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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I dunno, I still don't see how your skill combination that you're suggesting for your wizard is supposed to work - it doesn't look like it'll be that effective on mobs. Living lightning didn't output much damage from my experience at all, nor does it have good range either. You sure Arc Lightning wouldn't be more effective, especially if the goal is close range? The only benefit I can see would be if you have something like blizzard or slow time to help slow enemies from distance to get extra hits, but with the way Living Lightning works, you probably won't get much of it off before an enemy reaches you most of the time even counting usage of an extra skill. Also you sure about the hydra? I tried it on right click a week or so ago and it would just move my character to the location if it wasn't a valid target (and got me killed a few times). It absolutely did not work the way you are claiming it is for you and after a few hours of it I switched it out due to lack of flexibility in casting hydra wherever I wanted. I've looked up various stuff about wizards and it seems like there are varying approaches, although blizzard/venom hydra are the most common with each person taking different approaches, built around magic weapon, armor skill (or two for some), and survivability. I know venom is meant for slower moving enemies/bosses, and arcane is the other option, but the acid puddles for venom is part of what makes it potent (so enemies walking through still get hit) - this is great vs. elites/champions when running around objects in circles, where I'm able to take on most mods excepting invulnerable, sometimes teleport and/or vortex and/or fast. My bane is if I haven't cleared enough room when trying to kill elites/champions, and part of it is probably gear as far as I've read. Belial will be difficult for me due to the snakes in a confined area, but short of going melee (which probably relies on being ridiculously geared, moreso than standard wizard builds) I don't see a good solution for that except to pile on the extreme for dps which seems to be the typical approach for getting through.
  2. Living Lightning is kinda bad from my experience - it moves so slow and has a relatively not long range. It's not effective for standing and firing off a quick one and going on the move IMO. Also hydra on the right click has a distinct disadvantage I found - you have to have a target with the click to cast hydra, whereas with a number key you could cast it wherever you want to your heart's content. I guess you could shift + right click, but it's just something else to think about. I'm currently running this: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wizard#blRYSP!YdU!bbbcYZ Although I'm probably going to change it to this: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wizard#blRYSO!YXU!bbbcYc Been slowly gearing up - up to 39k hp and 21k dps with ~200 resist. Seems like some of the most geared wizards have ~1200 all resists, 100% movespeed, and like 60k+ dps. That type of gear sounds so expensive .
  3. I've found some useful information over at the Battle.net D3 class forums. At least, it has definitely allowed me to handle almost anything in Act 1 Inferno as a wizard minus super crappy champion/elite mods + speedy enemies (unless my laptop lags, which happens enough since I'm running a web development environment with Rails). I've been able to solo farm the Butcher which has been nice, although I hear that Belial is really tough unless you go full glass cannon, and even then there is the risk of dying to the snake minions if you don't output enough damage. Also when MaxFrost and I were playing on Sunday, this dropped for me: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/andariels-visage My first legendary and what a sweet legendary it is, boosting my dps to over 20k. Seems like my stats for it are pretty good (283 armor, +34 poison resist, +117 intel, 13% IAS, level requirement reduced by 2 - I forget the regeneration mod, think it's +94)
  4. If anyone wants to add me, I'm BahamutWC#1137 on bnet. Edit: So I did some changing around my skillset on research since it seemed like I wasn't doing much damage - http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wizard#UcRSlm!YXU!aYbYcc Wizard becomes so much more playable with how much damage poison hydra does and the blizzard helps slow the enemies down for hydra to hit. I'll need to get used to the change in play style this involves but the game became a lot better for me.
  5. My problem with round limits is that sometimes everyone genuinely is enjoying a map, and then after 2 rounds, the map ends. If anyone has any good suggestions on how a good round limit could be implemented, I'm all ears though. I do want to adjust the time limit for several maps though. Also if a particular custom map sucks, tell me. I am always looking to pare down the votable list.
