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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. I don't mind them in moderation. It's just annoying to start up TF2, join the server, play a random map for 2 minutes, rtv'd off it straight to steel or dustbowl just about every time. Or in a more extreme case, if you might want to play turbine/2fort/*insert map that 40% of the server things is "unplayable"*. I know its impossible to please everyone, but should you make the server rotation be 3 maps to please the pubbies or people who just wanna play steel/dustbowl/badwater?
  2. Yes, cause everyone on the server obviously knows what a good map is. Lets just all play dustbowl/steel.
  3. I agree with garian on the rtv set up. I myself would rather have it harder to rtv a map off, cause Im sick of joining the server, play for 2 minutes, and get sent to steel cause someone nominated it then rtv'd to it. Happens every time, usually with very few people voting for it.
  4. Oh, nice. I loved swift, even though a lot hated it. Can't wait to try it.
  5. Is there a way to perm mute someone clientside on my TF2 by their steam ID or anything? I never want to hear that annoying narwal/walrus whatever the kid's name is again.
  6. BC wise, its not a big deal to me. I still got my first ps2 in working condition. But I do think that Sony's reason for not even considering BC on the slim is retarded. http://kotaku.com/5340337/sony-explain-why-the-ps3-slim-has-no-backwards-compatibility Basically the head of marketing threw out a random stats number saying that 80 to 90 percent of people buy a PS3 to play PS3 games. Yeah, of course people buy a PS3 to play PS3 games, but they also want Blu Ray, and a company that would support their large collection of games from a former system. Even the Wii and 360 do this. I guess though since ps2 slims are still on the market though, suck that market dry baby!
  7. I preordered my slim ps3 today. Been putting off getting one, and I feel now is the time to do it.
  8. I normally hate podcasts with a passion, but if Brush is doing it, I'd so listen to it. As long as he does the Soldier voice.....
  9. If you have a team with some sense they spread out the sentries though. I've seen some rounds just be an endless stream of an uber taking out the first 2 sentries (usually the ones in the hall, up on the platform and maybe one inside the intel), then a quick rebuild before the next uber or two. Now if a retard team puts all 5 in the intel its easy pickings.
  10. Due to overtime, I'm totally preregging next week
  11. I don't like turbine when its 5+ engies, but other than that its good fun.
  12. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24835 ?
  13. I love WoW players cause they are about the close-mindedest people around. All you hear is them talking about "Oh, EQ sucks, Oh FFXI sucks, Oh Guild Wars suck". They think their precious WoW is the end all be all, when in fact, just about every MMO sucks. The fact is WoW is the Hot Topic of of MMOs, but from the look of your sig, you seem to fit right in with that horrible crowd. It's horrible graphically, and gameplay wise too. Plus the community in general is about as great as a 1st grade class room full of asperger monkey children. Just because something is "popular" doesn't mean its great. If that was the case we'd all be on AOL right now.
  14. That's not true. I canceled my account for way more than 3 monthes at least twice now and reactivated them.
  15. I'm still confused as to why Cartoon Network thinks that Andrew W.K. is still "cool".
  16. Yeah, there are supppose to be a ton of combat techniques and ways to use items that are not in the demo. Plus the enemy AI gets smarter as well according to interviews I read. But seriously, best batman game ever. And original TAS voice cast so far is great.
  17. I already paid off my collector's edition for 360. Ready for the midnight release.
  18. I'd totally be down for a regular only day of "play your worst class"
  19. I'm a horrible medic and spy. Let's just make a team of horrible.
  20. Can we have an atmuh post that doesn't include the words "my server" or him begging for access to something, kthx?
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