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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Lots of people say what you're saying, but I live in Japan and the one that I bought said "Alundra 2" right on the cover. So, if it WAS originally something else, then what was it? Does anyone know? I agree with what everyone is saying about how sweet the story is. Actually I'm learning a lot because I played it in Japanese, so naturally I didn't understand everything perfectly. I didn't know that Melzas was from space. The way I knew was that he was a demon and he was able to steal the "throne of god" from god by...by...well actually I never understood how. Kenobio, shame on you. I can't believe you have a copy of Alundra THAT YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED just sitting in your house! If I were you, I'd say that the only way to atone for this is to throw away ALL of your other PS1 and 2 games except for your favorite one and Alundra. Then Play Alundra all the way through and realize the grave mistake that you've made. Once you've learned that lesson, you'll have no regrets about throwing that one remaining game in the trash and telling me how thankful you are. Hahaha. But seriously, just go play it man. And record your progress in the thread. In fact, I'd bet that if you didn't use a guide and asked for help from people in this thread, it'd be a lot of fun. Just an idea. Now get to work. For the reasons that you gave, Chapel, I really want to play the game in English so I can FULLY understand every point of the story, cause I could still get a feeling of what you were talking about from trying to understand the Japanese version. If they DID make a sequel that was good, does anyone think that it could be done equally well in 3D?
  2. I agree whole-heartedly man. . . .or woman. They totally had my number with that move. By the way, Kizyr, what does the "KF" at the end of your posts stand for? Was Threads of Fate really that cool? I haven't played it. Injin, you say some pretty nice things sometimes. If they made a proper Alundra 2 for a next-gen console, that would be the deal-sealing stroke for me. Even though Metal Gear is on PS3, Zelda games are on Wii, and sweet Tri-Ace games are on the XBox 360, I'd forget about ALL of that and go straight for the system that has Alundra 2 with no regrets.
  3. That's for damn sure. After about 1/3rd though the game, every time I came out of someone's dream the only thought in my mind was, "Is this one gonna live?" And then, of course, that damned acoustic guitar part starts playing and I don't need anymore explanation from the characters. Loved it!
  4. It was for the Playstation, but that's not why I say it's old school. It's got old school 2D graphics (although they look really nice) and it's just good old-fashioned "You-can't-access-that-area-until-you-get-the-right-tool" type progression action game. You know, they didn't add anything new to the original gameplay equation, so I count that as old school. Which means that a game as new as Dragon Quest 8 can be counted as old school too... I think. Perhaps, old school isn't the right word. I think I wanted to use the word "traditional." That's much better. Which means that Dragon Quest 8 is not old school, it's just traditional. Pardon my n00biness. Hahaha.
  5. You're in denial, man! Snap out of it! And don't try to deny the fact that you're in denial, cause we all know what that means. =p As crappy as it is, we still have to acknowledge its existence so that human kind as race will never make the same mistake again. Usually every game has at least a few fans somewhere but I wonder, is there ANYONE who likes Alundra 2? Hahaha.
  6. I think what you guys are talking about has got to be what it was. God I'm such a n00b. Hahaha.
  7. Dude, I just gotta gush! This song is so sweet on a level that I'm pretty sure hasn't been experienced here on OCR yet. What level is that? I'm talking about pure unbridled happiness! Kind of like Avaris said, it's kind of happy-go-lucky. For me though, it's like walking along a river in a perfect world. I just can't quite put my finger on it, but this song just has a certain kind of dramatic quality to it that says, "YOU ARE HAPPY NOW!" I love the way you do a kind of high phrase with the piano at 1:10 and then do the same phrase with that big strings sound at 2:20. Felt like crying man! Thank you.
  8. Oh man, I hear that! I played just the beginning of it, and every moment I was thinking, "What the hell is this crap?!" But I'm pretty sure it was called "Alundra 2" out here too.
  9. I'm talking about the god of old school action RPGs, (in my opinion) ALUNDRA! I don't know about you guys, but when I first played that game I was blown away. I heard about it only 3 years ago. I was surfing Game FAQs and I don't know how I stumbled across the Alundra board, but there were several phrases that jumped out at me. One was something like "Them Alundra puzzles were forged by the devil, they were." And one more was along the lines of, "It is practically impossible for someone to complete the entire game of Alundra without ever looking at a guide." After reading a bit more I realized that this wasn't a puzzle game like Tetris or Puyopuyo (Which kicks ass, by the way!) but an action RPG that happened to be filled with Zelda-type gameplay, Zelda-type characters and items, and Zelda-type puzzles except all of these things were obviously geared more toward adults because the story is much heavier, the gameplay is more challenging, and of course the puzzles are, as one once said, "forged by the devil." I kept thinking, that there's no way it could be as cool as people say it is for about 1 year because it apparently is freaking rare now. Well, then I finally got my chance to move to Japan and on a random day early in my stay I happened to come across it in a game shop. There it was! The could be game of my dreams! You know it's only 1000 yen? . . . That's like TEN BUCKS MAN! It's not even in my native language and it's supposedly the hardest game to clear without a guide. I decided to take the challenge. My game time ended up being 55 hours, which I ASSUME is unbelievably long for that game because there were countless hours of translation work included in that time. Hahaha. I managed to beat the game and every required puzzle along the way AND understand nearly all of the story without every looking at a guide. The entire time I was loving the gameplay, the story, and the music. Countless hours were spent just sitting in the same room trying to figure out a puzzle, and countless more hours were spent calling my friends to make sure I was translating the Japanese hints correctly. It was truly the most epic gaming experience I've ever had. Please use this thread to: 1) Talk about your most legendary gaming experiences. 2) Talk about anything related to Alundra and/or brutal puzzles. 3) Talk about how cool I am (or you are) for completing a challenge that some random guy, who might be a pessimist, stupid, or just one of those guys who exaggerates everything, mentioned on a GameFAQs forum. *The post has to be long or it won't be very legendary *
  10. Things having too many parts seems to throw a lot of people's ears off or something, but if you ask me, this is not too disjunctive. Considering how much music you listen to, and how structurally straight forward most popular music is, don't you ever become able to predict what's gonna happen or just get bored with it? I tell ya, if I hear the chorus of a song played more than twice in the same song, I'm usually tired of it already. And after the first chorus, I don't feel like hearing a second verse that's based on the music of the first verse until I've heard some stuff in between them yo. I can't figure out why I'm the only person this has happened to.