  6. I may be on slightly later than 8 - probably going on a run at 6:30 so I'll probably be on around 8:30 myself.
  7. We had a discussion on this last night on the server since it got brought up - there was no consensus approach though and a ton of suggestions with no one commenting on each other's approaches for the most part. What I've decided to do so far is let all regulars be placed on reserve slot, with the next server, Red, have no reserve slots. I'm still somewhat experimenting with implementation so I don't have a great answer admittedly for the question so far. I don't have any particular preference for one method or another, but ideally I would like to see the regulars pleased and there still being an environment for non-regulars to be able to enjoy & be a part of the community as well. Other than those biases, I am flexible.
  8. Part of the problem as far as I can tell is that power metal is a technical genre. I'm not sure whether many artists out there are capable of putting together songs that could display such prowess, much less do so in a consistent & high volume manner. Contrary to what has been said, there isn't so much power metal in the vgm community period. The band that might've shown the closest aspects to it is Powerglove with their first EP. I would love to see more successful genuine power metal takes on vgm. The bar is high though.
  9. So the question arose obviously dealing with reserve slots - how should we institute them? Currently I have it with $2/month, which is nominal, but the $ isn't the issue - it's what do we want as far as the community. Thoughts?
  10. So we had someone who tried to act like a general douche and claim he was following the rules tonight - I permabanned him in quick order after coming back on. The person went by Kman.edu. I wanted to go play L4D2 but I thought better of it and went back on the server to monitor this person's behavior. This is why I put in the clauses for acting in bad faith and don't act like a douche right in the motd, specifically for these type of people who try to skate by on the literal rules instead of the intent as written - it is codified in the first two numbered bullets for good reason. A lesson for the admins - do not be afraid of acting, even if I'm there and haven't acted. If someone wants to get into an argument on voice chat and throw a bunch of irrelevant hyperbolic accusations towards an admin, then he/she is not acting in good faith or being courteous and thus is breaking the first two rules, which are the most important ones on the server. This is also why it's important for an admin to be present as much as possible.
  11. I haven't really went for downloading it yet because I'm on a not so stable connection currently, and I'm close to finishing a 1.7 GB download of Greenplum Database, which I've been tasked with installing and looking at since I may be using it on the job soon. I knew of where to find rc2 of course.
  12. How long did it hang before? It always hangs on that for me for about a minute.
  13. I'd recommend avoiding koth_drogentote_1 for a little while then. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just that particular map that had issues.
  14. There could just very well be problems with drogentote itself. I do not have the answers.
  15. Reserve slots are active. The only lag that has cropped up so far has been on custom maps, and it only happened on koth_drogentote1 so far as far as I'm aware of while (~4) people were downloading, which is strange since the maps are linked to my personal server for downloading. The only explanation I can think of is that the maps aren't downloading from my personal server but from the regular server, but that does not make sense to me since the downloading has gotten significantly faster since I implemented sv_downloadurl in the server.cfg file and supposedly the server would give an error if the url listed in sv_downloadurl is incorrect. I have also noticed a few overflow errors happen on map loading as well, and I cannot explain those currently. The only thing I can say about that is to disconnect and retry connecting.
  16. Problem with the server - I reinstalled the server after everyone finished playing last night, so hopefully it's fixed.
  17. That was just a bug as I'm sure you found out - I'm going to test out why it didn't let you grab pl_cashworks_prefinal. It could very well be that the map I downloaded was broken. I'll check back on that. Tonight was a great first big night for the server although it was slow to pick up. Much fun indeed . Edit: My reupload of the map last night turned out to be successful, so we should be fine to play cashworks!
  18. Also I updated the whitelist with what I think should be a working whitelist file that allows & blocks what is necessary.
  19. I'm sure we'll still be playing after OCAD is over so you can join in after
  20. So come join us at 8 pm ET tonight for some TF2ing! I think I have most of the kinks worked out except for a proper whitelist. If anyone wants to contribute a good whitelist send me a link or PM.
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