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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. This is a fun take on Matoya's Cave, staying close to the melody, but remaining light & upbeat. This is pretty enjoyable for me, with the guitar sort of reminding me of country a bit with the playing. I hope to hear more in the future!
  2. Wow, this take on the Prelude is impressive. Nick surprises me with this huge journey through the iconic prelude theme. The guitars have this huge sound to them, and yet don't completely dominate the song. The song impressively keeps the listener engaged throughout without getting stale or repetitive. This is impressive stuff!
  3. This is up there amongst my favorite tracks on Maverick Rising - ansgaros killed it on this song. It is loud and in your face throughout, rolling on like a truck smashing obstacles. It's hard not to love this I think and provides a side of metal not seen much in these parts for everyone's enjoyment .
  4. I've never commented on this historic mix (for the site at least)? Strange. I was at this meetup where this song was made, although I wasn't a part of the creation of the song. This is when Andy and Jill first met also, so it was momentous for many of those there. Listening to it now, the mixing sounds off, with everything sounding overcompressed/crowded. Other issues have been touched earlier so I won't beat on that horse much. As Jill mentioned, it is meant to be a fun song for a group of OCRers who had a fun time - I certainly remember that day fondly, although I was a shy person then. It still brings warm fuzzies listening to it, although I can understand if others might not grasp it. It's fair game to critique music after all.
  5. Nice take on OWA and Liberi Fatali. It's a fresh take that rolls on like a relentless march. I do wish it went a bit further and that the ending felt a bit on the weak side for me, but the song has a solid core that mixes and matches the two songs in interesting ways. Great job and I hope to hear more from you!
  6. Solid meld of rock and ethnic instrumentation here, which is Vurez's forte. The mix is straightforward, but achieves the rocking feel while digressing into new territory. I like it and it fits nicely into the framework of Maverick Rising.
  7. Interesting song here. Just a bunch of crazy fun action along with appropriate usage of voice clips. This is the type of song that doesn't usually get such a detailed treatment so it's a nice change of pace. Want more!
  8. Fernando put a lot of work into this track, and I think it shows, given what he had to work with. He maxed out what he could do with his setup at the time and pulled off a great track that shows some moody atmosphere and progresses into the depths of mystery. It really shines on the album and I love listening to this track quite a lot. It's a change of pace considering most music out there and I think provides a great dimension to the original sources, expanding its breadth.
  9. So I'm back, but not completely - I'm on cellphone 4G/tethered internet for the next week or so unfortunately. I'm going to try to catch up on Lufia 2 details asap though. Things have become a bit stressful on my end as I have some big obligations I have to fulfill in my professional life. I'll have to push back the planned final deadline back a little, probably to October or November for a release hopefully sometime in the winter of 2013. It's unfortunate I've fallen behind here, and I take responsibility for that. Once I've taken care of my matters in the next few months things should go smoothly.
  10. I missed a new big update? Bah. Also even if there's an attentive pyro & engineer, you can instead focus on the rest of the enemy team and trust your teammates to do the rest.
  11. Just so everyone k.nows, I'm gone for annual training with my unit until July 3rd
  12. 1.0.3 comes out today. Guess I won't get to see what it's like until 2 weeks later since I leave today for annual training with my unit.
  13. So has anyone else had their quest progress regressed from the patch? I used to be up to Black Soulstone in A2 Inferno (legitimately) and they dialed me back to Enter Forgotten Ruins in Betrayer of the Horadrim.
  14. I want to say I've listened to most of them, but I don't know how many I've heard. I do know that I have made over 500 reviews in the ReMix review forum though, so it must be a formidable number. OA & DragonAvenger have listened to every mix I believe, and of course djpretzel.
  15. Personally, I'm not sure whether I'll be going to Otakon proper this year, but I do want to go to the concert. I actually will be in Baltimore for that weekend as I am obligated to go to my brother's thesis defense on that Friday, but otherwise would love to cavort with everyone.
  16. Hmm, so I should think about selling my Andariel's? I may have to think about it...
  17. Seeing some great works here lately! Tony and Andreas provided some heat with Battle #3, and newcomer PabloComa is almost done with a gorgeous take on Tranquility. I think this album will surprise when it is finished, there is some high quality stuff finished or close to finished.
  18. I haven't been on as much as I had a month ago unfortunately - I've been out with various social/networking engagements or various running groups, where evening runs work nicely. Also I should mention that I will be out from June 20th to July 3rd, and probably gone on the 4th as well.
  19. I'm not missing the point - Living Lightning just doesn't do nearly as much as you think for close range I think, but you'll probably find out when you get to that point yourself for reasons that are harder to describe with text or pure numbers without knowing how the spell works in-game. I've only found it effective for damage when fighting a huge number of enemies at once, and even then its benefit was questionable. For sheer damage, something like Arc Lightning *should* do significantly more and it's designed for close range. In other news, design update for patch 1.0.3: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/6262208/Patch_103_Design_Preview-6_6_2012#blog Inferno is going to get easier in that enemies will not do increased damage with more people joining the game, which is probably what makes it more difficult with more people. Also damage/health of monsters are getting tweaked in Acts 2-4. Sounds like fair adjustments there. They might up repair costs 4x - 6x times due to people rushing through bosses or chain rezzing in co-op games - sounds brutal. IAS is getting nerfed. Elites/champions will drop 1 guaranteed rare with a 5 stack of NV.
  20. I forgot to mention, but last night I updated the server with the updated Cashworks. I've been pretty busy lately unfortunately, and this week at night I'm pretty much booked excepting maybe Friday. I do want to play more at night, it's just that I've been booking my time like crazy for doing stuff. It's unfortunate .
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