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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. But, you think THAT's a weird combo , I've got a mix of Brinstar (Super Metroid) and Schala (Chrono Trigger) meshed together. This remix is fucking awesome though, I definitely feel the combo of mario kart and CT; it's almost perfect in fact =D
  2. PM me the midis for whichever songs u want done if you want them that badly , and I may consider doing a few.
  3. wow, thanks, I didn't know I could do that lol.
  4. Yeah, I just realized that there is a major glitch with one of my samples for this compo, shoulda checked before I sent the MP3 lol. IS there a chance I could rebuke my submission or something Abadoss? Cuz it's pretty awful =l
  5. yeah sorry about that rant lol, was kinda frustrated at the time, good luck on your song bro.
  6. meh, I submitted this to vgmix already, got a 3/5 so I'm content.
  7. maybe I will at some point, unfortunately I don't think I know those tracks =l, thanks for your comments btw
  8. i'll get back to it sometime, I tried to submit it recently - got instantly rejected for being too close to the source lol.
  9. update http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ljlq/CastlevaniaIV_Cascading_FallsVer2 I did what you asked, but the volume tweaking for the ending is pretty tough to do
  10. ohhh, that's why lol. Okay, got it I'll take a hear at that new link
  11. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/bndk/CastlevaniaIV_Cascading_Falls latest version. I think this is pretty darn good, might need to EQ the water FX more into the background though.
  12. wow this is purty sweet Dr Rod, this is pretty intricate at parts and the piano sample is real nice, but yeah like Rozo said, it needs more humanization otherwise, this is pretty damn good , maybe make the bass a bit more prominent too ^^
  13. now i recognize it...not one of the more memorable songs of FF7 IMO, but oh well, lol. I guess thats why I didn't recognize your remix ><
  14. they are I just don't recognize it...maybe you picked a cruddy source song lol
  15. Hm, idc that the guitar sample is poor, but I think you need to make the guitar well...do MORE than just go on the offbeat. make it play its own melody, the bass should be the thing doing the offbeat thing if at all IMO. This is kinda well...generic, I guess this isn't bad but still it's not very interesting, you gotta give this a lot more oomph and energy. Nice try though, don't get discouraged eh.
  16. I'll second that, welcome aboard mah boy, just make sure that you export your stuff into MP3 format dude lol.
  17. Yo Robo, even if this doesn't get accepted here, VG: Mix ppl would cream their pants over this song. But yeah, Zircon loves your song so I think you got this shit down...wow man this is awesome. If you don't finish this song, I'm going to hunt you down, disembowel you then strangle you with your large intestine. Well, I wouldn't really do that, but I'd be upset nonetheless T_T. pweease finish this man.
  18. Which file is your remix? Try not to post 3 links without specifying which is the right one lol. It takes too much effort for us reviewers to see whats going down with your song man. Good source choice though, just tell me WHICH is your remix. K, thanks. I'm gonna take a stab and assume that Storm is your remix. It's alright I guess...I was hoping you'd add strings, a cello and other good stuff. If it's gonna be a piano piece only, you have to make it a lot more engaging with UBER crazy arpeggios, LOTS of volume humanization and dynamics, octave changes, you know, that kinda stuff. This needs a lot more editing to do if you want an all piano piece to be YES'd. Keep at it.
  19. dude, you have to use the majority of the melody in your song at some point, otherwise, the judges will call it more of an original piece than a remix , so you better listen to Fishy lol. Anyways, this is a beautiful piece of sexiness in a can. Very nice beats that aren't muffled/muddy and stuff. Your EQ work is pretty damn good, though the chords/Pads could be reduced a slight bit IMO so that the arpreggio can come out a bit more. But yeah your guitar work is excellent and the tempo change is well, a good change lol. Just add another minute and a half or so for your song and pretty much rip the main rhythm so the J's can go OOOHHH i know this source now , then voila 'tis finished mah boi. Keep up ze good work dooder
  20. Speaking of the judges, they've really got to get cracking on their queue again, it's shot WAY up yet again and the last song they've NO'd or YES'd has been almost a week now. C'mon Larry Oji and guys, get down to business! And I don't understand why you guys instantly rejected my "Mining for Awesome" song, I mean yes it did breach some of the rules, but I'd think that a NO, Resubmit woulda been nicer, you're just out to spite me because I submitted so many compositions recently T_T. Anyways, I dig this song and I hope it gets accepted.
  21. the church organ idea went down the toilet...I've got too many low to middle end instruments as it is, hence the harp and pizzicato to balance that out. I've got some decent french horns and tuba samples though, they're really really nice for free samples in fact. I've got a lot more velocity and volume tweaking ahead of me, as well as a BIT more work on the composition for the first 1:00, because its a bit too dull and put-you-to-sleep ish, so I gotta make it more interesting. But yeah, this is a huge step up for me, and no one can tell me otherwise, if they do, well then they can go shove their head in a blender and press the button. Might make them look prettier ANYWAYS, thanks for your comments Rho: much appreciated man. If you wanna collaborate with me on this and help me get it done, by all means, gimme a shout, eh? Thanks, hope to see you on msn soon.
  22. Oh nice, lyrics ...are these your own (minus the chick, I'd assume that' s your friend)? Sweet DnB stuff too btw...cept one problem. I don't recognize the source tune :S, dunno where u could take it from the end though
  23. Okay so I think this is MORE directional, I think the first 1:00 needs some more attention, but here goes. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/xnpc/Remix_CastleV4_Ver3
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