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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I wasn't using that track as an example of that-track-is-better-than-all-older-tracks - you're missing my point. I was just noting a level of complexity that wasn't present in much of the earlier tracks. For an analogy on this specific point, there is a power metal band called Helloween - their later material became more complex, yet most regard their early material as quite better for the level of abstraction they brought. I'm talking about the overall quality. There are a LOT of older tracks that aged really poorly - I don't see any charm in them whatsoever. I do agree that there are some entertaining tracks of various degrees in the past, but in numbers, I feel that most of the tracks now are quite listenable & enjoyable, but you cannot say that about most of the tracks in the past. Also, LOL at Hoboka's post.
  2. So I've frequented OCR since 2002 - I know some of you have been here longer (Dave comes to mind of course). I've been catching up on remixes from the past year and a half since I've fallen so behind on them, and I've been finding a lot of these songs quality. Contrasting them with most of the past stuff (when I went through them all a year or two ago), I find that the music posted on the site has progressed quite a lot. The production & arrangement prowess has increased dramatically - there's nothing like zircon's & sixto's Nuclear Flash pre-1000, and even perhaps even before that mix in its variety and intensity. I'm not deriding ALL of the music from the past. I am however noting that I'm deriving quite a lot of enjoyment from the more recent stuff, in more deeper ways than much of the music from the past. What are everyone's thoughts on this?
  3. Heh, looks like I bumped the wrong thread last time...so who else is up for this date?
  4. So...I *may* have figured out something quirky that was going on with reserved slots, and I apologize to Xslicer - when I put his steam ID, I forgot to put a ". It may have affected other reserved slots - we'll see what happens.
  5. http://torrentfreak.com/anti-piracy-group-raids-p2p-admins-house-without-warrant-090528/ Now that is some garbage right there, and shows how low these groups will go.
  6. Actually, you ask some good questions. First, college is what you make of it - most people waste their academic and extracurricular opportunities, me included. So how you manage your time is very important, and wholly up to you.
  7. wtf, Neko is a few days older than me? Happy Birthday! Perhaps you'll find some new TF2 unlocks today .
  8. The mp3 was broken for me after multiple attempts on multiple days (did you try playing it?). The other mirrors worked fine though.
  9. The ocrmirror.org download link for this mix is broken: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01658/
  10. So I've disabled micspamming for now on the server with sv_allow_voice_from_file to "0" since apparently this new cvar broke the built in TF2 mute feature from working with micspam from computer files. I'm hoping Valve fixes this so that I can reinstitute it.
  11. I dropped hoodoo, and reduced pipeline to once per mapcycle.
  12. Bumping...is there really enough interest for this?
  13. I don't think they have an updated version - that is the latest version that I know of.
  14. I'm going to lift the class limit eventually, and 2fort in particular has it unrestricted. However, skill should not factor into the decision of who gets to play sniper or spy for example, especially with the free weekend & all of the recent Orange Box purchasers. People should not be restricted as to what class they should be all the time just because others are more skilled at it unfortunately (and much to my own chagrin at times). In the interest of fairness, regulars should get some opportunity to play those classes.
  15. I don't think 3 is reasonable because out of a max possible 12 people on a team, 3 of each would mean you could have a possible 6 snipers & spies on each team - half a team's worth at best. That is absolute garbage. When I get back from church I'll restart the server to start up the plugin.
  16. Hell no, because of the possibility of half of the team being spies & snipers.
  17. Not surprising Dhsu haha. Also, after the bullshit on gravelpit of having gone sniper as one of the first on the team, and then seeing us have 7 snipers for a while, I am instituting a class limit on spies & snipers on 2 of each. If people classwhore only those classes, I will institute a temporary ban.
  18. Bad sense of direction? Also, couldn't you try to print something out from Google Maps for directions?
  19. I've had it happen before - I generally have it happen when I alt-tab, but rarely to that extreme.
  20. There were a LOT more people trying to get on the server that night...and counting also a lot of new regulars we've been getting with all of these TF2 deals, and a bunch of others that people might be forgetting, I think it's quite worth having two at this point. Also, the quality of the new server will probably be better, with pav's offer that he mentioned to me.
  21. Probably would help to mention where do you live around.
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