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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I'm personally just going to be staying with a good friend of mine who has a house in Baltimore - he's also going to be attending Otakon, so he'll probably hang out with us.
  2. Sorry I didn't get to invite you to play today, as Newt was over at my place and we can't get a network vs game going on with more than 1 person in the same room, even if we both log in XBL . We'll get some games sometime though! So thanks to Newt, I nabbed myself a Street Fighter 4 Tournament Edition fightstick today from Gamestop, and we proceeded to play a lot of BlazBlue. For someone who has never been acquainted with arcade-like controls before, the fightstick was really natural for me for this game, and I can't wait until my left wrist recovers from such endeavors (it's hurting like crazy). I'm starting to feel much better vs. Nu, although she's still a pain to face as Noel. One mistake on Nu's side from letting Noel hit her with a drive though and it's over, unless you manage to pull out the barrier burst and knock her away.
  3. I missed out on the NeoTokyo action, but I was playing a lot of BlazBlue tonight.
  4. Just add us on XBL then! Also I played some more ranked matches online last night...lot of spammy scrubs, although some might say the same against me as Noel for doing the down + A drive then the down + up + A drive, run towards them, and repeat . But it seems like a good number of people don't think about using block for the most part. My crowning achievement was making a Jin ragequit for destroying him though after he thought he had the upper hand in the first round!
  5. So Zeklan, DarkeSword, Newt, & I got to play some BB together - fun stuff! Nu is still hard to fight against though as Newt just dominates us for the most part.
  6. Bumping for great justice! May be closing out the open track choosing process soon, so don't miss out!
  7. Yeah, the President of Honduras got deposed for trying to pursue increasing electoral limits on the presidency to be more than 1 term, and they appointed a new president in his stead. However, the rest of the world refuses to recognize the new one as the president. Edit: In short, smaller admin list, refreshed mapcycle, and custom skins & models allowed.
  8. We don't have a specific release date yet - but it is < 6 months until the project is release for sure, as that would mark the end of the year.
  9. Less than half an year until the project is released!
  10. He's talking about how often they're played online I think.
  11. So I changed the map rotation to this: ctf_2fort cp_granary pl_badwater cp_egypt_final cp_fastlane ctf_turbine cp_steel pl_goldrush cp_gravelpit ctf_well cp_dustbowl cp_badlands ctf_1fort_a6 cp_junction_final I wasn't a fan of the previous 1forts, but I'm curious to see what changes were made in a6 (plus by request by shpladoink). Also, I need to restart the server for the whitelist change to take into effect, which will probably happen in the morning.
  12. Strangely enough, I really had trouble going through FF6 on the GBA...I just couldn't stand the grinding.
  13. So I changed the server whitelist to allow custom models from disk - admins just be on watch if there are any potential hackers as usual.
  14. I just made the group private & kicked the person out of the group.
  15. Happy birthday! Don't go apeshit for alcohol now!
  16. Eh, I did promise this project would come out before the end of the year, and I kept my word on that. We should have the final wavs in by August, but we have some other things that need to be planned out still.
  17. So I just got done playing some BlazBlue with Newt...and proceeded to get my ass whooped something like 14-80. I only had 2 wins until like it was 2-30 or something like that - Nu just raped me hardcore before I started figuring things out, and stuck with just Noel. I'm loving how accessible the game is though for a fighter, and yet contain depth. It's very similar to the Street Fighters of yore in that respect. Several of the characters are kinda tricky to use from what I can tell without looking at the command list & practicing like Rachel though.
  18. I'm liking Noel a lot for some reason, but I just got the game. It seems really easy to pull off combos with her without knowing much. Also, if anyone feels like adding me for the 360, my gamertag is "ilovepsi".
  19. I'll probably be up for going Xerol, and I'll probably bring a friend along. Also, any interest making it an FF4 project listening party of sorts then too?
  20. That'd be awesome - in fact, Sunday is Xerol's bbq for post-Otakon. I'm sure something can be arranged...
  21. Sorry man, but they're closer to completion & its been in the works longer. On the flip side, we may be seeing 5-6 projects come out next year!
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