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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Congratulations Angel! When composing for VG or film music, you really need to pay attention to the background story, the characters, setting (especially setting) and obviously the current scene you're in. For yon "Urban Vampire" movie - I would personally strive for a very brooding, dark and gritty soundscape - so whip out your dark pads for sure (Orchestration can work too; but a hybrid with creepy pads would be pure win). Given that there's vampires, there will probably be seduction, maybe even some crude love scenes - so you'll want to consider makings the music for those parts feel more organic and soft - a brooding kind of soft - but you know what I mean . Then the horror stuff is really, really about timing the music to the scene, which means you've got to pay attention to each second to get the best result (similar with action scenes). Hopefully these basic tips will help keep your confidence up - and don't let the bad comments here pull you down.
  2. I really have a hard time wrapping my head around Dubstep + sad theme = win, but I guess if any1 can pull it off, it's Sir_Nuts. Well done. Next time I'll remember to improvise more =p
  3. D'oh shoulda worked on a 2nd soon as I pumped out teh first lol
  4. No, I wasn't referring to the initially private nature of the FF6 album - but I see how it can ruffle some feathers =p Maybe I have a tendency to blow things out of proportion, er...a lot; and my personal bad experience(s) here has probably made me develop an unfair bias. EDIT* I apologize for acting out of hand and going off-topic here - mods may remove my rantings on this thread if they wish.
  5. Hehe, I've had my qualms with OCR before (and still do). But this issue here hardly warrants anyone's ire. What I don't like here is the condescending attitudes towards so-called "noob" remixers; the J panel is no exception and I feel that it is a factor for the negative behavior that is tainting the community here. I know, I know - I'm going on a different tangent here, but I can understand why this person is so bitter with OCR - maybe they are grappling onto the wrong issue though. Also...I've said this before and I'll say it again: there is nothing in OCR's mandate that says "we actively support contemptuous behavior towards our fellow remixers who aren't as good as the veterans." THIS is why there are so many bitter people here djpretzel - I know, it's difficult to appease everyone, but I think you could at least look into the issue. Best regards. -Alex
  6. Besides, don't you already have a few entries by now including me?
  7. Um, that was supposed to go into a vote, not a comment until - least until after the voting process is done - I know I'm guilty of the same thing, but it was more of a joke towards a bonus track anyways =p
  8. Thanks a million - and the Next/This thing is sorta moot semantics isn't it? I'll stop harping about it lol. *EDIT* Er you know which 2 ppl that I had mixed up right? If not I can tell you via pm
  9. Diablo has gnarly boobs
  10. I'm sick of most "Triple-A" gaming companies period. Look at ActiBlizzard, Activision and EA...profit before quality and SquareEnix being a pile of Moogle crap (FF14 ring any bells?) I can't wait for the giants to collapse and give rise to the indie companies (who may or may not become giants themselves in the future)
  11. I voted but I messed up - accidently mixed up two people >.> Hopefully Bunda will let me fix it.
  12. Umm...Bundeslang it's THIS Wednesday technically, not next =p, just sayin' Also, could you ask Rama to fix the broken log-in button at the bottom of the compo page? That problem always annoys the heck outta me *EDIT and yes I know the work-around to that issue which you've listed in bold text...it's just a pet-peeve of mine lol
  13. Well it was mainly a joke, seeing as it's a bonus entry nonetheless , but I'll remember to throw my tantrums after the contest next time ...besides there are 2 new entries so I may be proven wrong anyways q.q
  14. Aww man, Why did u have to make your bonus track better than the actual competitor tracks? q.q At least the vocal clips are very fitting lol
  15. I'm pretty sure that I can get something in before then, so don't worry about me...unless you're referring to other ppl who have yet to submit something??
  16. im assuming "the guy" is the lead composer? EDIT - had a derp moment lol
  17. I'd be up for helping out your band if you guys need a hand with anything sequencing/DAW related
  18. Ironically im using Chrome, but this is on my parent's PC, and it's a crummy Dell /barf
  19. Hmm, I'm having a problem with my browser when I try to download the MIDI. It doesn't DL the file, instead it goes to a new page where it plays on a Quicktime plugin. Can't seem to DL the midi from there either =/ EDIT - Youtube movie is apparently 'unavailable'...damn EA prob had it removed. DBL EDIT - okay I'm a tard...figured out how to right-click then save link as. All good now
  20. Awesome, thanks for checking my stuff out! I'll be following you too ^^...in the non creepy way I mean lol
  21. I am very interested. I'd love to get a chance to collaborate with a vocalist for a change
  22. Thanks Angelcityoutlaw - I eagerly await more followers soon (and your feedback)!
  23. The ending of ME3 made me cry tears of rage for being so bad But to be serious, I found the scenes you mentioned (and many more) to be quite profoundly sad, because they represent the real tragic follies of mankind...something that Japanese game devs seem to fail to grasp these days.
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