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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I could technically put a class limit on engies for hydro - do people want that?
  2. The worst example I can think of is on dustbowl, where on the second stage, second cap, there would be 4-5 engineers...it made things massively frustrating.
  3. I still think the Macs are overpriced, and I own 2. So you know this already Bardic, but I bought this laptop a few weeks back: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0020HRI4M/ref=ox_ya_oh_product I paid $1350 for a laptop with these specs 2 Ghz Q9000 (quad core) 4 GB of RAM 2 250 GB hard drives (5400 rpm) 17.3" LED screen ATI Radeon Mobility HD 4850 with 1 GB of RAM 7.76 lbs ~3 hours of battery life (often more for casual usage such as web browsing, IRC, listening to music) Its been a pretty good laptop IMO, and doesn't really cost a fortune. There is a version for ~$200 more I think where you can get a bigger screen & blu-ray at the cost of ~1 lb as well.
  4. Well, the discussion got rendered moot with SnappleMan's move heh.
  5. Use PMs for stuff like WIPs/post in the project forum!
  6. rofl - the above water track is To a New World. Here's the best way to check - which youtube video is it? or
  7. Over the water I presume (as opposed to under)?
  8. Bumping this up! Plenty of other tracks abound people, don't be shy!
  9. Listening to an unfinished Zeromus mix & some of the other tracks again...definitely can't wait until the project is released!
  10. Depends on how much it's spammed really. If they're doing it like 10 times rapidfire in a row, then I'd consider it.
  11. So Atmuh reminded me just now that client-side & server-side muting doesn't work now with this plugin installed. What do you all think - is the tradeoff worth it or not? Edit: For the admins - So there's no general hard rule to follow here, but when it comes to votes, generally let them go unless they're obnoxious, like when people abuse sm_vote to make custom votes in a spammy fashion. Also a reminder to never alter the gravity, as it screws up sticky bombs.
  12. Oops sensai, fixed that in the first set of lines. The second one with just binding a voiceall key works though for sure, and might be preferable, depending on how you want to do it.
  13. I said something earlier about that: [01:36] <@Bahamut> garian claims that he wasn't yelling at people to take the tele [01:36] <Bleck> siiiiiigh [01:36] <Bleck> whatever
  14. I told hemo what to do - I actually expected him to be on much sooner though. I was just sick of your piss poor attitude. If you have a problem, then don't go about going aggressive about it trying to start shit up. One thing I don't do is ban on one person's word unless I can confirm it since bans are heavyhanded tools, and from what garian told me, it wasn't like what you claimed at all & he has proven trustworthy with other server incidents about assessing things. When I was trying to go through things with you, you were more interested in demonizing me or things I said than hearing what I had to say with a clear mind or reasonably just because they didn't agree with your assessment. After I thought it was resolved by pointing out that garian said different, and Dhsu confirms what garian told me with his post, you instead just decided to vent frustration and then take it out on me. Again, you're more than welcome back in the channel if you calm down, but for the future you need some anger management - it is more than possible to communicate a problem while angry without sounding like a douche. I'm going to look into it again soon, after signing a lease for my new place I'm hoping to stay for the rest of my grad school career . Edit: Done - check the first post for details. The plugin is confirmed to be working!
  15. [01:23] <Bleck> tiddlywink in the server trolling with teleporters [01:23] <Bleck> aaaand he's still not banned [01:24] <atmuh> oh god playing kritz pyro [01:24] <atmuh> is so fun [01:25] <Hemophiliac> bleck [01:25] <Hemophiliac> how so? [01:25] <Hemophiliac> what is he doing with the teles? [01:25] <Bleck> making teleporters that go nowhere and then continuously screaming into his mic that we should take them??? [01:26] <Hemophiliac> is it micspam? [01:26] <atmuh> hemo you are dumb [01:26] <Bleck> it's micspam whenever tiddly speaks basically [01:26] <Hemophiliac> atmuh don't call me dumb, it's a legitmate question [01:27] <Hemophiliac> basically, how continuous is the "screaming"? [01:28] <Bleck> also wait a minute [01:28] <Bleck> I've been playing this game on this server [01:28] <Bleck> for over a year now [01:28] <Bleck> neko comes along plays for a month [01:28] <Bleck> and he is an admin??? Because that is the shining example of civil. Note that I didn't even say a word. You're full of shit, and continue on this path and you will earn a well-deserved 1 month ban.
  16. Again, you want to call me a child and yet you don't even want to start things off civil? Save the hypocrisy.
  17. So tell me then, how does it excuse your attitude problems? Thought so.
  18. [01:28] <Bleck> also wait a minute [01:28] <Bleck> I've been playing this game on this server [01:28] <Bleck> for over a year now [01:28] <Bleck> neko comes along plays for a month [01:28] <Bleck> and he is an admin??? [01:28] <Hemophiliac> no idea [01:28] <Hemophiliac> Baha [01:29] <Bleck> is the cr in ocr supposed to stand for circlejerk or is that just coincidence??? [01:31] <Bleck> oh well I guess whatever bullshit he pulls in those five days is meaningless!! [01:31] <@Bahamut> no, but what, you care that little? [01:31] <Bleck> itc baha does not understand sarcasm Don't pull that bullshit, I can c/p plenty more, and others saw it too. You have a major attitude problem, and I did not provoke that shit at all. You're banned there as long as you don't calm down & learn to discuss things in a civil manner, because I don't need to take such shit from you at 2 in the morning.
  19. Unfortunately, most don't seem to realize that & are surprised when they figure it out in game.
  20. This is a pretty neat album, although it seems more like an EP in length IMO.
  21. Just think on the Wii demographic - a lot of them wouldn't know any better.
  22. Here's an example - do you remember when the Disco Dan & McVaffe tracks were posted on the site? It was Triforce Majeure and The Darkness and the Light, respectively. The comparisons made drove McVaffe not to submit anything for a while if I remember correctly.
  23. The problem it creates is that people will compare the two tracks, and it does the less popular one an injustice. I'd like to avoid that situation if possible.
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