  11. Is this the right place to put such a thread? Not because I think it should be moved, but because I want to post a similar thread. I don't know why, but I'm gonna check out your album yo.
  12. Yeah, I selected about 20 tracks. I wonder if this has anything to do with the file name. Every time I name it what I want to name it, which is "Valkyriemix 1.4" it does that. But it just worked when I named it "Valkyriemix version 4." Yeah, I don't get it. Thanks for helping me out again though.
  13. What the heck is going on?! All of a sudden I'm having that same problem again. I don't get it. I guess the cause wasn't what I thought it was. I really have no idea why it could be happening. Everything is the same as I've always done it and it takes forever to export it all, just like always, but the resultant file is not a WAV file.
  14. HOLY CRAP, Mr. Walsh! How the hell do you be so damn cool?! You're rap is really good yo. And the acting is pretty damn good, I think. Does nobody else out there think that this kicks ass? To be honest, the narration could probably be done better by someone else, but your acting of the voice of Fei is SO DAMN SWEET! I totally hope that some other people join you man.
  15. I figured it out. It was because I tried to export too many audio tracks, or too many fragmented clips of audio, or a combination of the two. I had 32 tracks all cut up into 1.37 million clips or so. That was why. I figured out how to "bounce to clip" and combined a couple of guitar tracks and now it's fine. ^_^v
  16. I mean that when you right click on it and select properties, it says, "File type: FILE" And that's all. And it has one of those icons for files that don't have a default program. So it's not a WAV file. I haven't tried it in any other player because there's no reason for it not to work in Winamp. It was 16 bit. I don't know about Broadast Wave. I'll check that out. But I didn't do anything different from what I usually do, so I can't figure it out. Anyway, thanks for your help.
  17. Maybe not really malfunctioning, but I was applying some EQ to the guitars in it and was copying loading and processing audio data for like 30 minutes when it said something like, "the audio disk is full." I can't remember now if those were the exact words. But I went into the audio folder and deleted some files (assuming that I needed to make room) but now when I export the song to audio, it (supposedly) exports it, but then the resulting file is not a regular WAV file but an unknown file type and thus I can't play it in WinAmp. I'm at such a crucial moment in the creation of this remix, guys! Any ideas about what's wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  18. Oh man! Even Yoko Kanno who writes CRAZY stuff has plagiarized something? What the hell is going on here? Even if you give credit, and even if you arranged the heck out of the original, if you didn't ask, it still counts as plagiarism doesn't it?
  19. See, Zircon agrees with me. Hahaha. And all this time I thought it was by Harry Gregson Williams. I wonder what else Tappy Iwase has made that's cool.
  20. I don't get it. Is Iwase's name in the Metal Gear credits? Why does it say Williams, if he didn't make it?
  21. It's gotta be a coincidence right? A famous composer with tons of ideas like Harry Gregson Williams wouldn't steal anything like that on purpose, I think. As sweet as the Metal Gear theme is, it's not exactly the most unpredictable or unimaginable melody or harmony out there. In fact, I'd say the exact opposite. And while the chord progression was the same as MGS, the melody had variations throughout, so with that in mind and the fact that there are 5-hundred-million-katrillion-jillion classical songs in existence, I'm gonna say that chances are it's just a coincidence. At least I hope so. ;
  22. Those sounded pretty cool. They can't really become OC Remixes because there's no arrangement aspect, but it definitely sounds cool. I'd like to hear those orchestrations sounding heavier or maybe even just louder, myself. . . Wait a minute, I just said all the same stuff that guitarhero said! God damn it! Nice orchestrations.
  23. I for one would be freaking honored if you wanted to use my mix in your game. Don't know if the style would match, but go ahead, if you want it. Since it's non-commercial, I think it's ok if he gets permission from OCR, right?
  24. Man, when I was in high school, I don't think there was a single Japanese American in Hawaii that didn't like the Jack in the Box commercials. I don't know why. It seemed to be their type of humor though. Hahaha. I liked them too.
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