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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. thanks man. Yeah I was going all experimental as usual, albeit a little too much so on this mix, so I gotta revamp and refine it more. My favorite part is definitely 1:00-2:17 too ^^
  2. Well...I just had a huge remixing binge last night...stayed up until 4 AM last night, pretty much finished it, now I just gotta balance the tracks, EQ em to the best of my "knowledge" and fix a bit of dissonance here and there, then I'm good to go lol.
  3. Yep, you gotta draw it out as long as you can in that case, good call there Mr. Aversa.
  4. Yeah...but if I made it orchestral or techno it might kill the original flavor of the track, I know that fans who've played the game usually don't dig that. ROFL, that game is worthy of you tube Poop material though...at least, right up there with CDI Zelda and Hotel Mario or w/e
  5. Yeah sometimes it helps that u leave a song alone for a few months, then you come back to it with even better skills and a refreshed ear for the melody (on a side note) It's hard for me especially because I have ADD so I burn out stuff pretty fast, lol. Jeez look, I already went off topic, leave it to me to do that...*sigh*
  6. Actually I do know...lol they'll blam it. I've talked to some of the veterans in #ocrwip and they pretty much poopoohed it, though a few did say its entertaining nonetheless.
  7. Agreed. I'll just polish it up a bit more and get rid of that dissonance, then submit to vgmix. Maybe I'll come back to it when I get real, real good and have a decent sample library. It'd be nice if I could work full time and not stupid college thats not getting me anywhere anyways.
  8. just don't assign me that one Ramaniscence lol. I don't have decent samples to emulate new age, rock, etc. PLUS I need a midi for "inspiration" so...
  9. Thought I felt you looming over my shoulder . Yeah, okay I'll try and do that. BUT man your castlevania song was pretty good, this site has way less interpretive/interesting rock songs on it, and it's being dinged just because the EQ quality isn't 100% fine. Anyways, I'm done bitching.
  10. GAH sorry about this guys...it was a spur of the moment, there's a shit load of dissonance at the middle section that I failed to detect earlier. The bass TOTALLY conflicts with the melody. =l, so I'm putting this pile of vomit for a version down. I'll get you guys a decent wip. BUT I could use some more feedback on whether or not u guys think this WIP worth putting the effort into completing. Thanks.
  11. he can compensate for that by making the boss theme even stronger mr DJ
  12. not according to Hemo (one of the guys at #ocrwip) he says that it lacks harmony. He might be right, but he might be on crack as well, I think I'll submit it after I work on it some more and try to get it to sound crystal clear. My sample quality is pretty meh though, becase I don't have $500 to buy a decent sample library atm...
  13. wow this is pretty intricate, though I think its a bit too, er, well happy sounding it's the final boss, usually the final boss a big evil jerk who has to have epically evil music to go with him. oh well, it's still pretty good mate.
  14. Okay girlz, quite the sound/composition upgrade here. Enjoy >:- D or else...something...BAD...will...uh...happen - Bwaahhahah!! it sucks. lol so nvm
  15. not bad I guess...I didn't find it too engaging myself, but that could just be me.
  16. np, can't wait to hear this in MP3 style samples though
  17. Thanks for reviewing it Ro , okay I'll see if I can address those issues.
  18. What do u mean no echo Ro? If there wasn't any, there'd be no fading out sound, there clearly is SOME. it just needs some more it's not a bad start, but I think it needs more before we can judge you, because it's just barely started.
  19. To be honest I'm not a fan of the simple techno beat thing, but this isn't terrible. In fact it reminds me a lot of my older crap that I tried to do in techno lol. That failed miserably. Anyways, this is better than my attempts at generic techno, but this also needs...MORE, it kinda lacks direction and it could use some more interesting pads IMO, and maybe TRY to vary up the beat. Actually, this probably needs a lot more work, if Rozovarian's or Tensei San's work can't get passed, then I'd shoot myself if this does. Sorry man, but I can't sugar coat this DON'T let me discourage you though. I've been shit upon a ton at this site, and I'm still trying to get posted here myself. The bar here is set eccentrically high...so bare with us.
  20. Did you make this or just steal some one's midi ? If you did make it, then it's composed pretty well but of course the sample quality is well, cruddy. Not bad, for a midi.
  21. Yeah I kinda went overboard on this one to compensate for the fact that its a midi rip :S
  22. I realized that the melodies are actually pretty similar between these two very different songs, so I thought eh, why not try combining em http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/erqy/Schalas_Brinstar Enjoy.
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