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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Hmm, it is a pretty decent source tune. Worthy of a PRC round at the very least :3 I'd prob need 2 compare the 2 tracks several times, but I've heard the remix twice and the source once insofar. Gonna say that it plays it pretty close to the original with lots of good variation in the support melodies and instruments, so there's no issue with it being too liberal. Hmm...the ending seems pretty abrupt btw - may want to either make a decent fade out with all the instruments playing in a loop, or make a small outtro with a catchy original melody or a play on the original and give it some kind of an ending cadence, if you know what I mean. But having the instruments just drop off and carried away by only the delay effects isn't enough imo.
  2. Hmmm...guess I am putting it a bit that way lol. I somehow doubt that I could do a brass quartet with low-fi samples (like Soundfonts), or a solo violin (have u ever tried that? *shiver*) But there's semi-decent VSTs that aren't too expensive, such as Philharmonic or Garritan's =p, so I rly can't complain, which makes my whole bitch-fest completely irrelevant. I love being me OKAY, regardless, your track is doing pretty well IN MY opinion; but I'd reccomend that you get some other posted mixers or workshop mods to give this their own opinion before submitting it to the panel. I'm an aspiring workshop mod, so my critting/listening skills still aren't quite up to par yet.
  3. Dayamn. Wish I could afford that much for E/W...looks like you'll have no problem getting posted on OCR, once you get the humanization down. Rainbow Road eh? Could be interesting. Yeah that prob wasn't my best moment there. I'm just a lil jealous is all :3 I drool at the thought of one day owning E/W q.q
  4. Hate to break it to you, but 0-0:21 is quite um...messy. The chord structure is unpleasantly dissonant and the brass samples sound low-fi...well all of the orchestral samples almost sound MIDI in fact. Luckily, the over-all sound and composition feels much stronger after 0:21, but still needs work. I'd also suggest throwing on more reverb on the orchestral samples and maybe compress them a bit to get a fuller sound out of 'em. The E-drums are the best produced part, and the electric arps, bell chime thingy aren't too shabby. Hmm...it's difficult to see how one could fix this mix, other than to start from scratch and go at this from another angle...maybe focus more on making this an electronic remix, since your samples seem to be much stronger in that area. That's my best hint of advice anyhow...send Rozovian or Willrock a PM if you want a more in-depth review.
  5. Nice sounds over-all. The choirs felt a bit weird though - is that an MMM or Ehh choir? Anyhoo, personally, I'd stick with an 'Ahh' choir as it's a bit more robust with this sort of melody... that or the choir is just difficult to hear perfectly with the arp and bass. This is more a subjective than objective gripe, however. Yeah, not too much remix-wise, but this track would fit PERFECTLY for my http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=44966 competition concept Definately sounds more like VGM than an OCR song, so there's nothing wrong with that...just don't expect to get the panel to pass this track. There would need to be well...more. A lot more. That and some original melodies/chord structures etc. But to be honest, I prefer this as a cover than as a remix so, yeah. Good stuff mang.
  6. Just posting twice to let u know I updated my first reply to make it a bit easier to understand...hope it helps.
  7. 0:00 - 1:41 felt like a super long intro. You build it up so well, then at 1:52 you drop almost everything but the drums, arps and bass - it left me feeling a little cheated . That drop-out of sounds would work better as a breakdown, imo. Also, this track would REALLY benefit from a super reverby snare on the down-tempo beat as the HH & kick alone isn't really enough. Alas, the arpeggios get repetitive and the track seems to lose focus as it progresses... This'd work more as in-game music than OC remix ironically, so in a way you've done a good job of bringing out that awesome retro VGM feel. Also, that 'verby string rhythm is pretty sexy, as well as that swelling bass and the kick drum. Sooo...yeah if you want to get this posted on OCR, you'd probably want to revamp the composition and hammer out some of the meandering in the 2nd half of the track; maybe shorten the 0-1:41 build up...as well as moving the consecutive breakdown at 1:52 at least a minute away, so there's more space for it. So, all in all, it's not a bad track...didn't bother to listen to the source tune so idk how much of it is original...either way there's much work to be had if u wanna post this. Hope to see your other future works soon, vr_jadison
  8. Done and done. Might need to clarify the rules of engagement, particularly on the voting side and who gets to pick what track, but I think it's mostly fixed per request.
  9. haha...uh whoops. I must have almost 6 or 7 different Schala remix threads over the years of reattempts.
  10. Very well then. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me.
  11. I'm interested in becoming a W/S mod...got 2 much free time on my hands for the next year or so and looking for ways to be helpful towards our online community, apart from wanting to host my own competition (which is currently a WIP but almost complete )
  12. Ok, so I listened to the source and compared to remix, seems pretty good to me, lots of nice variation with the left hand that wasn't there in the original...seeing as it wasn't a piano solo but more rock-ish.
  13. Yeah, I believe it was at 2:37 that needed more editing/humanization - I just got back from work, so lemme give it a listen and I'll post u back in a sec. Good stuff on using a MIDI keyboard, that takes mad skillz and plentiful balls. Also...that's a DAMN fine sample. Did you actually buy E/W or did u pirate it =p Actually nvm don't answer that question EDIT I'd reccomend that you add a string quartet or something else, cuz imo, piano solos can be critiqued pretty hard here, since there's only the 1 sample, they'll be focusing even harder on the humanization area and so forth. Regardless, this might have a good shot as is, so long as you humanize that area that I mentioned earlier.
