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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Actually tensei, if you had noticed any time I kicked you was cause you seem to want to make smartass comments before I did, such as "W+M1 much?" or along that line, and even then that was a playful kick. In fact I think I maybe have kicked you 2 or 3 times total for that, ever. But seems like I can't win for anything cause if you mute someone, someone said they should be kicked instead as a warning, if I kick someone, someone says they should be muted, etc etc. Funny thing being though that in the case at point, being the other night, both the kick of the first guy and atmuh I recieved thanks from at least 2 or 3 people on both.
  2. I kicked the first guy cause his micspam was a garbled mess with shitty quality. I couldn't even tell what genre it was. Then atmuh got kicked for playing a jpop micspam that was not balanced at all. Wes already said that if micspam is too loud, don't play it. Atmuh was then kicked again cause he felt the need to try to harass me, which I also told wes about. I'm tired of his shit, and either he can stop doing it, or get kicked every time, or wes can take away my admin. It's pretty much common sense that you shouldn't try to harrass an admin, especially when you are on thin ice already, so his lack of common sense in the matter and need to feel like Internet Tough Guy really needs to cool the fuck off. I don't see why he gets favortism cause half of the people in #ocrtf2 want to suck his dick on a daily basis. Im sure this will get a lot of good replies from tensei/ducky/etc, but I don't really care. You guys are all trolls. Annnnnnnnnd I'm done on this topic.
  3. Since when is mountain dew an energy drink? Its fucking mountain dew with a different flavor added to it. Now if they had MDX, which is a shitty lower level mountain dew energy drink style thing, then that could be considered that. But anyway, the Halo mountain dew tasted like ass, so I don't see them doing much with this.
  4. I thought about getting this for a while, mainly cause Yosho keeps asking me. I was hoping it'd be on sale soon though through steam. Damn deals never happen when you want them to. I'd really like to try it out first before I get it though.
  5. Id be ok with an engie limit on hydro and turbine actually. Hell, put one on all maps if you want to. Anything over 3 is excessive, especially on dustbowl.
  6. How about if someone spams "rtv" over and over? Is that a kickable offense?
  7. Looks like I missed all the fun last night. Everyone knows Im not the biggest fan of Tiddly. Mainly cause hes a pushy bastard that likes to plug his maps, that never seem to have working doors Yeah, he has an annoying voice. But if I'm on, and he's on one of his little triads that he likes to go on so much where he yells at people what to do or yells at people for not voting for his maps, I mute him. There's no reason for him to go all aspergers on us and hog the mic.
  8. If we had alltalk off, then atmuh would actually talk on mic, so there you, never turn it off.
  9. Yeah, I too dont get the people that join, then after talking shit about the other team, say "Is alltalk on duuuuuuuuuuur", then leave. Way to read the server name.
  10. Problem being though even with alltalk off, most pubbies won't coordinate anyway. Its a novel concept to think that if alltalk was off that everything would be "peaches and cream" about people doing their best to work as a team, but yeah, it just doesn't happen. That's why I have a couple of servers on my favorites list that are passworded for other communities I go to that are pretty much "work as a team or you'll get your ass banned". If the idea of the second server ever rolled out for OCR, it might be good to have one night a week set up for serious teamwork/alltalk off settings, or maybe more than one night a week. I guess what I'm saying is that if you did a one night alltalk off, you're probably gonna confuse people, or just cause an issue of people who only want alltalk (most of the people in the thread here and on IRC) or the people want it off (serious players or random people that show up and ask for it). You're never really gonna make everyone happy with this decision, but I personally like alltalk cause it does make the server fun to hear people bitching about stuff, and its something that a lot of servers don't have. But if it comes down to it, have a regulars vote on here and on IRC.
  11. Some guy named bryonthebulb apparently. I got on right after he started DDOSing, and around that time, some random guy added me to his friends, then proceeded to try to join the server 20 times, then the server crashed. So I guess it was the same guy. I added him back on my friends list but he never answered. Name was stairmasternem
  12. Thank god they are getting rid of playonline. I spent 7 days this month trying to get my wifes account back up, cause their fuckign registration servers were a mess. I finally sent them an angry email on the 5th day saying that if they didn't fix it I'd just cancel both, and magically on the 7th day it worked. But seriously, this seems to happen ever other month to me.
  13. Yeah, if you look around for deals, you can get a 9800 GT for cheap. Ive seen them listed for 65 bucks after rebates for the MSI version I think on newegg after rebates.
  14. I never did. I dont think my wife did either.
  15. http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/loc...-carradine-dead
  16. Conflicting stories so far on everything I've read. Some sites say he died of "natural causes", some say hanging with nothing else, and a couple sites say the hanging and gentitals thing. So yeah, I have no idea.
  17. Take it as an insult if you want to. If you use the wording "forced to buy" talking about a video game, you deserve to be poked at some. No one forces anyone to buy any video game. Its an optional choice. If you don't like the way L4D2 is gonna be, don't buy it, its that simple. Not buying L4D2 will not affect playing L4D1, as in they are not gonna say "oh hey guys, all L4D1 servers are going down on release day of L4D2, so tough cookies." And people are still avoiding the announcement of new maps for l4d1 plus updated match making.
  18. Yes, cause Valve is putting a gun to your head.
  19. I do remember a white mage named sephfire actually. Can't remember if I grouped with him or what, but yeah, definitely remember the name.
  20. What was your names on it? Ive seen some people whos names I kinda recognize from other places but never bother to ask. Of course I'm EdgeCrusher
  21. Sorry, but him overreacting about an announcement about a game and not reading anything else makes him a prime target to be called out on. If he had read the interviews he would see that they are gonna release a community map pack for L4D 1, plus redo the matchmaking system before L4D2 comes out. But nooooooooo, NJ jumps in guns ablazing saying that valve is evil wah wah. Plus he seems to want to bring up the fact that he thinks L4D in the first place was a rip off, no matter how he words it. If its that big of a concern for him and his wallet, he shouldn't even worry about L4D2 and go to playing a game he can afford, like TF2. Cheap ass.
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