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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Yeah, I never liked 2k3 anyway. Then again 2k4 lost its appeal in a month for me as well.
  2. Bioshock has a few problems with the full screen res, but I set it to windowed mode. And the unreal pack was 20 for all the games, sans 2k3. If they pulled it though that sucks, cause it was a super deal.
  3. How the hell can someone not like Chicken Little? The voice cast is fucking awesome, and it's funny as hell.
  4. Should go ahead and buy it anyway, just to have access to it I have yet to download and install the unreal games I bought there, or the civ 3 stuff. Some day I'll get around to it.
  5. CPH. What a tool. I got into it with him and Halfshadow all the time cause they both seem to be the dense grouping of tards here.
  6. On the topic of micspamming, I don't mind the music on smaller games, like if there are 6 people there or so. It was fun the other night doing it. But when you got 20+ people there, that fucks with the communication. Plus atmuh's navi HEY HEY HEY thing every couple of seconds is very annoying.
  7. I have a lot of keys on my key chain. I change around a use a different one a lot.
  8. I got the id super pack, unreal pack, bioshock, and civ 3 complete. Best 60 bucks I ever spent.
  9. I bought myself the id super pack off of steam, since it was on sale for 34 bucks. Thats my present to myself.
  10. Nothing. None of my family or in laws did anything this year.
  11. Go play Action Quake 2, you know, the real version of the mod. Hell, even Reaction Quake 3 (which I worked with the group that did that) was leaps and bounds better than AHL. AHL's throat was cut because Lacutis thought someone leaked the beta code for it before the offical release, then turned around and added a lot of crap at the last minute to "improve" it, killing the release and making it a crap fest. And thank god the official A-team didn't make a full release of Action UT. They really should have stopped after AQ2. At least gooseman went on to do some of the skins for CS.
  12. TFC was horrid back in the day. Then again just about any HL1 mod sucked cause your character ran around like he had a stick up his ass IE Action Half Life.
  13. Sorry, but zombies are not very realistic.
  14. Jumping makes you arc up, which shortens the distance that you travel and your momentum.
  15. You don't jump. You walk off it.
  16. Difference being Smash Bros was at least interesting. This is total garbage.
  17. Yeah, seriously. There is no reason to buy a valve game for a console
  18. The original info released on L4D said you couldn't be a tank, you were allowed to be the hunter, smoker, boomer and witch. I was really disappointed to find out that they had it wrong.
  19. I just aquired the demo. I don't know what Neko was bitching about the controls. I like them. At first I thought the "escorteque" style would suck too, but shva saved my ass many times during the chainsaw guy fight with health heals and machine gun fire. In fact, in the hour I played around, she only got near dying once and I had to save her. So take that as you will.
  20. Basic chord progression. Another person has already tried to sue over this song as well. Satriani should know better. I do feel better knowing that gay ass coldplay is the one getting it if by some odd chance this does go through though.
  21. Someone is just major upset they're not in the clique. It's like high school all over again in this thread.
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