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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Voice chat is the bane of the internet gaming community when it comes to kids. I mean, I played games back when I was 12. Thank god there wasn't voice chat back then, we had to be annoying by typing you and crouch humping your dead fragged body after death.
  2. We should just ban 12 year old kids anyway. Shouldn't be kids on a violent FPS.
  3. I can take you to many places around here, if you are off on weekends any.
  4. On the first match of survival mode, we got raped. Hard. Damn tanks.
  5. All these trials do is draw more attention to the cause of pirates and make the industry the bad guy. Its the industry's fault for giving themselves more and more negative press. And you bring up the point of netflix and such zircon, yet some companies *cough* fox *cough* are now insisting that rental sites remove all bonus features from discs and include the basic movie on discs, so that demands that people buy the product for the "full experience". Way to fuck over the rental market and make people want to pirate more. So let the industry continue to fuck itself on its on terms for all we care.
  6. Or they could not charge 30 bucks a dvd on release at walmart or 17 bucks a cd at most places besides best buy. Sure itunes is a great delivery system and all, but with a large majority of people not really into the computer age, its easier for most non computer literate people or people with slower connections to have their friends make copies of them, or to buy pirated dvds/cds from people who do pirate. That is a big market around my area as of now. I can't say I blame people that sell the pirated things either, cause when it comes down to the economy right now, plus overpriced physical copies, I'd go with alternatives as well. Same goes with a lot of people just when it comes to console games too, why pay 60 to 90 bucks for a game you can beat in 8 hours?
  7. I'm not anti-piracy by any means, but I also don't try to defend myself saying that I do it to sample things, or cause I have no money. I do it cause its available. I highly advise a couple of you "holy than thou" people in this thread that act like they are better than anyone that used the site cause they give the illusion that they never downloaded anything from a site such as this illegally in their life *cough* avatar of justice *cough*, to come up with a better counter point to this other than "its bad, you should feel bad" mentality.
  8. Most used game stores around here that are not "gamestop" will do 360 and ps3 repairs if you ask them. Might want to try to see if you can find one in your area.
  9. I didn't get to play swift on the OCR server, but I did try it out a few days before on another. I really like the set up for it, except the very end point. Then again the server I was on had 5 engies on red building sentries up on the top level above the last point, so only an uber demo really had a shot of taking them out. It was still a fun map though.-+
  10. All the places the track splits, a few feet from the split there is either a door that opens thats part of the path, blocked off areas or a door that wont open, so yeah.
  11. I don't see how anyone can not like great heights, its the awesome. Also, its amazing to hear people panic during waste. Seems like everyone on the start was saying they didnt know where to go. Its a PL map people. It has tracks, you follow the tracks out of your base door to the cart if you are on red or blue.
  12. Awww, i got left off the officer list
  13. That is a pretty horrible list for the most part.
  14. Now that is a gift I can get behind. I appreciate that good sir.
  15. happy birthday coop. What are you now, 50?
  16. Having to put up with you all will surely put me in my grave soon enough.
  17. Its like Everyone Loves Raymond, but not Raymond, but me. Everyone loves me. There you go, all the reason in the world.
  18. No, it needs to go to the "Make EdgeCrusher richer 2009" fund.
  19. Its always my birthday, celebrate it daily! Only not really. April 14th mark your calendars. I take cash as presents.
  20. Ahh, I joined the new one. But everyone knows me
  21. Fuck it, bring back Seifer. Let the good times roll.
  22. Ive tried a few games already, RE4, Xenosaga 1, God of War 2, etc. I had digital out set to on on the settings to, but Ill try the other settings and see if that helps any.
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