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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Because online gaming works fine on the 360 & PC (no clue about how the Wii's online gaming worked for him), so there's a perfectly fine solution Sony could've implemented with the PSN but didn't.
  2. Problem was, my friend didn't have access to the router he was connected to, as he was on a school connection.
  3. But the PSN system has its own issues with firewalls and such, which is pretty archaic in this day & age. A friend & I could not play GTA 4 online due to that for example, which was pretty crappy.
  4. We? Who were you with? Also, we plan on getting to the con late today, so no biggie.
  5. You know, I took a stab at the dark buying a SF4 TE with being uncomfortable playing arcade fighting games, and it really does improve your control to the point where you can do things that you wouldn't have done before. As for my thoughts on the Wii over the PS3, if you have a lot of friends who aren't super hardcore into video games, the Wii is clearly a better purchase for social reasons - you're looking to spend a lot on controllers too in this situation, which makes it no different from buying a PS3, and possibly more expensive so cost isn't the core of my view. I've personally derived a lot of fun from Wii titles like Wii Sports, Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Fire Emblem, and even from Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10. There were other games too, but I seem to have a hard time remembering from poor sleep in this hot & humid Baltimore weather. The VC also has a crazy number of good games if you're nostalgic - I'm currently on the FF4: The After Years & DKC 2. My PS3 on the other hand has been largely unplayed except for PS2 games. Resistance wasn't so bad that I remember except the PS3 controller is weird for FPSs. Resistance 2 though I just quit at one point when they throw these ridiculous enemies that can kill you in 1 hit and audio is the only cue. I haven't played my LittleBigPlanet or Disgaea 3 yet. Super Stardust HD is amazing though if you grab that off of the PSN. Flow doesn't match the hype - not worth it IMO. I also used to have & play Virtua Fighter 5 but...it's on the 360 as well, which goes to one of the big drawbacks of having a PS3 if you have a 360 and money is an issue - there is a huge overlap between PS3 & 360 games, and multiplatform games are better off in general on the 360 due to a generally larger userbase online, and that 360 games don't eat up as much of your hard drive as PS3 games tend to do.
  6. When I think of geniuses, I think of people like: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terence_Tao http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramanujan and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauss
  7. Also - for a group the size of OCR's, we should probably reserve ahead of time at whatever place we want to eat at. Houlihan's is a chain, so I'm more inclined to go with Tir Na Nog.
  8. I didn't get my badge either today because the prereg line was ridiculous (wrapped around the building twice) - gonna be waiting in line with a friend at some point tomorrow too. Edit: Dave, I'm up for it - I'll give you a call sometime Saturday morning then? If anyone wants my number, PM me and I can leave you a PM tomorrow night with my #.
  9. I didn't get to chime in earlier because of a day without internet and...it looks like I'm too late. I feel like the Wii would've been the better investment (I own all 3), but I guess it'd be silly at this point to list why. Hope your purchase does good though!
  10. Hey guys, posting from the airport, killing time before my flight. As for dinner, no clue, we'll find out when we're there.
  11. Was that you who just called me & left me a voicemail?
  12. Well...it turns out I was so busy with various things on my end, I didn't get to alter the mapcycle - I'm going to trust Powerlord & FireSlash to figure out a tweaked rotation that'd be amenable to the most people.
  13. So...knowing very little about anime, would someone want to join a friend & me in hanging out for much of Friday & Saturday and introduce me to various things?
  14. I'd also like to add that after the OCR panel, Level 99 is offering his place for a place to have a live FF4 listening party - would people be up for this? Edit: I printed out 10 copies of directions to Stevo's place from the Baltimore Convention Center. I can print out more if necessary, but it would have to be done today as I'm disconnecting the Mac Pro & disassembling the desk in preparation for moving. I'm pretty sure my friend I'll be at the panel with can take 1 or 2 people to the listening party.
  15. I'd be down - I'll probably pick up some food on the way and eat there then if this is the plan. I'm sure rides can be worked out with people around.
  16. There is always a trivia portion during OCR panels, and I'll be whipping up a preview track soon for the DKC 2 project to be played during the panel alongside the other music that will probably be played. I think some prizes during the panel will include a Wii, FF4 project physical copies, shirts, and hoodies. Also, I will probably be there around 5 on Thursday as well, if not earlier. I'll be the asian wearing a white OCR shirt - i.e., shouldn't miss me.
  17. That is possible, but probably a bad idea considering the size of Otakon & the that Otakon is situated right nearby the Inner Harbor of Baltimore - very busy area. I'd be up for doing what everyone else is up for of course, but it'd probably be a disaster getting food beforehand.
  18. Yeah, I generally don't micspam because people who have music playing can easily get annoyed. Excepting that one night where I played DKC 2 project tracks, but that was special. Edit: Just to keep everyone up to date, this is the current rotation: ctf_2fort cp_granary pl_badwater cp_egypt_final cp_follower ctf_turbine cp_steel pl_goldrush cp_gravelpit cp_well pl_waste cp_dustbowl cp_badlands Suggest changes, or forever hold your peace...or at least unless Powerlord or Fireslash changes it upon suggestions.
  19. I'm not sure - when & where are the badges being given out on Thursday? We can meet around where the line is, but I think we should get the badges before getting dinner.
  20. Depending on where we go, it could be a pretty bad faux pas
  21. We'll probably be getting food at that time though .
  22. It can be found by looking at the server logs...but wow it's a pain.
  23. Xerol is holding a listening party at his bbq on the day after (Sunday) We'll probably all want to get dinner then anyway DA - the OCR panel is from 6:15 - 8:15 pm, so I know I'll be super hungry.
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