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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. yea 7 tracks is tough 2 vote on. I almost ripped my hair out cuz I felt so guilty having 2 choose the winner etc - they're all so good.

  2. lol btw, when I quoted the SoTN PRC voting rules I accidently posted it in that round >< Fixed it tho more or less. Fixed the last line. Thx again
  3. Thanks very much Bunda. And refering to your 2nd post, no they may not vote for themselves...I'll let it pass for round 1 if that happened since I was late in setting up my voting stage shtuff lol. I'll pm you regarding when to start the next round for MNP. I don't have it figured out yet :S Oh, also I mooched PRC's voting rules and copied/pasted some of yours MY GOD THIS WAS A HARD ROUND TO VOTE FOR. I felt a little dissatisfied with my choices, but I had to make a decision nonetheless :S - I hope the rest of you guys took it a little easier than me haha.
  4. Welcome to the voting Stage for MnP - Visit the stated http://compo.thasauce.net/compos/view/MnP and listen to all the entries - Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen. - Fill in the rank of the entries from first to third. - It's recommended to state a reasoning, but it's not necessary. - Participants are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. However, they may not vote for themselves. They get a free first place bonus if they vote, so it is attractive to vote. Non participants are encouraged to vote to decide the winner and leave comments. No one has a vote that counts twice for round 1 since the pick was anonymous. The winner gets the right to choose the source tune for MNP02. Click on my sig to vote and please do so before the due date.
  5. Err, actually it's more about having fun and not worrying too hard on the production side of things - so is that more or less similar to PRC then? Minus allowing people to be too liberal in their remixing . I just changed the voting rules to reflect that ideal haha. But it never hurts to try your best and make it feel OCR-worthy...we're just not compelled to do so here Nevertheless, I am hoping that voters will be giving at least SOME feedback for why or why not x remix worked over y remix, despite the voting rules being quite loose. Regardless, you can always ask me or any1 else in the compo for more feedback. So...all in all, this competition is still technically a work in progress itself...heck you could call round 1 a "test round", so the rules and guidelines are subject to change (without destroying the core values of MNP, naturally ) Whew...that was a bigger response than intended. And I must say, that the turn-out was far bigger than I had ever hoped, so thank you all for participating and I look forward to seeing the results. I love this community now more than ever :3 EDIT sry Esperado I may have misread what you said, I think you nailed it more or less >.<
  6. Yeah, that's what I was aiming for essentially. So long as it (my voting idea) is not universally rejected. Doesn't seem like there is much opposition to my idea, so yeah just try to vote for what you liked most. I'll try my best to keep an eye out for things like vote stacking though, ofc. EDIT forgot to add... Buuuut, since I am the compo host, I need to hold myself at a higher level of (can't think of the word off the top of my head...)responsibility??, Anyhoo I will take into consideration the effort that was put into ppl's remixes too.
  7. Lol true that...I guess I was just over-analysing it. Anyways, I don't want the emphasis to be on production only. Not that super well produced songs are bad at all , just not the only factor for VG music/remixing. @Damashi!! Just PM me with the hosted MP3 and I'll submit the sub in your stead. Hopefully by next round you'll have your acc ready to use for ThaSauce.
  8. All good man...that's the whole point of this compo after all hehe. But there is one issue that I failed to recognize before starting the compo: What to focus on when voting. For a compo that focuses on conservative/covers - production value probably shouldn't trump enjoyability (of the listener) and a remix with original material versus a full on sound upgrade won't necessarily be a better pick: so basically it boils down to complete subjectivity - something that OCR seems to shun lol. So...if it's alright with you guys, I'd like to alter the voting rules to better fit this ideal of a 99% subjective voting system. I am truly sorry for not thinking it out thoroughly before starting the compo. If anyone have any concerns or thoughts on the matter, post it either here or via PM - preferably before we start voting. EDIT I edited rule #7 on the front page
  9. wow this has been a good turn-up insofar, kudos to all those who submitted
  10. You don't have to have great sounding samples heck, I didn't even bother to try and post my submission last year =p
  11. Thanks...I'll stop going all ADHD on 'yer thread too and leave it to the recruitment stuff. That goes for you too Brandon
  12. soooo, u gonna update my status to WIP provided?
  13. Pretty sweet. You've still got 3 days to do another one >:3
  14. Aww...no love for CDI zelda. Haven't played Eternal Sonata =0 is it really good?
  15. Orrr...is it CDI Zelda?? IT BURRRNNNSSS
  16. Update: 1 submission insofar, let's get 1-2 more folks Also, thank you for participating Argle
  17. ...did I JUST notice that Chernabogue's name is Alex as well? So, that's Radiowar, Chernabogue...who else now? =p
  18. Also could have have the emo character themes, like Vincent Valentine, Squall and almost any character from the Tales Series and/or JRPG. Call it EmoTwatAss, or EmoAss. >:3
  19. D'oh! Looks like you 1-upped me lol. Sounds like a plan. I guess I'll start with the ground work and try and impliment the heavy metal part last...most likely through a collab of some form as my VST E-guitars are not nearly robust enough to be posted on OCR sadly.
  20. You could snag first place this first round too lol 6 days left...I may extend round 1 for a few more days though, so don't panic. Just a reminder to every1 that this compo still exists q.q lol
  21. Cool, will do! BTW, I added in a few updates to my first post, prob before you replied, so be sure to read 'em. I just wanna run it past you and the community Er...EDIT 2 is what u wanna read. EDIT 1 was moreso for Zoltan and any other metal player at OCR =p
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