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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. I know I'm late on this, but if anyone wants to play some rock band 2 or SSF2THDR or SFIV when it comes out, I got live now, name is tentonhammer23 so add me.
  2. Gonna go put some porno music on the ipod and get it on in the bedroom with the lady, then go out to eat. Bam!
  3. You can mod a server with sourcemod and still get achievements.
  4. You're stupid. The only way me and my friends can get together and play rock band or guitar hero or other games is if we all meet at their house, you know, real life friends. So obviously we have to have a way to transport our data. Easiest way to transfer band data without having to pay for XBL just to play with people that live near you.
  5. Ok, tried the beta. Wow, what a horrible mod. License to kill sucked, man with the golden gun sucked, deathmatch sucked. Character movement is about as awesome as it was in say, Half Life 1. Sticky as hell. Still lagging on a lot of servers. And annoying people playing.
  6. Its a really short game. If you want to sit through and do the races, it adds a little to it, but Don't expect much length wise if you do buy it.
  7. Some news sites said it would be free. The way its worded in that kotaku link is kinda crappy. Anyway, the L4D forum at steam is filled people whining that its taking so long now, and that it better be free cause "valve fucked us with a 50% complete game" wrar wrar. Good god, I wish all these 17 year old kids would go back in time and see what it was like to wait for quake patches and all the shitty maps that came out for that.
  8. Even though I only live a couple hours from where bonnaroo is, I still have yet to go. And this year looks to be about the worst one I've seen. I should have went last year for metallica.
  9. Maybe my work place is different then. I have to sign a paper any time I have a pay raise or decrease.
  10. As far as I know, they can not demote you without giving you a reason and actually inform you of it.
  11. Yeah, google in uk, aussie, US etc was giving that error on any site. Had been for the last hour or so here.
  12. I see a lot of people talking about what kind of weapons should be in the game. Unforunately most suggestions are irritating ones like flame throwers and rocket launchers. There's not really much more weapon wise you can do in a friendly fire based game like this above automatic weaponry. If you have anything more powerful and with more coverage, you're gonna have problems. If they do add anything else, I'd personally just like to see more skin based things, maybe an mp5 or a replacement for the pistol/akimbo set up. And an awesome melee only weapon set up like bat/knife/shovel thing maybe.
  13. I suck at wall jumping, so I failed horribly. Also, Francis is my hero.
  14. It's obvious that bill is such a hard ass that he can repel forklifts. That and this.
  15. If I wanted a run and gun action zombie game, I'd play L4D, kthx. I don't see why every game now has to be like that, and I'm perfectly happy with the way RE1,2,3,4, and 5 are. You guys are acting like it was just introduced in 4 though. I guess it's something to bitch about though, the backbone of the internet.
  16. I usually check it whenever i first get on, and then usually around 10 or 11 pm EST. Never anyone on though
  17. I've had the demo now for a couple of monthes, after I think nekofrog posted about it on here. Great demo, preordered the special edition too.
  18. I played with someone more annoying that Odin today. If you see anyone named seriouscamper, do not play with this person. I don't know if they were really new and stupid, or just an ass. They refused to wait on anyone, rushed ahead, would use their med packs when they got down to 80 health, and whenever the dumbass would get huntered or boomered, they would text spam "HELP MEH!!!" over and over. Zombie wise, they did not score a single point up till NM3, when I finally called a kick vote against it cause the dumbass was a hunter, clawing my boomer and about killed me. When I called the vote, he then proceeded to call me a "meanie" and left.
  19. Hey, I'm all for people having rights to unsubscribe easily. But if OCR is the only "spam" you are getting, and you freak out over it, way to go with the spam filter. I'd hate to see what you would do if you got the list of stuff I got a day on my gmail or my hotmail.
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