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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. I found the tempo change to be a bit more annoying...having to manually change the master tempo. So...much...eff- ok I'm lazy, but I found a way to more or less get it to work.
  2. ah yeah...kinda like how my compo ends up working. Derp (but I don't have the due dates on weekends so...*mind explodes*)
  3. @ chimpazilla Everyone's a critic =p Buut...I think that you (Brandon) should extend the compo by a day or 2 if there's only 1-2 submission(s) in by the last 4-5 hours or something. It's not like the previous bracket is gonna implode if they have to wait another day or two...right? Was that how it worked last round? Wasn't really paying attention TBH. That and I was just being an ass...
  4. W,w,w, whaaaat!!??? Was the match-up randomizer too broken this round? Anyways, seriously guys get your stuff into gear - I don't wanna be all by myself
  5. Ditto. Mind you...it could've been the midi that I used for Cait Sith. Anyways, given that jazz and/or funk (not quite sure which genre this is) has rather loose and weird timing, it doesn't mesh well with "4 on da floor techno" (Laguna's theme)...but I think I managed...sort of. I feel bad for Esperado as he's prob in a similar rut that I was. So glad I finished and submitted my erm...submission. Also *slightly* different tangent here but....I NEED A NEW FRIGGIN' SOUND LIBRARY. I've got Toxic Biohazard, Sytrus, Poizone 2, Sampletank, Alchemy and other free vsts, soundfonts and junk. But I want more expensive and cooler things like Native Instruments and E/W Symphonies Luckily I've got more hours at work now So maybe you guys will hear a new and improved HoboKa within a month or two (providing my CPU can handle the RAM usage of the VSTs I'm planning on getting, like Spectrasonics Ambience and E/W Symphonies >_> and maybe some Native Instruments/Kore)
  6. More staffers needed maybe. Correction: ones who have time on their hands
  7. A posted remixer who needed to piggyback a better one to get posted. Your chances are higher than you think, but that doesn't mean I won't throw down with the best of it. Better put your best effort into it boi
  8. 3/4 isn't that bad - personally not a fan of making beats in 3/4 though. It's a good track worth remixing though. But someone needs to break the Square streak at least once >:3
  9. It was the synth at 1:30 to 1:34 that was real grainy in a bad way >

  10. K, I think I fixed the names for FF Crystal Clash. Was it just me who had this problem? Or am I dislexic or something >_>

  11. FML. Well...I've already forgotten most of what I said and I don't feel like going through that gauntlet of music again lol. Haste leads to waste as they say
  12. Heyyy, you deleted my comments I was just trying to give feedback q.q ...or were we supposed to post that somewhere else?
  13. Well then, maybe I'll extend the compo by a day or 2 so u can get it done
  14. Oh ok. It prob doesn't help that the entire instruction page is so long that my mind starts to wander as I read through it lol... AKA im stoopid
  15. You're THE best. Oh wayt...that's not an insult
  16. So...then how long is the voting window? ...1hr, 30 mins?? 0.00005 seconds? ......okay tardo theatrics aside, the voting rules were kinda on the sparse side for me.
  17. Alrighty Thx novareaper. So only the light bracket competitors can vote for the light bracket right? I only see 8 names in the voters discussion board...so ><
  18. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Round four: Chrono Cross: Another Termina Midi Starts: 17/11/2013 Ends: 28/11/2013 @ 2PM Vote Stage: Nov 28 to 30 Submit your remix Here when completed. MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. A modicum of originality is recommended, but not required. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct * MnP Instructions 1. Slight alterations of the source are encouraged, but not required. 2. Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. 3. Stay relatively close to the source's mood and notation. Refer to the example tracks for reference. 4. Any genre is acceptable, so long as it doesn't affect point #3 too much. 5. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). 6. Don't make any qualitative remarks about your submissions until after the voting stage. 7. When voting, please try to put enjoyability first, but consider production values as well. Example Tracks: FF7_RedXIII_Redux, EWJ_Wormaphobic Disorder, Source Terranigma_EnigmaOfABrokenSoul, FF7_SonOfChaos, SMW_Monstrous_Turtles, Hitman_Contract_Cleaner, MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier. - Don't be afraid to collaborate - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as you aren't going overboard with 'em - *Some* source tunes don't have drums or percussion for a reason. So keeping it that way may be the easiest way to retain much of the original feel, such as and
  19. Results time: Argle won with a whopping 21 Chernabogue came second with 15 GrapplingHook got last place with 12 And I earned 0, but automatically default as the winner because I am God. ...JK Final score won't match the score seen in ThaSauce b/c 1) I'm too lazy to change the bonus-applied points 2) The scoring line-up is already uh...lined up properly. Every contestant voted, thus all got the +3 first place bonus. The previous winner did not vote, thus there is no X2 vote that needed to be applied. Argle picks the next round's source tune! (fingers crossed - not CT or FF >_>) Thank you all for participating and voting, hope to see you next round
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