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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Purchased the album Gotta say this stuff is pretty cool: crazy good vocals and very catchy synth-pop tunes - Gonna throw this onto my car MP3 player fo surrrre mang.
  2. Well that's nice of you, but usually it takes more than th- ow I scraped my elbow - waaahhhhh
  3. Ditto on the last part. I might whip up something too. You and me both.
  4. Ok np. I'm hoping the next source tune will be a bit more approachable. If no one submits then I'm going to have to pick one myself :3
  5. I can understand the uncertainty you're feeling there Kitty (given this site's rather daunting expectations on music) - to me, what's really important is that you put your own personalization and enjoyability first - the technical crap comes second =p (unless you're actually gunning for getting posted on OCR, then get ready to jump through a multitude of hoops)

    Anyways, both MnP and PRC are more lax in those rules and you can get away with "subpar" production with, *just* the right amount of scrutiny that won't leave your ass feeling raw :P. Besides, you can't get better without trial and error, so there's no harm in trying right?

    ...I hope that alleviated your concerns, if not well, I tried. That and I'm bloody tired - it's 4:27AM for me so >_

  6. Indeed. Bumped the due date to the 30th of November @ 2PM.
  7. At first I was a little flustered as to how I lost to Esperado, due to a smaller track length and less source usage of laguna's theme. Then I realized that I failed at the integration of both tracks and maybe some of the sound choices weren't as good as I initially thought. I guess I got lazy there >_> Esperado's take was very creative and surprisingly cohesive, despite the 2 sources being completely dissimilar, so yea, I got beat good. Oh welll, I'd prob lose next bracket anyhooo
  8. There is no try, only do


  9. BAH idk if you read that post, but I edited as I may have been a bit too snarky. I'm a sore loser and I may be speaking too soon, but it looks like you've won haha. I need to upgrade my sound library :(

    I'd be REALLY cheered up if you made a submission for round MnP 04 though, if it's not 2 much to ask :3

  10. lol thx Esperado,I still need 2 hear yours...currently watching Brandon's stream =p

  11. sexy typing and singing. @ Timaeus222, it's cool, guess it was a misunderstanding. @ Brando: What No pr0n? =p ...don't ask
  12. The "can't possibly be on purpose" part was kinda mean bro, keep those comments to yourself. Also, Arrow did say it's his first compo.
  13. Yeah...happened to me before, that's why I'm paranoid with keeping back-up files for all my music projects. You ought to do the same from now on
  14. Ouch family issues suck. Been there done that, and I know a few other ppl on here who've got similar problems. My best wishes go to you and I'm looking forward to getting this thang done
  15. Y'know Eiono, the thought just occured to me...what's the chances that the match-up randomizer happens to pair 2 female characters together? Or did Brandon just want to set up a good ole cat fight? ...hmm, maybe I'm trying a little too hard here to be funny.
  16. it's the anxiety talking. Gotta stop stressing the small things lol. So, yeah, I'll just do it that way. Thx for the tip lol.
  17. please do laddie, w'eve got nae tracks fer this roond yet. *clears throat* My Scottish is a tad rusty I might extend this for a few days if anyone's interested in attempting this one still. I know...FF Crystal Clash definitely overshadowed both MnP and PRC, but if you guys find the time 'n energy to get something in here, that'd be awesome. ~cheers =p
  18. ...damn I wish I had that tool. You had no idea how tired I was towards the end of my remix...actually maybe you will when you hear it
  19. idk if this was covered before, but I want to know if it's possible to update my profile picture. It's mostly for a personal reason, because I was too embarrassed to wear my glasses at the time of that pic and well...maybe it feels a bit dishonest to mislead ppl into thinking I look that way. Maybe I'm thinking a little too deeply on this but, it'd be nice to know if I can submit a new pic for my profile. -thanks
  20. So um...I guess I should rly play the game now that I've finished the project *track...er well I should say now that Damashi did the finishing touches =p Can't wait to hear the album and also for the fan worship that me, Damashi and Xenon will no doubt incur. >:3 EDIT watched the trailer and must say that it sounds pretty solid all around - very 'groovin. Also, it's the first time that I've been featured in a trailer so I got that kind of eureka feeling. Er, idk if that's the right term, but you guys know what I mean. Long story short, I'm proud to have been a part of this project, and equally proud to have a chance to work with some other super cool remixers. Maybe one day I'll submit something solo...but it wouldn't quite be the same - it's pretty fun to collab on VG remixes ^.^
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