  14. Alright, alright lemme rephrase it then you fact-sticklers =p I meant super sparse, low-fi, meandering stuff that lacks a cogent direction, is stuff that will never get posted. Doesn't mean that it isn't fun to listen to though. I love meandering pointlessly in mah music lol. Lastly, I'd like to point out that there IS a bias in everything subjective - it's called human nature EDIT, I apologize in advance if I came off as a bit combative - I can get really worked up when it comes to critiquing ambient stuff, as it's a pretty darn subjective field and I personally feel that there IS a bias with this style; it takes a lot of work to make it OCR "worthy", then again, almost any style requires a fair amount...I just feel that ambience is 1 of the hardest - the next would probably be meddley's or "meddley-itis", but Brandon Strader and co. already discussed that one to death lol. But seriously, if you doubt my assertion about un-cogent, meandering stuff, just look up my some 15+ rejections on OCR. Hit me up via PM if you want to hear my more ambient pieces that were rejected. There is an FF7 remix that I made which recieved a terrible reception due to the melody's being very fickle, semi-sparse and incoherent...albeit there was a lot more going on. IDK, maybe I'm just going crazy and it can all be a misperception, but that's what I've been lead to believe after my experiences with the J panel. Call it a bitter resentment if you will - maybe even a sort of masochistic drive that keeps me posting...heck it got me posted eventually. WHEW ok that turned out way longer than I intended, so thanks for bearing with me unless u went TL; DR - wouldn't blame u if u did lol. EDIT 2 SORRY Azurehedgehog for hijacking your post, I got a little too overexcited. I hope it won't discourage you from showing us your other works, as I think you've got some great potential. Keep at it dude
  15. Ditto...SD3's in my top 5 classic games that need completion for sure lol.
  16. Happy Bday Brandon: now you have a reason to be more positive
  17. This is kinda cool actually. Lot's of clipping unfortunately and no source tune link, so I can't tell how much of it is original material etc. Throw a Limiter on the master track, so you can kill most if not all of the clipping. But still, I'd reccomend lowering the volume of every instrument by at least 1/8 and throw each instrument into a mixer track and EQ them accordingly. I'd say that the arrangement is pretty strong, albeit, those rhythm guitars before 2:28 feel pretty weak, luckily they sound much better thereafter. Probably would need some more variation over-all as it feels a bit repetitious towards the end, almost like you got tired of the source tune at that point...happens all the time to me haha. If you're not aiming to get posted then don't change anything compositional-wise and just fix up the EQ, volume levels and get rid of that clipping ASAP. If you need specifics, I can sit down and time-stamp everything and go over it all with you in more detail. I'd also need a source link.
  18. Hmmm...the approach is promising, but execution is still at the novice level, like you've mentioned. I'll keep an eye out for this track and see how it evolves. I would strongly advice that you alternate the octaves of your chords at certain parts...also 3-note chords in lower octaves almost NEVER work, unless you are aiming to cause a lot of tension...even still, I'd reccomend turning them into 2-note chords, i.e. delete the middle notes; still...that's really only a bandaid solution, but at least it'd be a start. Lotsa potential here, keep at it dude.
  19. First off: get rid of those self-deprecatory comments - not a good way to garner attention to yourself. Personally, I think this isn't too shabby. The guitar-pick sounds are SEXY, give it a very organic feel, which is precisely what this track needs. None of that silly dance-music or hard rock shiz - but good old acoustic nostalgia. U MUST KEEP ON WORKING ON THIS DAMNIT. Destined to be posted on OCR, or not, this is a good track
  20. Having tried submitting this style of genre before...albeit perhaps even MORE low-fi sounding than this, I can sympathize with Azurehedgehog here...sry it's late and I forget the OP's name. I understand the approach here and personally I think this is actually still pretty musical - it has a melody and all the structural make-up of a song in theory - it's just VERRYYY sparse. However. Yes, sadly there is a However: OCR will not accept this style of music anymore...maybe way back when with ChildrenOfTheMonkeyMachine's older stuff (seriously check him out if you haven't, as I bet he'd be right down your alley for style). I find it kinda sad that there is such a bias against super mellow ambience, repetitive or nay, it's still technically an arrangement. It's still MUSIC, just a very underrated style for sure. I'd DEF. listen to this track, esp. while stoned So yeah, don't stop making this style of music, but try out different genres first until you've gotten SUPER SAYAN with your remixin' skills THEN return with this style of music and apply some CRAZY assed filter FX and other thangs to spruce it up and make it OCR worthy, whether they like it or not & knock the SNOT out of those pretentious wankers Just don't quote me later on
  21. Make sure to link a source tune as well, so ppl might be more inclined to comment. The expressions and timing are actually not too bad imo - this feels very real...if you told me it was played live I'd believe you lol. Either that or that is 1 powerful piano sample lol. The speed up area about 3/4 into the track felt a bit mechanical - once again I don't know if this is done live or via vst. Sometimes it can be tough to tell for me when humanized well lol. Only listened to it once mind you and still haven't heard the source tune so...for now I'll say this is pretty good
  22. Better than the Breath of Fire II guide where they got so many facts wrong
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