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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. That's Hip Tanaka. Happy birthday Luke!
  2. So a lot of people know that I love various tracks, and continually find more to appreciate with each listen of the project. However, I want to take this post to compliment Lisa Bela (Genesis of Destruction) & Nutritious (the two bonus tracks with him for Genesis of Destruction) for their voices - great job you two, and I hope to hear more of both of you in the future!
  3. Unfortunately, we don't allow favorites/list threads on OCR. If you'd like to chime in on perspectives on certain tracks from the project, head on over to http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24472
  4. We will be passing by Columbus - talk to Newt on IRC though, since I don't know how many people are going with us right now.
  5. If you do make it out here, I will love you long time!
  6. I didn't see that many spies at Otakon - did see like 2 or 3, including the Jesus mask one. Saw 2 or 3 red team medics, 1 blue team medic, a heavy, several engineers, several snipers, and a female scout.
  7. Man, I've now heard it all - complaints about mostly electronic, mostly rock & electronic, and now not enough electronic haha.
  8. Combined with the economy, sure, a lot of people will recognize a lot of it isn't good. But...a lot of the major titles cater to such general audiences that hardcore gamers may see flaws with them, but most of the general public won't care. Also, the cost of developing games have risen quite a bit. Because of the amounts of money being dealt with, investors want to be assured they have a quality game so the risks taken have to be minimized to some degree. In addition, that means they need to hire quality programmers & artists, and in order to minimize risk, they need to hire experienced people for the most part. The big corporations have found having many companies do this to be a sweet spot for game development. There's still some innovation & experimenting being done to accommodate the quality game devs but in general these companies are forced to minimize risks due to the nature of the industry in its current incarnation.
  9. We actually briefly mentioned the project during Otakon - a good portion of the audience knew of the games, which surprised me quite a bit. There's a couple more tracks we'd like to see done, and Port City from Lufia 2 is indeed a nice one. Good to see someone with as much excitement over this as us though!
  10. This track has grown to one of my personal favorites in the project, especially after reading the translation of the lyrics. You really get the impression of a ton of people fighting for Fabul, and combined with the moment in the actual game, it holds in faith with the story to give it a stronger impact. Great job OA, Nutritious, Hemophiliac, and the Fabul Men's Choir!
  11. So I clicked it because I rather see what they posted about the FF4 project over their garbage site...and man there were a lot of garbage comments & misconceptions about the site over there. Also it was pretty sad to see one still bitter person post an off-base and incorrect comment there after the unmod deletion (get over it - an article about an album project has nothing to do with your eternal vague grudge).
  12. Yeah, I heard about it this morning from Stevo on IRC - an ex-roommate of his went out drunk with his roomies and then went naked, "tripped" & fell on Larry, and stayed on him.
  13. It's all good, it was implicit . Good to see you two made it back just fine though! So this is what I felt was the highlight of the listening party although I missed it - after Upthorn, ThatBlack1, and I left, an ex-roommate of Stevo's decides to trip and fall on Larry while he was on the air mattress and stayed there for a while - while naked. Great time at Xerol's place earlier today - thanks for hosting us all!
  14. But will Larry get jumped on by a naked guy again?
  15. So it was a great time doing the panel during Otakon - I felt a bit daunted since it was my first time speaking to an audience of ~500, but I should probably feel more comfortable in the future. One thing though is that Brushfire doing the commentating was awesome - I'd definitely want to hear him do stuff in the future!
  16. I had to leave as Genesis of Destruction was starting . 'Twas great fun at Stevo's place though, drinking & fooling around while listening to the project.
  17. The 360 online experience is quite superior - you have the near guarantee of everyone playing with a headset, as well as no potential firewall issues with any game online. ~$3-4 a month is a pretty nominal cost for just this, although there are other bonuses you get with XBL as well (free 1v100 beta for example).
  18. I've bought a few games this year, namely Rock Band 2, Mass Effect, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 for the Wii, BlazBlue for the 360 & PS3, The Force Unleashed, and...maybe some others. What I think this news says though is that not even the game industry is immune to the effects of the bad economy. Before, the game industry even saw growth in recessions. As for people's comments on the games people want - most game developers are content now to put out games that are half-assed in some respects since gamers have shown the inclination to buy them enough so that it's economically maximal for the companies. The only people to blame here are the consumers who're willing to purchase those games.
  19. I'm pretty sure djp is going to be bringing his laptop, so he'll be able to formalize all of the release online whenever he gets internet access at Otakon.
  20. Logistics would be ridiculous for a release at the exact time of the panel, since Dave will be at Otakon.
  21. Just a reminder, someone should make a reservation at Tir Na Nog Edit: Reservation done, check the first post for info!
  22. I think he meant IRC - would be great if he stopped by Stevo's place though.
  23. Yep, we're shooting for a November/December release (hoping for November though). Also, you can check out the aforementioned two tracks in the podcast here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=567542#post567542
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