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Posts posted by Foxhull

  1. When it's in a suitable form, midi or whatever, can i see the awekening arrangment at all, cause i think you said you wanted help with that. I have a pretty good prog background for input.

    we don't have anything arranged yet, but LuIzA is going to help with arranging and she is doing the bass guitar part. What we have is:

    Style: Metal/Punk/Prog. - Guitar Battle

    Rhythm Guitars: Me, Fishy, Tensei-San

    Bass Guitar: LuIzA

    Drum Track: Doomsday

    Lead Guitars: Anyone listed so far that can play and wants to do a lead part as well.

    Note: Geoffrey Taucer has offered to help if we need it.

    That's what we have so far Fishy, and anyone else who asks.

    Also, everyone in the project so far check out General over at the project forum.

    depending on how you do this thing, i can do a wailing rock solo on my sax (although it'd probably be out of style) if you want it.

    or, if you have a desperate urge for vocals, my voice fits pretty well for a rock vocalist, if you wanted.

    i dunno. i just want to help out on this project.

    Well, that could turn out nicely, I was going to contact you originally about the bass guitar part, but when LuIzA joined in I asked her while I was at it. We could probably work you into the arrangement.

    Just let me know, cuz this is already turning into an interesting track. We already have 5 people, and it could continue expanding into 6 to 7 people 8O if we add vocals(the 7th would be a lyricist).

    And you already are helping out in the project, but we can always use more help :D .

  2. When it's in a suitable form, midi or whatever, can i see the awekening arrangment at all, cause i think you said you wanted help with that. I have a pretty good prog background for input.

    we don't have anything arranged yet, but LuIzA is going to help with arranging and she is doing the bass guitar part. What we have is:

    Style: Metal/Punk/Prog. - Guitar Battle

    Rhythm Guitars: Me, Fishy, Tensei-San

    Bass Guitar: LuIzA

    Drum Track: Doomsday

    Lead Guitars: Anyone listed so far that can play and wants to do a lead part as well.

    Note: Geoffrey Taucer has offered to help if we need it.

    That's what we have so far Fishy, and anyone else who asks.

    Also, everyone in the project so far check out General over at the project forum.

  3. ed]
    That's because that's all it is right now - believe me, it will be a heck of a lot better, I just got a couple of ideas a few minutes ago from "Darkness Duelling" and "Confronting the Mystic" from Chrono Symphonic.

    Plaigarism is illegal. But whatever makes a good track, go ahead...

    not plaigarism, just ideas, but i do see what you mean, but its more stylistic ideas.

  4. ed]Saturos and Menardi-

    This doesn't even feel like a track. It feels like a build-up, like an intro. Am I the only one that thinks that?

    That's because that's all it is right now - believe me, it will be a heck of a lot better, I just got a couple of ideas a few minutes ago from "Darkness Duelling" and "Confronting the Mystic" from Chrono Symphonic.

  5. I'm able to provide Percussion as a live instrument If anyone needs some. By percussion, I mean anything from Triangles to Kit to Timpani. I also might be intrested in doing a mix of 'My Village Is No. 1''. Just give me a couple of days to get a WIP ready - I'm planning on doing most of it, If not all of it, live.

    all right, pm me the WIP when you can for the final decision

    I only have time to update the taken source tunes right now

    to avaris: if you haven't already, can you take care of pming the private forum url to the new project members, cuz im busy right now.

  6. You got it fishy, Satriani is amazing.

    Almighty when you got the wip ready send it to us.

    Man rpggamer180 is gonna have one hell of a time updating the first post when he gets back.

    in the process, in the process-AHHH! Too many changes! :lol:

    Fusion I think it would be fine, but I don't have the final say on it. Just gotta wait till rpggamer180 signs back on and decides.

    You both have it, as VHD is doing a giant medley and you are doing one song

  7. Are you looking for sound libraries so that you can mix and mangle the sounds? If that's what your looking for there are tons of commercial libraries and free sounds you can find on the net.

    If you're looking for your own truly original sounds though, you'll have to go out and record the sounds yourself. If you do this, record as many different things as you can and multiple takes, as it won't sound exactly the same each time.

    you've sort of got the idea that i had, except, without recording, taking a generic sound i can create in FL and then using effects to tweak it into the above SFX

  8. Heh, you wrote the tabs, nice. :) Sites that ripped your work and didn't credit you, fuck them. :P

    Anyway, I suppose through deduction of required note ranges on said 4 consecutive strings you could probably narrow it down to a handful of tunings, of which most likely one or two would make most sense. I doubt they'd use some convoluted tuning just so that fingering their riffs would be as hard as possible. But that much is fairly obvious, and I'm not being very helpful, am I? :D

    Speaking of tunings, one of my favorites is DADAAd, ie. drop D open power chord. It sounds pretty huge when you play power chords on that on all the strings using just your index finger. :lol:

    jesus christ my guitar would have a shit if I tuned it like that. floating trem is not so good for the alternate tunings. also... are the two consecutive A's in the same octave? that's a little... weird.

    Yeah, the two high A's are in unison. :P It doesn't sound weird as such, mainly just.. well, not exactly thick, but richer. I don't seriously use that tuning, but it's fun to play around with sometimes.

    not to mention the fact that it turns any plain ol' full barre into a power chord, i just might use this tuning for a remix or two

  9. alright, im back(i was gone for a day for those of you who don't know), the artist list and tracklist have been updated, and we need, at max 7 more tracks claimed before we move this thread to general

    also, for everyone who hasn't signed up on the project forums yet-SIGN UP!!! :lol: that way we can get anouncements out to everyone by email quickly and easily

    and whenever i am gone, avaris will be in charge, and i will at least let him know when i will be gone, if not everyone

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