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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I'm gonna guess that's Larry at zirc's place.
  2. Happy birthday BGC! We hope your day goes well, especially after your car breaking down at Roanoke on the way here.
  3. Happy birthday Dave! Hope to see you soon (assuming you're coming to Andy & Jill's wedding).
  4. Happy birthday guys! Also nice work Zoola for the DKC 2 project .
  5. What qualifies as good xuck? Happy birthday Xerol! One day before the big honcho ha.
  6. Actually...just read Stevo's post (Level 99).
  7. Yeah, we'd need a sample of your work.
  8. Bring some chips for me too!
  9. Less than a month left! Who's a bad enough dude to get on board this project and/or cough up some WIPs?
  10. I only count 2 sonic projects on the site.
  11. Haha, Stevo approached me with this one, honest! Also just putting it out there, but I'm offering my voice if someone wants a baritone for a track.
  12. Hm, I thought I commented on this track. One thing I love is how the vocals contribute to an ethereal atmosphere. The instrumentals do a great job in enhancing this as well. Definitely a solid track that shouldn't be overlooked.
  13. My first extensive attempt is a Terra mix that I'm still in the process of trying to get working so I can learn enough to do more songs at a higher level (and to repeat ad infinum). I'm working with Logic Pro - I have a Mac Pro, and I keep my recreational usage to another powerful desktop that I have so that the Mac Pro's power is almost exclusively for my music endeavors (as well as some work related stuff). I haven't worked terribly hard on it so far to be honest. It's a bit disheartening to see that it takes many recordings to get somewhat into the swing of things. I'm largely criticizing myself for timing issues so far, but it seems like it takes a lot of practice & drive, so I'm going to have to man up and keep at it.
  14. Out of curiosity - where is this version of Robo's Theme from, as coverish as it is. Edit: Ditto with the Bloody Tears one.
  15. I know that there's a MM2 remix that was meant to be a remix of the NoppZ one.
  16. I know zircon can help with that if you really need it, and probably some others too.
  17. This track really surprised me when I heard it. In the MAGFest preview I remember hearing the guitar with more upbeat mechanical sounds to compliment it, so I was expecting a more happy-go-lucky rock track. Instead what I got was a surprisingly diverse mesh of ideas fused together into this song. Great job ilp0!
  18. This track has quite a bit of subtlety to it - first it enters in a brooding tense moment that is a calm before the storm, before going into full swing with the music, which shifts notably with each repetition. It's quite amazing what a change of a few notes can do to change the interpretation.
  19. One thing that caught me with this track is that I remembered hearing a portion in the MAGFest preview as well. The transition to that section of the song absolutely conveys the emotion & conflicting thoughts going through Kain's head. An interesting take on Suspicion to say the least!
  20. He actually also has another mix on the album, the one titled Path to Deception, remix of The Land of the Summons. The one thing I love with this track is that bLiNd took a track that wasn't terribly interesting in the original soundtrack and turned it into a kicking track that you just want to zone out & dance to.
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