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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Nah, I've banned someone the night before for mic spamming. However this ban was definitely deserving, as these two people were abusing the glitch with the demos where you can shoot through the gates before the match starts. I have zero tolerance for that type of demo abuse, and anyone who does that will get banned shortly after a warning if they continue with it.
  2. Wow, another night of a full server - wtf happened? Also, apparently we had some OCR lurkers on. Good playing with you guys!
  3. Some of what it takes to break big in the western music world is marketing - I haven't heard of many bands that have broken big without a massive marketing push at the right moment.
  4. Nah, we've had other nights with a full server. You just missed them . And I thought you had to leave early last night?
  5. Because we all know concerts kick ass. For the rest of this year my concert schedule is pretty packed: Iron Maiden (tomorrow) Liquid Tension Experiment (June 23rd) Judas Priest, Testament, Motorhead, Heaven & Hell (August 20th) Nightwish & Sonata Arctica (Sept. 4th & 6th) Helloween & Gamma Ray (Sept. 27th) Kamelot & Edguy (Oct. 18th) VGL NJ (Dec. 27th) ? I can't wait to see all of these concerts. Iron Maiden is one of the last few bands I really want to see left, along with Blind Guardian, Dream Theater, Angra, and Helloween and Gamma Ray. Everything else is pretty much icing on the cake.
  6. Not to steal the Philly meetup's thunder, but I noticed this when looking at the VGL website - yes, VGL in Newark, NJ on December 27th, 2 pm and 8 pm (this is a saturday). Considering this falls near the yearly NYC meetup, are people up for this? The only reason I ask so early is that tickets go on sale on the 16th, so it may be an easy time to grab great seats (I'm talking group seats like VGL DC). Also, what time would be preferred if we do this?
  7. Oh wow, hopefully this means Jill can make it big time in the next few years! That's an amazing development, you don't get coincidences like that often.
  8. The 80 GB one axes backward compatibility too I think. You need to get the old 20 GB or 60 GB PS3s if you want that feature.
  9. So any agreement on what'd be a good map rotation? Also, should I up the time for each map from 50 minutes to something higher?
  10. The sentence structure in the first post can only bring this to my mind:
  11. Top Spin 2...perhaps I suck, but that's one hard game
  12. Some PS3 games take up a significant amount of space for the install - if you don't want to have to bother to uninstall/reinstall games, I say buy an 80 GB PS3. OR you can buy a smaller sized one (40 GB one), and buy the appropriate hard drive (does it use 3.5" bay ones? I forget, but consult your instruction manual for specs), and follow the instructions for installing a larger one. Doing this does not void your warranty.
  13. Great...I can't find a Mac FTP client for the life of me . Guess I'll postpone changing the map rotation and stuff until tomorrow.
  14. Well there's one problem Chadly - the custom maps got wiped out by Gameservers while we were trying to figure out why the server wasn't appearing in the server list.
  15. That point caps very quickly though, so it doesn't really matter. The only issue I have with the video is that the pyro didn't spy check. Also I hear that the other team can see the outlines of the sapper as well?
  16. One way to do it is to enable fast weapon switching in Options - Keyboard tab - Advanced, which lets you switch by just pressing the number. Or you can remap the keys.
  17. That's hilarious, they didn't try hard enough to spy check. That pyro was such fail in the beginning.
  18. I could be a little ignorant on this, but every death metal band I have seen perform had 5 band members, with the vocalist just doing the growling and other band members supporting.
  19. Alright, tomorrow I'll download an FTP and change the map rotation n stuff. What rotation would you guys prefer?
  20. Only two people have to do with the music on the show - apparently they only use 4 people total for live performances, which is pretty weak for death metal: http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=106461
  21. Probably using some other musicians. And I'm surprised they sold out of the Nokia Theater in NYC, although the show only is $25. I can only think of one other metal band that has sold out that venue (Nightwish).
  22. Hell, that probably applies to any rejected mix from back then.
  23. Yeah, I ook a similar listen to OC ReMixes an year ago of OCR 1 - 1000 in alphabetical order, and the older stuff definitely is overrated by some in the community. It gives you a lot more appreciation for how much better the quality of the music has gotten here over the years.
  24. This confirms that zircon doesn't sleep.
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