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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. I signed up for this about 6 months ago from SA, and got quite a few games from it. Great site, and easy to use.
  2. I thought EGM said it was going to be sort of a retelling of the story instead of a sequel.
  3. Played it for like 2 hours last night. Awesome game so far.
  4. I have two other versions of RE4 (PS2 and GC versions) and I didn't like the controls for the wii version. And I beat Super Paper Mario within 2 days of owning it, so yeah I got my play out of them. And I only plan on playing SSBB with people from #ocremix probably.
  5. I havent tried anything yet but the GC controller. I don't see the wheel as being fun.
  6. I finally picked this game up today, after trading in RE4 and Super Paper Mario for it. How hard is it to set up the Wii to a network?
  7. My fiancee is a huge persona nut, so if you like RPGs you should like them. If not, sell them on ebay. Money abound.
  8. Wow, all the servers I tried today for this sucks. The single player seems semi interesting though.
  9. Holy crap Darke finally bought it. Ill have to get on steam now.
  10. I ROFLed that people got so tore up over 4 threads.
  11. The NWG is getting a lot of action today.
  12. Stop interrupting our lesbian bondage porn. And larry sucks
  13. Id really love to go, but unforunately the day its on is the same time Im madnatory working a shutdown at a plant. Ill be going to the Atlanta show though whenever its announced.
  14. Play Thunderhorse? Also, I take gifts in the form of remixes of Clash At Demonhead. Or in your case neko pics of the MILF
  15. I just got the most awesome birthday present ever. I found out someone stole my credit card number, and signed me up for a fake insurance scam. Awesome indeed.
  16. No. You are Axl Rose. There is no metal there. Thanks for the birthday thread though.
  17. I got that spam email, but deleted it. But I still have 16 unread PMs in my inbox even though they are all read. Some kind of glitch that happened when the forums switched over cause it recovered a lot of old messages that were auto deleted a long time ago.
  18. I agree with the "its no surprise" crowd. No hard drive = no fun like this. Shame too, cause the game is great, but if all you have is a wii you have to play this gimped up version, or take the money for rock band and save it for another system.
  19. I've been on the group for a while, but just haven't posted here. Username is EdgeCrusher36.
  20. I don't have a problem with newer formats, and the size. I just hate seeing people try to force it like they are selling their lives and usually sound like dicks ins the process. When it becomes a standard, Ill use it. And if its the only version of something I can find, Ill use it. But until then, mp3 is fine for my ears.
  21. Im telling you. LORD lets play LORD lets play LOOOOOOOOOOORD
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