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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. It's cool. We had a few other people join and we played through no mercy, and most of blood harvest. I just couldn't take Odin anymore at that point though. I wear a headset, and his constant acting like a stupid frat boy talking and screaming into the mic made me hit the Go To Main Menu fast.
  2. Only reason i got 2.9 on my HD was cause I got it on that 15 gig partition Which is weird. I installed, and it said I had 800 megs free. Booted it today and it said i had 5 gigs free.
  3. The new windows update is kickyfast as well, and updated all my shit, even new geforce pre release drivers. Hell yeah.
  4. Hell, post your system rating cpu - 7.1 memory - 5.9 graphics - 7.9 gaming graphics - 5.9 HD - 2.9 Nice little touch adding that MS.
  5. After playing No Mercy so much, I can't stand the first 2 sections of it. After that I'm fine though. Dead Air is great though, and the tank thing is true. I got raped by two there last night, and also inside the offices near the cubicles. Ran in a closed door, tank standing there, punch, dead. Also, if people are playing we should set up times for it, or at least a somewhat timeframe you might be on. Scytheful and I have tried to get expert runs going the last 3 nights and either no one shows up, or we get one other person and they bail. So yeah, do tell if you are on the pc version
  6. Got my key and downloaded the beta from the MS site. Unforunately vista's partition program is shit. So now I have to defrag and then run Gparted to make a new partition to install this on. Fuck I hate waiting longer. There is a huge difference between a 10 meg file and a 3.2 gig iso. Plus free windows beta being plastered all over digg/slick deals/fatwallet/every forum around gathers more attention that firefox ever hopes to have. Plus firefox didn't limit key usage for its program to 2.5 million.
  7. Gun jam. Yes, lets have a clusterfuck like far cry 2
  8. I've actually been trolling the people on there. It is ROFLtastic. All they can do is yell "OMG VALVE IS LAZY FIX THIS NOW NOW NOW".
  9. And that becomes a huge problem with over half of the magazine is ads, kind of like how EGM and most gaming magazines are now.
  10. EGM was about the easist magazine to get for free. If you did a google search for free egm subscriptions, you could easily sign up for multiple free year ones. If it had not been for that, I would have not read it for the last 4 years.
  11. Sure magazines were an awesome way to get info, back before 2000. After that it slowly became a cesspool of ads and bought reviews. In fact, print media died for me the day Game Players closed up shop. Game Informer, EGM, Game Player, Xbox, Nintendo Power, all of them are either as biased as FOX news, or so bought and paid for the reviews are "review by numbers" that is about as dull and sickening to read. Even the previews of games are horrible, cause anything they preview is automatically game of the year material, or at least that's how they butter you up to think. I mean, if you want to sit there and base your video game buying by what someone else that is paid to tell you, I hope you don't go to any car lots soon and buy a used car without test driving it first.
  12. Luckily I haven't paid for an EGM subscription for about 4 years now, thanks to awesome internet deals, its sad to see some of my bathroom reading material go away. But in terms of game informer as well, I like to read it. But if you seriously base buying a game on a review in a magazine, you are a retard and deserve to probably lose money on a crappy game. I don't go out and buy every movie or cd or game that my friends say they love. I do research myself, check out demos, and if the deal is not sealed, I'll rent it.
  13. Winamp is about as much of a system resource hog as itunes though. In fact I took winamp off due to that and having a message every week saying "UPDATE NOW AVAILABLE!!".
  14. Does bitpim support blackberries? Might want to check into that program.
  15. Download sharepod. You can transfer from your old to your pc, then from the pc to the new one without worrying about itunes syncing.
  16. I was gonna put it on donkey kong earlier today to try it out, and it wasn't on the map list.
  17. I can't run bioshock in full screen without it freezing up, so I have to run it in windowed mode. Other than that, its cool.
  18. Psssf, laptop gamers You are in the same boat as Bahamut.
  19. I know a lot of people say "I can't run it on pc due to blah blah". I am assuming that as long as you are not on a 5+ year old pc, you at least have an equivelent to a amd athlon 64 3500+. I was able to run TF2 at 1024x756 whatever and a pretty descent framerate. L4D runs about the same as well as long as you don't set mega mob at 500. Hell, even on this quad core with the shittiest of shitty ati raedeon 2400 I was getting over 30 fps on L4D in 1440x900. Might want to try out a pc game if you guys have the chance to.
  20. Only game save problem I've had this gen is stupid dead rising on 360. For some reason, the 360 liked to randomly "delete" my save of it. I finally sold the game and said fuck it.
  21. In terms of apple hate, I use to be so anti apple it was sad. Macs still are inferior to me cause I love to game, but after buying my 80 gig 5.5 gen ipod video, I would refuse any other brand of mp3 player. I've had this bad boy 3 years now and its freezed maybe 3 times, and the battery life is awesome on it. Plus itunes is not the demon that people make it out to be.
  22. Most of the games listed are 14 dollars or less at gamestop, besides the obvious GTA 4, and if you could give us the number Guitar Hero and what call of duty.
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