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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. People, check the other thread for hotel details if you need a place to stay. Edit: Merging threads, so check in this thread, earlier this page or a page back, depending on your settings.
  2. I still don't think that HD is that big of a deal, although I do <3 the 360 much. That said, you should be considering the 360 for fun kwarp, not for innovation necessarily. The 360 delivers well on the fun factor almost regardless of what your preferences are - they got the sports titles, western RPGs (and the upcoming Blue Dragon, an eastern RPG), FPSs, TPS (Third Person Shooters, tactical and otherwise), and some good XBLA games.
  3. Alright, so I'm giving this a bump. One of my friends can't make it, so that frees up a ticket for first come, first serve - my only request is that someone give me the cash for the ticket as reimbursement in person or paypal. I know there are at least 3 people interested in this ticket, so someone better act fast! As for the hotel - I should be booking the room in the next few days for June 29th & June 30th, and it looks like there'll be one spot open. If someone wants to get in on this, I need a PM - first come, first serve. It's looking to be $119.51 per night for four people, or about $30 per night per person. If someone doesn't want to come to the Saturday night show, that's fine, but if someone wants a place to stay for that too, then there's the hotel - as far as I know it's possibly just me and potentially another friend for Saturday night, but if I can't get others to come along, then I'm going to have to pass for the Saturday night show and just stick around for Friday. My pick looks to be the Hilton Washington & Towers hotel, which looks to be near the Metro and two transfers away from the station to get off at to go to the Kennedy Center. Edit: Looks like Darkesword is the first to get to me so that ticket is his.
  4. No favorite threads: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2360
  5. I don't know about you, but I intentionally was hitting people with the balloon . And I didn't realize that the bus from Philly to NYC was so bad...when I was there at 8:30 or so, there was a hugeass line already for the 9 pm bus. At least they brought out 2 buses though, so I came into the city at the time I expected...but still too late for a train home, yay late night Metro North .
  6. So originally, Jill saw someone selling balloons right along the street since it was Drexel's Commencement on that same day, so we all paid for the balloon to randomly give to someone at the meetup, but then it just ended up becoming the meetup balloon, full with cheesy love you effects and traveling with us everywhere until it made a full circle here at Jill & Andy's place.
  7. I gave up simply because people were not offering adequate reasons for why [insert game] is a must play. There are too many games on the list where flaws stick out like a sore thumb that kill enjoyment for many by a longshot that people are YESing, and when someone NOs it, there is an inadequate rebuttal that does nothing to counter the claims of the negative experiences.
  8. I'm posting at zircon & pixietricks' place, and the meetup was great as to be expected. First we met up at City Hall (and for some strange reason everyone was late) - after waiting an hour, we met up with Darkesword, his brother, and Atma and headed to the Gallery for lunch. After, we then went down to South Street and looked around the shops and stopped around Penn's Landing, where we then decided to head back to here for the bbq. Much food & fullness later, we went to get bubble tea at the Bubble House, pixietricks' work place and then said a heartfelt goodbye . Here's a gem from #ocremix though!
  9. So I'm posting from zircon's & pixietrick's place...watching Star Trek: Voyager (not surprising). I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow!
  10. You and me both...or try to catch an early chinatown bus.
  11. They go by a point system, but it's a weird point system - $20 gets you a strange amount, I forget what though.
  12. Yeah, WC3 kicked major ass, and anyone who says otherwise just sucked at it (although TFT was not as good as the original).
  13. Cheesiest != worst. I remember some of the worst ads out there coming out of Sony's camp.
  14. I'll help out with some costs of course...gone for broke this summer, might as well push it all the way
  15. I'll be crashing in at zircon & pixie's place friday & saturday night...I can bring Guitar Hero 2 if anyone wants (& controller). I'll bring my DS Lite too...any particular requests for games to have? Oh, and does someone have Mario Party 8?
  16. Yeah, when I saw them at their special NYC show two weeks ago, rumor was going around that the band was pissed at the leak. I found it especially funny that almost all of the 2000+ people there were familiar with the new album already.
  17. There's a distinct possibility of me getting to the Friday show late if I do get this internship, although I'll try to make it in time. Hopefully it's a paid internship, but if not, my budget could be fucked. Also, what games should be brought? My friend and I both have a PSP, and I have my DS Lite (and I'll bring Pokemon as requested by DragonAvenger). I also have a 360, Wii, & PS3...but only 1 PS3 controller. I also have Guitar Hero 2 for the 360, and the guitar (with case).
  18. Yeah, that's like me too - I didn't even notice I had a 22 chain in a battle before since I was on the phone, so I had to cut it off since anything at 12+ is a waste for garbage blocks and lets them raise up their screen to get the ! blocks to send you shock blocks with (which happened, but I still beat the guy handily anyway). As for Kanthos's previous question on PPL vs. Meteos, of course it's a no brainer for me to pick PPL (being a huge Tetris Attack fan and all). Meteos just lacks depth and becomes more of a stylus frenzy than strategy, while PPL has well defined strategies and trumps Meteos in pure gameplay depth.
  19. So! My plans are actually still unclear now, friend got back to me about my possible internship, and it sounds like a 9 to 5, weekdays type of job, so my plans are a bit sketchy atm. I may end up slightly late or so if that happens, but more news to come (I'll probably know more early next week).
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BT_%28musician%29 And, the verdict seems to be yes to the OCR shirts.
  21. Yeah, I'm loving the challenge of online. So far I'm 77-8, and others who've seen me play at MAGfest earlier in the year know how good I am. I'm still dominating most of the good players though - some of them even disconnect on me midgame . And I just played 3 matches with MaGi_TekK, lost 1-2, but they were great matches.
  22. I'm too used to the d-pad to even really use the stylus...it seems some of the really good players are using the d-pad too. Edit: So I'm 33-4 so far I think in ranked matches...and wtf is with competent and pretty good players getting scared off? I've had 2-3 disconnects in the middle of the game so far.
  23. I wouldn't say that this is the best album to start off with Dream Theater (Images And Words is the most accessible for many), but it isn't a bad one. The better purchase though is the new Symphony X album, "Paradise Lost".
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