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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. See, but that's not what you said at first - again, if you're going to make an accusation like this Then put up or shut up. Unless you're so petty that you get up in arms over one mistake that some of them might've made over the myriad of other mistakes done against them, and in that event, the only thing I can say is I sure hope you don't treat other people like that in daily interactions.
  2. All I see are accusations without merit. Have you neglected some of the crap done to some of the people you're probably referencing first, and without good reason? I wager you have, because otherwise you wouldn't have come to that conclusion. I was just a lurker/noob poster back then, but it didn't take someone really involved to see the vicious bullshit that some people on staff & otherwise had to endure, and oftentimes didn't even provoke.
  3. So lemme guess, you heard a version of events that probably was highly inaccurate, and then you make a blanket statement on all of the staff .
  4. If you got so much free time, do a Lufia 1 or 2 track! It's highly doubtful any of those tracks will get dropped though.
  5. So after some talk in #ocrtf2, this is the updated list of admins: Bahamut zircon Dhsu Powerlord Fireslash Rambo Hemophliac DarkeSword garian
  6. Bumping this up - could still use some more mixers on board. Edit: So my copy of the soundtrack arrived today, and I have determined that "Final Battle" from Lufia 2 is different from "The Final Decisive Battle" a few tracks earlier on the OST. This track is notably missing in the SPC files and the Youtube playlist. PM me for details.
  7. I like this mix a lot - it's been on loop for a little while . The only thing I thought that might've been nicer is to bring those guitars in the background a little more forward, but otherwise it sounds great!
  8. You know, I wondered why my override wasn't working - I'm pretty sure I have it fixed now. Edit: I also fixed the changemap before my other post.
  9. Nobody told me he was banned for racism - someone want to give me a heads up on that? Also, how was I at fault - I could post the chatlog if necessary, but for the most part I was inquiring about it until you turned it into a he-said-she-said type of argument, which at that point I got frustrated & kinda pissed. So here's something I'd like everyone's input on - what commands admins should have, clear guidelines on their usage, and same for reserved slot holders. Admins currently have the ability to: Kick Ban Unban Slay Changemap Change Cvars (i.e. timelimit for a map, and various other ones, although most admins do not know how to change stuff like class limits, or tf_birthday, etc.) Changing Configs (perhaps server.cfg, or map specific configs? I'm a bit fuzzy on this one) Chat (special chating privileges) Vote Scramble Teams Alltalk configuration Deadtalk Configuration Cancel Votes Reserved Slot holders can: Vote Map Vote Kick Vote Ban Scramble Teams (? I know vote scramble at the least) Alltalk Configuration Deadtalk Configuration
  10. I was actually going to talk to you about this, since I talked to a few people about it trying to figure out what happened definitively (due to some people being insistent about what you did being wrong without considering all of the possibilities first). One thing you shouldn't do is kick if they're micspamming. There is the server-side mute function, so you could just type "/mute atm" and the server would mute atmuh. Most of the pubs who prefer to micspam obnoxiously off the bat will end up leaving anyway from that, but let them make the choice to leave. From what I've gathered from some others, Atmuh's micspam was at an ok volume, although I don't remember what it was like - I can see why you might've thought it was loud if it was j-pop since it tends to be brash. I was going to talk to you about it Edge because I was thinking of taking away your admins so that no one can accuse you of using them improperly, even if they try to egg/troll you on to do so (which is listed in the server rules for people not to do I'd like to point out to everyone) I'll address this since this is the core point - most DO do their jobs for the most part, and I'll put it right out there that most who make their accusations can't name more than a handful of incidents, which I'm almost certain is far better than they can muster if they were given admin. I always cross check each incident with as many people as I can, especially those who have no bias either way, to get to the root of the ones that I'm not there for, A large part of complaints I get, I daresay more than half, are not ones where action is necessarily warranted, and there's a lot of whinery just because swift action isn't done on limited knowledge, or that something isn't decided in their favor. Good admins should not act on quick impulses unless it is a clear cut issue with no ambiguities. Oftentimes, I find complaintants being wrong in their assessment, such as with the case of Bleck whining about Tiddly for what turned out to be a non-issue, which is why it's important for me to hear multiple points of views for issues I'm not there for. Edit: So I'm going to put it like this - put up, or shut up. In the case of the Tiddly "incident", not once did I get an apology for the bullshit that got launched into from the beginning, or an admission of fault. If you're going to continue to rage on Bleck, you just decrease your own credibility and the likelihood that anything you have to say is worthy of consideration, so keep that in mind.
  11. Technologically superior & above the US in about every single way...what?
  12. Whoa, I didn't even know there was a Skies of Arcadia project... Is there an updated claimed tracks list?
  13. I am absolutely enthralled by this mix - it reminds me of all of my (weak) attempts at ballroom dance, as the style harkens back to music of the early-mid 1900s. It's pulled off so well here that I really don't have much more to add except that I hope to see more from you guys, especially an album (or few).
  14. Haha, is Catan really worth it for the 360? I'd get it I guess if people want to get it and play over Live. Also, Ikaruga is an awesome vertical scrolling shmup for the 360.
  15. There are a lot of us on here more logic-minded, me more than most people in general - I have to be because I am in mathematics, where strict logic rules. I don't necessarily assume a comment or statement is necessarily an attack. I take a dispassionate view on statements made, assess the reasoning behind them & the implications they have, and then make a comment. Don't take it necessarily as an attack - I'm personally a more direct person than most in trying to figure things out, and I'm more interested in the pursuit of the explicit detail I've found some people to hold against OCR (I'm not necessarily speaking of with hatred) so that if there's something that's really an issue, then the site could try to improve on that front. I cannot speak necessarily for others though, but I apologize if you got the impression that your comments were viewed as an attack by my reply.
