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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I was wondering whether you can assume the final temperature would be 100 degrees C...should've posted my thought on that. That's a poor question IMO though. As for the rotating Earth problem: A) Note that the period of rotation = 24 hours = 24 * 60 seconds. use v = Circumference of the Earth / T (circumference = 2 * pi * r) Use that the centripetal force = v^2/r C) W = m * g D) W - m * v^2/r
  2. Problem is, you don't know the final temperature, and to solve it using that equation would require you to know the mass of the water.
  3. The problem is that they won't stop the acceleration of the egg once the sphere hits the ground - the sphere will collapse due to the flimsiness of the paper.
  4. So maybe the egg should be taped tightly to the bottom of the cone also?
  5. I think you're onto something there. You could also pre-fold the lower half of the cone so that it would be more pre-disposed to crumple, depending on how stiff the material was to begin with. Given that it's computer paper, that may not be necessary, but since there are several sheets, maybe it would be. We don't want the cone to stop dead and the egg to crack while trying to keep moving and squeeze through the tapering tunnel. The crumpling is crucial. Or even better, stuff the bottom of the cone with paper.
  6. Not sure, but the parachute comment was just a note - if one was to observe the differential equation, you would hardly shorten the velocity given the time frame the object is in air. I also remember when I did a similar assignment that parachutes were useless and were just laughable to watch in their futility. So yeah, I would think of trying to cushion the egg and secure it.
  7. Just a note, I remember doing something similar in middle school - the parachute idea does not work well because it is such a short height - you need a large height in order for the parachute to be effective.
  8. We do whatever people want to do of course. I put up a list of suggestions on the first page. I'd also suggest some other things like seeing a musical at night or something like that, but it's probably out of most people's price range & possibly time range.
  9. http://www.gametab.com/news/755034/ This is a bit ridiculous.
  10. Uh no, long load times just suck and piss me off at poor quality.
  11. Talk is cheap links? American Express members only It's the Tuesday offer. Fuck that. How about the $49,000 Porsche for $5,000? lol My brother and I are trying for that one, but it's going to be insanely hard to get. But yeah, that's insanely insane at how much that TV and and Blu-Ray player is, let alone just the TV. When you say you CAN get this deal, what you really mean is "I can TRY to get this deal". Well, there are 20 of them available or so, and my internet connection has a low ping, so I'm pretty sure I can get it if I want. Edit: Wow, it was insanely hard to even get a $50 free gift card for the UPS store which was poorly advertised.
  12. Talk is cheap links? American Express members only It's the Tuesday offer. Fuck that. How about the $49,000 Porsche for $5,000? lol My brother and I are trying for that one, but it's going to be insanely hard to get.
  13. Talk is cheap links? American Express members only It's the Tuesday offer.
  14. Uhh, what? pixie has her own digital camera & camcorder - she used it in making the movie for last years meetup.
  15. I can nab a Sony blu-ray player for $475 and one with a 40" LCD 1080p HDTV for $1500. Ok now back to OCRers for bashing PS3 for little to no good reason.
  16. Not necessarily true. I could have bought the PS3, but there's no way I can afford a 2000-3000 HDTV. I meant with regards to proper management of ones finances.
  17. People who buy the PS3 for that price should have the money for an HDTV anyway.
  18. I still wouldn't compare the XBox 360 & PS3 for graphics yet - it's still too early in the generation. I'm sure as the years go by, we'll see some more unique gems from the PS3. For example, Gears of War supposedly pushes the XBox 360 hard, but the PS3 launch titles are just that, launch titles.
  19. Conversely, my parents wasted $800 on an HDTV in which they don't use the HD for anything. I do see plenty of standard TVs that would be just fine for me though.
  20. Well, I dunno if you noticed, but the Athair guy I listed is a friend of mine who hasn't felt the need to post in the thread yet . If I bring 2 more, it'd be just random luck that the second friend would be around to come, but I may bring one friend who would enjoy a fun time in NYC (he is an FIT alum, and does freelance artist work, predominantly stuff involving computer graphics and/or computers).
  21. So it is said, so it is done. First post edited. And wow, I ordered my plane ticket just now, and turns out it got cheaper by $20 than from 3 days ago.
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