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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I was wondering also whether people were interested in having a BBQ the next day as well - I'd certainly be up for it if someone has all of the stuff needed to barbeque or know of a place we could have one. I'm certainly up for minigolfing & seeing Transformers 2 though.
  2. We're going to be moving over, AND have a second server. I do intend on dropping the first one.
  3. I can't comment too much on the second one as it's very short - whatever the source is, 55 seconds shows that there has been inadequate exploration of the source, unless the source was like a 6 second loop...and even then there are ways to extend those to longer than 55 seconds with the current looping you have. But for the first, minus what is probably a quirk of youtubes at around 0:06, there is a lot of repetition with the looping of a 6 second clip until ~0:30 - you only need to repeat 2 or 3 times at most. 5 is a bit excessive. Also, there is little rearrangement that is going on here - what I see is the original track from Breath of Fire as a cover version almost wholesale, with some minor remixing. I don't really have a problem with the instruments used, but there's quite a lot of room for reinterpretation, which is what this site is about. For example, take a look at this mix: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01695/ I hope this gives you a good place to start improving. Loops are good for starting out from what I'm told, but even in genres such as hip hop you have to get more creative.
  4. So Pavlvs let me know today that his server box will be ready soon for operation - how do you all think is the best way to handle the server switch, with the idea that the regulars who don't frequent the forums need to know of the IP change? One suggestion I have for how to handle this is to to mention this in the MOTD, and to tell people to visit the forums to check for the new IP address when it happens. We will have 2 servers when this switch happens also (as well as an L4D server). The second server will be as promised a more community run server, with open access (through PMing me for server access info). Anyone caught abusing it such as changing the mapcycle without consulting various people, preferably in this thread, will have such access removed though. Thoughts?
  5. Bumping a third time - come on people, there's a good deal of good stuff still left!
  6. Actually, I experienced some weird issues with the server tonight as well. I'll check into that.
  7. These are what is currently acceptable for posting in this forum as far as music goes Links to legally available music by popular artists in the context of a discussion, i.e. songs posted by the artists themselves on Youtube Links to teasers for upcoming video game music albums made by posted ReMixers or album directors, i.e. a link to a Youtube video for an upcoming album release (make it absolutely clear that it's for an upcoming album though & describe it!) Links to the music for video game music rearrangement albums by active members of the community, i.e. a thread for a non-OCR project such as Bound Together Links to where music can be acquired by active members of the community, video game or original material, i.e. a thread for a commercial album that may be purchased by a member of the community For the situation of single songs or a collection of a few songs, they are to either be posted in Workshop - Feedback: Workshop ReMixes or in Workshop - Feedback: Originals/other, whichever is the appropriate forum for the song(s) in question. It is highly recommend if there is confusion, to ask a moderator of the Community forum as to what is the appropriate place of posting.
  8. Hey, this mix progressed quite nicely from the first WIP (I can see why SnappleMan said "Holy shit......."). I took an interest since I started a Lufia 1 & 2 project recently, so the music catches my interest. So I see that you went with a more straightforward arrangement here in that you didn't really rearrange the original source material. I think one thing the mix could use is some changes in pace - some breakdown & buildup would enhance the mix greatly I feel. Something about the synth could be improved too I feel, although I'm not experienced enough to be able to identify what it may be - perhaps a more traditional synth you see in trance would fit better? I think arrangement could use some work though still - the mix drives at one pace, being four on the floor and doesn't slow down or speed up. There's not much to make the latter half of the mix more compelling than the former half, which is a characteristic of this style of music.
  9. So I guess we should start with a meeting place - Bardic's suggestion work?
  10. There's casinos too I hear - but not something I'd prefer to spend my $ on at this point heh.
  11. Indy is not too far from me...but getting there and back to Champaign is kinda a pain with public transportation. I could hitch a ride with someone potentially I guess, but it also depends on when zirc & pixie have a BBQ as I would prefer to fly to that first.
  12. But you could just listen to the songs and come up with something .
  13. Also I hear there's a Six Flags in St. Louis? That could be something fun too. Come on people, it's only 6 days away or so, some more ideas!
  14. Happy birthday AD, and may there be plenty of philosophical knowledge gotten in throughout the year!
  15. I personally like hydro, but I feel like there are enough complaints that I should take it out for a little while - it will go back on the rotation at some point, but from what I can tell, it's like egypt, junction, and ctf_well in that people don't like the maps very much, so in order not to exhaust them too much I do some swapping in and out every now and then to keep them fresh. I probably will insert a custom map into the rotation again in the near future, but I'm not sure what yet. If you have suggestions, feel free to suggest away!
  16. This is a pretty well done mix! First I'll get into two things that caught my ears. One is that the enunciation wasn't perfect, especially when it came to holding the s too long. Hold on the vowels, not the consonants! Second is a bit of clipping I heard at ~0:50. But this is definitely a nice mix despite those bits! Very minimalistic, and reminds me of Kate Bush in some ways.
  17. Have you tried emailing him from the email address on his site (I'm presuming he has one listed)?
  18. This thread has run its course unfortunately. It's too bad there's a few people who can't discuss the site in a rational fashion still, although most have been good about it (even those I disagree with).
  19. Whoa, why so touchy brush? I wasn't around the two times you tried to ask me . That was just the list of people who were talked about for sure to put on the admin list. I could add you back on, but you seem a bit overly emotional over this so I'm going to hold off for now until you calm down.
  20. Sure those weren't from two different days? I wasn't on today at all.
  21. Here's the current rotation: ctf_2fort cp_granary plr_pipeline cp_dustbowl cp_gravelpit cp_fastlane ctf_turbine cp_steel tc_hydro pl_badwater cp_egypt_final cp_well pl_goldrush cp_badlands cp_junction_final Things I should change?
  22. My new place is going to be near Mattis & Kirby in Champaign. Also, bumping this up - people have suggestions for things to do in St. Louis? Edit: Bardic & I simultaneously came up with seeing Transformers 2 for the nighttime at least.
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