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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. sigh...I think I'll just not post on your threads anymore. Prob do all of us a favor Anyways, good luck there Neblix.
  2. I second that. I was thinking ohnoes nub = techno crap remix. But this...this "newb" masterpiece is sexy. Of course, there are production and EQ issues here 'n there, but for a new piece...well suffice to say you surprised me a lot. oh shiza, there's some dissonance at.,...1:20 or so. And it's not the good kind I'm afraid T_T, those are easy fixes though. If you need help practising your ear for key, PM me - or anyone else here who frequents the wip boards. Keep at it
  3. Then don't ask for our help if you're going to be that way. Sheesh...no wonder people got frustrated with me when I started (some of whom still are haha) And of course you can hear the issues. What you need to do is take a few days off from the track, listen to a few other mixes, such as your bro's, then compare the EQ with your own. You'll definitely find those said errors; at least a few of them. So freshen those ears and listen. Man I wish I went by this advice like 2 years ago. FML. BTW, listening to your remix now...let's see what we have here =D I personally have no issues with the drum samples, but they do get somewhat blocked out by the other instruments. It may be the reverb causing some of the other issues; try making it less wet and reduce the % and room size a tad. hmm and 2:25 the drums are a bit awkward there; ...sorry I didn't notice this stuff earlier and made an ass of myself haha...*DS rolls his eyes*. Anyhow =P I actually don't mind the EQ levels as a whole, but I think they could use some tightening up. A less stressful fix could be reducing all the volumes, then boost the master track via Multiband Compressor.
  4. Depends on the source material that I'll be remixing I s'pose, as well as my original works =l Of course, I'm poor as my alias would suggest atm, so...which one of them will make my wallet cry the least?
  5. You sure it's just the project that stagnated?
  6. Is it any good ? Been thinking on buying it; I'm dead sick of my SFs lol.
  7. Neblix, you DO know about the Fruity Mixer right? (F9 is the hotkey for it btw). That handy panel allows you to add in VST effects and to EQ your mix, which I'm sure I'm sounding like a broken record here as you already know that, amiright =p. Moreover, EACH track on the FL Mixer has 3 EQ bands or shelves. As you can guess, the lower shelf is for kick drums and basses, whilst the high shelf is for high hats, certain flutes (er, correct me if I'm wrong here) and other high range instruments. Do the math for the middle EQ band =p Anyhoo, each instrument thrives best in one of 3 of those bands, therefore, you want to reduce the other two bands to get the best clarity you can get out of them...of course soundfonts are fricking bitches when it comes to that since many of them are recorded awkwardly (not to mention that many of them aren't very versatile, velocity-wise). So for example, your generic kick drum would need the lower band (aka Band 1 of the mixer) to be pretty modest, whilst the other 2 bands are reduced rather signifigantly but not completely, as many bases require the other 2 bands to give them that extra tonal oomph. Finally, be sure to pan your instruments so you have a versatile range, as opposed to it all mashing in the middle. Oh, and try using Stereo Seperation, which I believe FL Stereo Enhancer is pretty good at doing...again correct me if I'm wrong people. Anyhoo, good luck Neblix and keep on mixin'
  8. Just a little side game with a not-for-profit company. It's arcade styled, hence the retro god awful quality =p Anyhoo, I suppose that I did go overboard on the HoboKa style in general, but eh that's me... As for making the instruments more coherent and easy to hear, that I can def. do when I have the energy lol.
  9. Well this is definitely improvement. I like this a lot, though I'm sure there's room for improvement; actually the piano is a bit too loud, I think it can be toned down a bit - oh and the velocities need to be varied a bit, to make it sound a bit more convincing.
  10. Like me in my first year Wait a second... D'OH!!! =p what about Metroid Prime: Prime Axiom (for the track name)
  11. Stage 1 for an arcade game I'm helping to dev. http://www.mediafire.com/?5kzvikjnn2m (its meant to sound low-fi...gotta work on down-sampling the drums in fact)
  12. That's odd, so many other ppl can get away with shitting on other ppl around here and don't get so much as a slap on the wrist, so to speak. In retrospect, I've taken a ton of crap by plenty of people on the forums, yet you don't see me flipping out over the mild stuff (anymore). If my past comments damn me so, then heck, half of the other ppl on this site should be damned too, albeit, for other reasons than bashing the mods and creator of the site. Anyways, yeah, this track does "suffer" from a few flaws. The beat to me is fine, and I suppose that it's a little bit barren in terms of the soundscape - but considering Neblix's age and skill level, I don't think you guys are giving him enough credit...
  13. Oo oo I have a suggestion!! Metroid Prime: Beats_the Crap_Out_of_all_of_DS's_MP_Mixes_Combined. Or Metroid Prime Ribs
  14. Well, PM me or something when u do, I'm not on OCR as often as I used to be; too busy with work. My inner clock has gone to hell as well T-T
  15. I do like the ambient feel of the starting; but the flute sample does indeed grate on the ear, I think it's how it was recorded - it hurts the ears, I'm surprised it doesn't hurt yours :S It's pretty decent compo wise, but man, owch my ears...
  16. Yeah this def. needs something to build up TO, can't just have it build up then have it go pfffssst. Gotta give it some meaaat, as well as a lead melody section, cuz this is kinda too ambient - like a lot of my own works cept this actually does have some direction, so u get points there
  17. It COULD be your samples. Cuz some samples can be recorded poorly, so you may want to look on the net for some better soundfonts, or what have you.
  18. Edit: At least now you'll have a legitimate reason to hate me. And I meant to make this an edit, not a 2nd post. 3:00 AM posting for the lose. Sorry all.
  19. Congrats OA. I'm sure you'll enjoy your job when I rack up the queue with 5,000,000 nub remixes prob gonna be something like... Oh, it's HoboKa. Instant No. Next!!
  20. Just noise? Does she have too much ear wax crammed in her ears? This is good man. And the update is Coolness x 1000 squared. Mmm...groove. FINISH THIS, or else I will shoot you >: P
  21. This definitely exudes awesomeness. I think it needs some stronger backing chords to give it a bit of a fuller feel. Yes they do fade in here and there, but methinks they need to be more present. Keep at it
  22. Yes, yes and yes. Trial and error...oh man am I familiar with that. Still a lot of error with me
  23. However short lived it may be. Thanks though
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