) and he said that since we can clearly hear all the notes, the rhythm guitars don't need any EQ changes, and I agreed with that. But if you say, they need more meat, then I'll try something else. I'll be so happy when I can call the instrumental production finished and finally start adding in the vocals.
  12. Really? Damn it! Ok thanks man. I don't get it. I thought everything else sounded freaking sweet. Back to square one with the EQ.
  13. Man, you guys suck. Might as well close the thread if this is how it's gonna be.
  14. http://chipp_damage.sitesled.com/Music/MP3%20of%20Valkyriemix%20with%20new%20Lead%20EQ.mp3 This is the main solo section of my current remix-in-progress. I'm having a heck of a time deciding what makes a good lead guitar sound that fits into this mix. I think this version sounds pretty good, but I'd like to hear other comments. Anyone have a word of advice for me? Thank you for your time.
  15. Hey, you guys. I'm glad you've all got something to say, but I'd much rather see something more appreciative. So far everyone's posted about how much they DON'T want to show the love. I'm sure it only makes the judges feel LESS appreciated and only motivates them to not continue doing their good work. Come on, think about it. If all of you guys really DO dislike the judges and they all did you the favor of quitting, and OCR shut down, you'd be pretty upset, I think and you'd regret not showing the love when I presented everyone with the perfect opportunity to do so. So Break out the Aloha Spirit and say something nice.
  16. Does that stand for "Shitty Judge Fight the 8th"? Hahaha.
  17. I've been thinking about a thread like this for a while now. I finally decided to make it after reading all the negative posts in the "Standards 2 HI 2 FURIOUS" thread. . . . And NO this is not a suck up thread...Jeez! I don't know about you guys, but since joining this community, I read about 75% of all the decisions handed down on submitted remixes in the "Judges Decisions" forum. Like most of us, I've never actually met any of the judges but after reading enough decisions, I THINK I've slowly started to get a glimpse of their personalities and then I just fill in the holes with pure fantasy. Hahaha. Here's what I'm talking about: (Don't take anything in this thread seriously.) Zircon is kind of what I imagine DJP thought of as the ideal judge when he decided to create the judge's panel, and Zircon agrees. (This is cracking me up already.) Zircon: "I am the omni-judge. I paid my dues by making 50 crappy remixes that got rejected and then I made just one good one called "Calamitous Judgment" which just HAPPENS to be an anagram of "Just mail me a dog, cunt." I know that DJP likes me the best because I can write wordy remix judgments in a way that almost sounds like I actually listened to the track and put a positive, "You-can-do-it" type of spin on it." Hahaha. And then there's Liontamer who, I GUESS is black because he always says things like, "Nigga" and "...And your mom" and "He's black!" Hahaha!!!! And I GUESS he's a cannibal because he always says things like, "You gotta flesh out those flutes" and "You gotta flesh out those guitars cause they're just not meaty enough" and "you gotta flesh out this whole damn thing, because I just ain't full yet, biatch!" And I GUESS he's a thug because he always says stuff like, "yo" and "mo" and "fo" and "Kill you. Kill you and your mom." LOL (Everything in that previous paragraphs is meant just for laughs and is 82% fictional. It is not meant to offend anyone and was written with the most sincere thoughts possible.) So everyone, please use this thread to post something funny, appreciative, or POSITIVE about the judges, the judging system or the Japanese translation staff (just kidding). Because guess what, having our remixes judged is FREE FOR US but they SPEND PRECIOUS TIME and receive no thank yous for it. So be a pal and say something nice. Cause if they didn't do what they do, we wouldn't have as sweet an Overclocked ReMix as we have right now.
  18. Yeah,man. You ARE awesome. Hahaha. I wish I was in your class.
  19. Nick and Armoured Priest, you guys both say things that excite me. I've never played Brandish or Brain Lord, but it sounds like Brandish could tear Alundra a new one in the puzzle district. Landstalker, huh? I gotta check that out.
  20. Thanks, Chapel. That was freaking educational. I don't think the game could have started right where you say because somewhere between the part where Melzas started haunting people and the start of the game that shrine got banished to the bottom of the lake, right. I agree. Even if they are tiles, they don't count as 16-bit if they were made for Playstation right? Cause I think that one was 32 bits yo.
  21. Don't worry Voltrox, I've got a great reply for you. When I'm playing Starcraft I listen to Star Ocean and Xenosaga music. Some songs fit WAY too freakingly way. Try the Star Ocean 2 Arranged album's song "Silent the Universe." It was MADE for that game.
  22. I'm sure there have been a ton of posts about a ton of 2D fighters so I'll just say what I know some others have also said, and that is: !GUILTY GEAR!
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