  16. Just to give you a rough idea of the project timeline as far as I know it, FF4 comes out on July 18th. Xenogears and DKC 2 aren't set in stone as to the release dates, but Xenogears is likely to come out in September/October, and DKC 2 in November/December. After those, there aren't any with particular time periods slated as far as I'm aware. Of course it's a good idea to verify these things with Larry first, as there could always be updates from other projects I'm not aware of.
  17. Nah, I disabled it since most people seemed to think it wasn't worth losing the ability to client-side mute.
  18. Let me get this straight - it's ok for you to make exaggerated comments on one extreme, but then when someone points out that there was a more extreme example of what you were claiming in an earlier post, it's suddenly aggressive? Let me remind you how you opened up If you're going to make a garbage attack on me, at least accurately reflect how it started. YOU were the aggressive one from the start, and the chatlog verifies this. I could post more of the chatlog if you wish, but I don't want to really clog up this thread which is supposed to be a reflection on the change that has gone on over the years.
  19. Funny you should say that - about an year ago, perhaps a little less, I was gauging interest in #ocremix on IRC for a Lufia 2 project (no Lufia 1 even) and I had trouble finding people who would be interested in such a project. I had already talked to Arek about wanting to do such a project sometime in the fall & asked for his assistance, but I wasn't sure whether it would take off with the disinterest I met. Fast forward to now, I connected with more people in the community & noticed that some people were more than willing to do such a project such as Nekofrog (I remembered hearing an earlier version of this: ) and OA (http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01795/ ). Coupled with djp & his own Lufia 2 mix (http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00300/ ), I figured that perhaps I could find enough interest and asked around again. I'm glad that I didn't give up hope on such a project, because I found quite more interest than I was expecting, so I quickly prepared this thread in an effort to have the project open rather than have people suspect us of having a pre-invite list & playing favorites, which wasn't the intention - I apologize to any who might've thought that was the case, as I did try to gather inquiries from a few people of possible interest before deciding to go forward with this with Arek.It looks like the project is thriving now, and it's exciting to watch so many excellent remixers dedicate themselves to making some good Lufia mixes.
  20. So today I really started out in earnest in working in Logic Pro and I realized, I had no clue as to how to really work with drums. Does anyone have any particular guides that would be of an assistance?
  21. For those on the project, you can check out the (probably) final track order on the project forums. Edit: There is more with a surprise on the project forums (even more than the surprise you all know already)
  22. I meant altering in a way that destroys their creativity...but yeah Larry gets it.
  23. back in the day, there was no such thing as making music for OCR. there wasn't really any specific judging criteria, and people did just make music for fun but as time went on, the judging criteria got more specific, and this concept of an "OCReMix" started to take a life of its own. people started asking "how can i make an OCReMix to get on the site?" and "how do i OCReMix?".. as if OCReMixing is something different than music making in general i do think that it has evolved into something different, something shaped by the judges criteria. with the goal of creating an OCReMix, somebody is going to specifically and purposefully adhere to the criteria to obtain that goal. that inherently alters the feel of the resulting music such that it becomes an OCReMix some people might retort that the criteria only "raises the bar" and promotes more "good" music. i really have to disagree, as any set of criteria is going to impose restrictions and steer the resulting music in a particular direction, no matter how open or "we accept all types of music" it may seem. and basically that's what i sort of feel is different with today's music on OCR. some of it has the feel that it was constructed to specifically meet the criteria. when that happens, a sense of freedom is lost.. the sense when an artist has complete freedom and can create anything within the musical universe, instead of being boxed in by judging criteria as an example, the term "OCR trance" is used to describe some trance music on this site, as if it's different from "real trance." i'm not going to debate whether that's really true or not, but the fact that that term exists and some people feel that way shows what i mean.. that there has become a difference between an OCReMix and other "normal" music that has been shaped by judging criteria hopefully i'm getting my point across since it's sorta difficult to explain... I sure hope nobody is truly making music just to get on OCR. There may be a few who do that, but thinking of artists off the top of my head while I've been catching up on the last 250 posted ReMixes or so, I can't think of any who might've been doing so with their posted music. For example, take a look at the following list of people who have posted mix(es): Another Soundscape AeroZ Audix Beatdrop Big Giant Circles bLiNd bustatunez Children of the Monkey Machine DarkeSword DiggiDis Dhsu DrumUltima Fishy Game Over Geoffrey Taucer Hemophiliac ilp0 JigginJonT Joshua Morse Level 99 Kidd Cabbage Mazedude Nekofrog Nicole Adams norg Nutritious OA Palpable Patrick Burns pixietricks ScaredSim sixto tepid Tensei (Joren de Bruin) The Orichalcon The Prophet of Mephisto Tweek Willrock zoola zyko zircon (This is a short list of people off the top of my head, not meant to offend anyone I didn't mention) I do not see any of that in their music where they're altering their music just to get posted on OCR. In fact, I would argue that comments from the likes of judges have helped a good deal of them improve (some of them have/are judges though, so they probably get comments more freely). In fact, if someone was trying to make their music for OCR, I'd wager it'd lead to he/she to abandon the creative process that works the best for him/her & be a barrier to getting a track posted. I do understand that there is something about the judging criteria seems to evoke some criticism of OCR, but I haven't come upon a reason that adequately explains it (although I'm sure that it exists, just someone hasn't been acute enough to identify it and articulate enough to explain it).
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