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Posts posted by Foxhull

  1. ed]
    ...there's the boss battle one thats starting...

    ...with all of these projects going on there simply aren't enough remixers around, especially "big name" ones, so thats probably the main reason why recent projects are mostly new guys...

    Thats... mine? Wow, right to my face, and you didn't even realize. I give up. I think I'll go crawl into a hole, no one even wants me... I think I feel worse than Arek. Arek, pretend to feel bad, thats the only way it'll work.

    Seriously, you don't need star power (although it helps). As long as you have good mixers, and an original theme... Snap! I've got you beat! HA Ha haa.... suckers.

    No, no, really. Thats what makes a difference. Since yours is "just another project" (no offense), you've got to get it hyped. Make it as good as you can. Obviously. But contact everyone. Listen to 200 mixes... seriously. Then pick the top 15 favorites in the style you want. Then contact those people.

    Hey, no badmouthing other projects, especially ones that your participating in...unless you are Doomsday.


    We're not dead yet!

    dead yet? since when?

    Since now...wait, now.....nope, that was in the past too, how abouuuut....NOW!

    also, im going to pming a few more people soon hopefully. also, when this one is finished, ive already got a few ideas for my next project...and i can guarranty, they are original.

  2. Minimum: 20 Tracks

    Maximum: 30 Tracks

    There will be a ratio of, at maximum, 60% of the tracks on one disc and 40% on the other.

    OMG you mean we don't have to remix every single song, that'd be around 50 in total. 8O Haha, well I was curious as to what the final number would be. It's a more realistic goal to do this number of tracks.

    WHAT!??! you already knew the max track amount :banghead:

    just a friendly bit of chat

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