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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Ill try to make it down there if i can get off work long enough.
  2. Yeah, I got excited about quake, then realized it was a total clusterfuck.
  3. Just played the quake castle map on the server. Wow, horrible lighting, rounds don't end, and spawn camping galore. Might wanna take that off.
  4. My problem with death, especially celebrity death, is that if this person hadn't died, would you have cared today? Would you have cared a week from now? Would you have cared in a year? The only time MJ got brought up any more was either if he was gonna do a tour, or if he did something crazy. Its just kinda sad to see all these people fawning over him right now, when they didn't give two shits about him the day before, or way beyond that point. I kinda agree with my wife's mom. She said "if you can't bring me flowers when I'm alive, don't bring them to my grave, cause I guess I'm not good enough now, why should I be then?"
  5. Just as a bump, amazon.com has windows 7 home premium up for preorder, 50 bucks. Card will not be charged till ship date, free shipping, plus this. # Running Windows Vista? # If you have Windows Vista, you can purchase Windows 7 Upgrade versions. You can do a clean install (back up your files, clean install, and reinstall your applications) or an in -place upgrade (Windows 7 installs over Windows Vista). # Running Earlier Versions? # If you have Windows XP or Windows 2000, you can purchase Windows 7 Upgrade versions. But you must back up your files, clean install, and reinstall your applications. Home premium - http://astore.amazon.com/overclocked02-20/detail/B002DHLUWK (djp edit - OCR aStore!) professional for 99 - http://astore.amazon.com/overclocked02-20/detail/B002DHGM50 (djp edit - OCR aStore!) or the MS site - http://store.microsoft.com/microsoft/Windows-Windows-7/category/102
  6. Growing up, I was a huge MJ fan. I had the tape of Thriller, vinyls, etc. He did a lot of things for the music industry that no one else will probably ever be able to do, or come near doing. But, that man died years ago to me. Honestly, I mourned him long ago, and this does not even phase me that the shell of the man that carried the name died yesterday.
  7. That was like, 3 weeks ago or so. I was cleaning out my SS folder and found it.
  8. I started using the sniper more just for the huntsman and jarate. I suck ass at it, but they are so damn fun.
  9. I run in cycles. I either play as pyro, engie, soldier, or demo. Usually do a few monthes as each.
  10. Haha, I'm a little defensive about my pyroness, cause certain people around here seem to think that I suck at it cause I don't "poof". That's such a gay saying too.
  11. Im in the same boat. I'm just not as useful with the regular flamethrower, mainly cause in terms of ubers, usually the most seen is a heavy/medic. With the backburner I can wait the time period, get behind the medic, take him out in less than 2 seconds, then take the heavy. Flamethrower I'd have to be in optimum position that I A) don't get seen by the heavy and shot, especially if he has a natascha, or have room to split them up where the uber breaks. Especially hard on maps a lot of payload maps or chokepoint areas. And though it is helpful to put out people, the amount of snipers out there with jarate, medics, and health packs around kinda outweigh the need for me to save someone I think. If the pyro was about the only way to stop fire I would agree its really useful, but right now its an afterthought in terms of me essentially griefing the other team and opening a doorway for mine.
  12. Most people are so far up the flame throwers ass now just cause you can blow out other people. I say, fuck that. Here's a better idea, don't get set on fire But seriously though, I don't play pyro like most people. Most peoples idea of pyroing is run in, set people on fire, die. I play it as an ambush class. I hide around corners, drop down from high up, anything to get behind a large group of people, especially on payload maps. If I can get behind a cart, I can wipe them out in seconds. Thats why most of my days on the stats are listed as 80 to 100+ kills with backburner on whatever days I play more than 10 minutes. Plus, pyro vs. pyro, if I move around enough, I win most of the time. Cause it'll either amount to A) the pyro using his airblast to push me back, thus killing his ammo supply, or he turns just enough for me to crit him.
  13. I need to play every day just to make sure my best backburner award is mine
  14. I'd much rather play Wacky Races instead of Pacman or Donkey Kong. Tensei brought that up earlier in #ocremix, its a fun map to through in the rotation to break up the standard mapinism.
  15. I like hydro. Only thing that is bad about it is when people bitch about how bad it is, and basically put no effort into playing, too busy rtving and saying how bad the map is. Ive played many great rounds on it though if people actually tried. But that happens on a lot of maps too.
  16. Yeah, Doom and Doom 2 consisted of popular rock and metal bands at the time. That's where the whole "Bobby Prince is a dirty thief" website came in and posted them all. I wonder if thats still up....
  17. The cherry flavor is a direct rip off of the Amp in the red can. Pretty much that, without all the energy drink addons. So if you like the cherry Amp, you'll like this.
  18. You're not suppose to have a forum account. THATS NOT ALLOWED! Go back in your box.
  19. Who the hell are you and what makes you think you have the right to talk about anything in this thread? And what tensei said.
  20. I never said I was leaving and never coming back. I said that Im just tired of the way the server is at the moment. Its a dramafest like no other, and at this point I get no enjoyment playing on the OCR server at all. I pretty much said that I'm just done with it for an undetermined amout of time. That would be the definition of "I doubt I will be back". I never say never in terms of leaving, mainly cause I've left #ocremix at least 20 times in the last 8 years. I don't wanna do a rambo But my opinion of team stacking is as long as its not making a a difference in terms of team balance, it shouldn't really matter too much, unless you have like 6+ players from a clan. Rambo wise, he has healed me plenty whenever I called for it, so he's doing his job. I don't see how anyone can bitch about that.
  21. I'm fine with my admin being removed. I'm tired of all the shit going down on the server anyway, so I doubt I'll be back.
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