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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. I LOVE the atmospheric start up into an epic rock section. Great blend of genres and instruments. Another sexy SD3 remix ... it really "scavenges" my sense of aesthetics and elevates my soul to another level. Nice work Rozovian, Mozzaratti, Mak Eightman
  2. Nice flute-work and percussion! If this was sequenced I'd have a hard time telling, 'Summer Tea Time' is a nicely produced chill-out remix. Great work fellas! Like Mazedude, I'll listen to ANYTHING that Audio Fidelity puts forth! Abi Coffer was a great addition as collaborato (just read the description... nice flute performance Abi, top notch work!)
  3. Indeed! Pretty sick rock interpretation. Will be jamming with 'Brooding Tolerance' in the car for sure lmao.
  4. Hilarious comparison . Except I'm certain we'd all like to think that Songs of Light & Darkness had a Positive reception upon release lmao. Poor Duke. (edit) Confession: I still need to beat SD3!! That's next in my bucket list damnit lmao. Will be fun to compare the remixes to the originals as I play!
  5. Least you got something in lmao. I totally let this 1 breeze by...had some personal issues to deal with, but still kicking myself for forgetting x_X. Nice entry btw!
  6. Hey Compo doods - do you think I should add 1 more CV4 remix to make the round seem a bit fresher? Or is Forest of Monsters good enough?
  7. Whew...I feel ancient. Like papyrus. Big thanks to all and congradurations on big release. Had a blast working on this project and so enthused to see it released after a long decade!! Time sure does fly lol.
  8. (*edits-de sei!) Well this is a serendipitous surprise. Feels epic to be first in the line-up of SD3 track releases. Didn't realize how much more passionate that Archangel was than me when he collab'd with me (and I worked my &%@*ing ass off too, so it's not a hard knock on anyone!). His write-up describing the remix is beautiful and epic. Rozovian's words also touched my heart-strings a bit *teary eyed* - fellow newbs learning to navigate the Wild-West of remixin' and to do battle with the oft unyielding J-panel, doing our damned best to find a way to get our own sound accepted - erstwhile enduring the slings and arrows from nay-sayers etc - but damnit, did we work hard to form a sub-community to rival that of the Elite hahaha! Was a blast working on the project. And holy &$@^ Songs of Light & Darkness was a long time in coming: I thought I would never live the day to see it's release. Big thanks to all who participated. So um...2nd opinion on this baby, J panel??
  9. This round has been...resurrected!! I live again!!! Deadline: October 29th @ 1PM Vote Ends: October 31st @ 5PM (so we can enjoy final product on Howlowe'en night!) ENJOY!! Depending on participation, I will submit an actual entry, or as a BONUS. Hoping I only have to do the latter. RESURRECTED for Howlowe'en, my ghoulish whippin' good self-flagellating friends!! Or is that just me? Anyhooo...it's time to give this monster of a song a 2nd chance for Howlowe'en! Give it up forrrr....CASTLEVANIA IV!!!!
  10. Some solid advise there. That's a pretty cool tale to relate! Thanks man! Seems to be some screen tearing/artifact-ish lines at the 2nd-to-top tile line when moving. Easy mode is still fairly difficult, which is a good thing I guess (was hoping to breeze through lmao)... Unsure if picking a Fighter as my Main was wise, considering that the Tavern has a Bishop, Paladin and Berserker on offer. No ranged like Archer or Sorcerer. I wonder if the (edit) Mercenaries/Companions are randomly generated? Other then that, I think MazeQuest 2 is fairly solid thus far. Will let you know if something comes to my attention that could possibly be tweaked. EDIT2) Discovered that the "base" dodge stat for level 1-5 characters is quite high. I've had some very frustrating battles where I had 4 guys vs 2 and they kept on missing, so I wound up losing 1 or 2 of my guys in the party - and it ain't cheap to resurrect a character, even at lvl 2. That said, I'm certain there are +Accuracy items out there. If other people raise that issue, might be worth investigating.
  11. D2 and BoF2 getting love in the same month!!?? I love this! Thanks guys!
  12. Congradurations Mazedude! You are winner! Always a huge fan of your works man Purchased album for $5 (money's tight atm T_T) EDIT) Just purchased game on Steam too! Lastly... Gonna toot my own rusted horn and say, I'd die a happy man if I scored for at least ONE semi-renowned game. Few anxieties and what-if's holding me back, but will use this as a driving force to pursue a limited version of my dream at least lol. All the best to you Mazedude!!
  13. Voted. I am very disappointed in myself for forgetting. Been a bit of a down slump, but it's not really a great excuse to forget/delay. I'll try and do something next round.
  14. D'oh!! Well, I guess that's fine then. x_X
  15. " Hoboka again contributed by posting a bonus mix. " Umm much as I'd love to take credit... That statement is not accurate this round. Hopefully I can get in something further on. T_T
  16. No wonder I woke up with raging stiffy. BoF2 finally getting some love!! Thank you ilp0!!!
  17. I'm in, have yet to pick a source tune. Not sure if I can out-do the last one. Also, wonderin' if we can mooch Cyril the Wolf again, for another video stream of the Xmas Album.
  18. Gonna re-work the mix on my entry a tad and resub as BONUS...forgot to do so. Muh bad.
  19. I put up a BONUS at least, so we're good there. nvm. BTW...umm...I'm thinking that MnP is gonna take a brief hiatus for a month or two...or more lol. I'm gonna focus on helping keep PRC alive for now.
  20. 3 day extension. Why 3? Because I'm threekin' insane! K, I'll see myself out the door now.
  21. Any feedback for my BONUS? evktalo: This feels like a credits theme styled after the source tune, with a semi upbeat feel to it. Love the whistle-synth at the second half too!
  22. Apologies on MIDI...tried to find a better one, but no dice. I think if you turn down the velocities on it it should sound good, unless you can go by ear then no probs
  23. I'll extend if necessary. Not having much participation.
  24. It's like riding a bike. Or climbing up a mountain. Takes a few tries then the stride comes back. Familiar slump here a while back lol.
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