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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. A chill jazzy mix, I could see this being played in a lounge live. It's a fun disengaging listen.
  2. This mix is dark and yet, it has a lighter feel about that darkness, if that makes sense. It doesn't go full on serious with the dark aspect, having a feel of progression through a bunch of acts that builds up to an intricate prank. I think the song does a good job in carrying out a cohesive idea here, although at times the mixing sounds a bit weird to me. I dig it overall though.
  3. I lol'd. I have a soft spot for this source, and some of the rearrangements of it out there. I think Dale did a nice job with this take on it, albeit sans vocals, which leaves a bit of a hole at times with the given arrangement. The song still feels heartfelt, retaining and enhancing that aspect of the original in some ways while having a Dale North feel to it. I only wish it were longer and soared to another level like the original did. Great job on this R&Bish take!
  4. A happy song with cheesy & nerdy lyrics, it kinda makes me smile briefly although admittedly, these types of songs are not my cup of tea for the most part. The song reminds me in some ways of this mix with some of the shifting through styles, but I like the execution in that linked mix far more largely due to the more serious nature of the arrangement.
  5. That's a rhythm guitar sample? Man, just another reminder that some samples aren't what you think they are when you hear them. The song has a happy/cheesy sound to it, but it does the job. Not a fan of the ending here, but it's not a huge deal. The song works for the most part, although I would've liked to see it longer.
  6. This mix has some tension to it, and even a bit of ethnic flair - at least that's the impression I get with the song, which might be in part due to the original source. Anyhow, that tension doesn't break throughout, and it helps keep the song interesting. The song does not come off as repetitive to me, in part with all of the instrumentation and variance we see throughout the song. Trenthian does a great job in mixing it up, instilling his style, and maintaining a steady feel that I (lazily) guess is from the original.
  7. Love GaMeBoX's style here, it is dreamy yet funky in a way. Great job on this fun song!
  8. I remember the source! TO captures the feel of the original song here, with some mystery that is accentuated by the use of that triangle-like instrument and that instrument that gives a sea-like sound to it (I don't know what it is). The song varies it up some with the mid-low synth as well, although the song goes through the same source for the most part. The song does the job for the most part, keeping things mysterious and flowing naturally & interesting.
  9. This song has a pretty nice groove and is kept light throughout. Not much for me to say here, I think the song is one of those that makes clear what it is trying to do and does it.
  10. I'll admit, I'm not a fan of FFXI's soundtrack - I didn't find any track memorable, although I'm sure those who have played & still play FFXI extensively probably will appreciate the track on a deeper level than I am able to. That said, mv does a great job providing a chill mix here, laid back and with more of an ambient nature to it. I find the lead synth is an interesting choice, with its soft nature & yet it stands out apart from the rest of the instrumentation for me, which is also a mix of organic and mechanical instrumentation. The song transitions beautifully from the mechanical instrumentation having a prominent part to primarily featuring the strings, piano, and choir, emphasizing a trance-like element to the song. This song displays some excellent nuances throughout, and I highly recommend it!
  11. Oh wow, long song! I like the buildup that is present in the first quarter of the song or so, but it wasn't perfect - I found some of the background instrumentation a bit on the confusing side at a few moments between the 1 to 2 minute mark. I feel the second half of the song is weaker than the first few minutes, and a little too tame, especially after the buildup early on. Not bad, but could use work IMO.
  12. When Google searching, it would appear that it was not removed from the GOTY edition from what I found and is latent in the original actually, but does not activate/install/whatever until the DLC that requires it is installed or the player reaches the areas from the DLC in question - I didn't search in depth though, so I'm not sure when it actually kicks in, but it would seem that its activation is related to the DLC that uses it. On a tangent, I dislike both DRM types. Steam itself has negatives as well, but for me personally, I do like that they allow you to install games on whatever machine you like to play them with unlimited downloads, which is what sold me since they provide a new benefit.
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Securom Should give a good enough synopsis in this case. I've dealt with earlier forms of SecuROM in the past, and the hassle it gave me was not pretty. Some have had far worse experiences, running through all their activations quickly due to errors caused by SecuROM itself. It all depends on the version of SecuROM on the game as well - there are various degrees of it, partly in response to how terrible the experience was earlier with the DRM software. From a quick Google search, it appears that there is an install limit of 5 copies per purchase of this copy of Borderlands. To be honest, you probably won't run into issues - there's a possibility since the software has known issues, but that's my guess. It's your call of course. I personally try to avoid crappy DRM like that, especially since Steam is DRM in itself.
  14. It is an insidious piece of software that is troublesome to remove from the computer, even after uninstalling the game.
  15. I'm fully aware that they likely have some angel investors and/or VCs investing in it. I'm still skeptical they have the amount that will allow them to bring this to fruition with a high enough margin to be successful as a company, which is important for a device like this.
  16. I'm highly skeptical - there's a lot of questions still left to be answered. How much will games cost? Many games by indie devs end up selling on the cheap side - is that enough to sustain the company & allow it to expand? Piracy - Android can facilitate it through rooting relatively easily. Funding - sure there's some hype because a subset of gamers want an alternative, but the amount raised so far is small relatively speaking. Is the amount raised enough to manufacture a quality product en masse? I don't believe so. That also does not even broach the subject of paying its own employees and any investors - their team likely has some skilled professionals that can command a nice salary at other companies. Marketing - can they control the message? What makes the platform much more attractive than the iOS platform or anything else out there that much of its target audience has and can use to do similar things? I just don't see them solving these problems.
  17. I agree - I remember I used to frequent CAG (http://cheapassgamer.com/), and I'd get in on some unbelievably good deals. However, I would play games less as a result because I'd have all these options and not enough time to play them. In addition, I would often not know what game I would want to play next, leaving me to decide to do something else instead. It is also why I don't pirate games - same mentality due to having such wide accessibility to games.
  18. This is chock full of a mechanical sound to it, showing itself to be an industrial song that doesn't use the low end as much as most songs in the genre, giving it a bit of a minimal sound to me. It also features some Sonic effects if I'm not mistaken. The song does a pretty good job of keeping everything varied. Anti-Syne is starting to impress me more with his work, it really stands out as possessing good songwriting.
  19. This game needs to see some more remixing love IMO - great soundtrack by David Wise. It's interesting that Guifrog goes with a more South American influenced style here considering that the source material is for snowy levels. There is a fun parade-like vibe that emanates from this throughout, which makes the ending a bit disappointing to me personally. Otherwise, I love what is here!
  20. The piano really takes center stage here, with all other instrumentation in the background and mainly to accentuate the mood carried by the piano until a little before the halfway point, where the brass (& flute?) compliments the piano to add another layer and a sense of change. It has the feel of a short song, but what's there is sweet and well-executed.
  21. A solo piano song! I'm not familiar with the Crash Bandicoot games personally, but the song is a fun trek through. The piano playing isn't super ornate, which could add some variance in places I feel, but the song provides a feel of direction throughout. I feel for using multiple sources, this song flows well/smoothly, especially when compared to many medleys out there. I found it enjoyable and well done.
  22. Interesting mix! Very laid back/chill, but with a bit of an exotic/mystical air to it. It's wholly focused on the atmosphere, which works nicely here. Good job avaris!
  23. I <3 ilp0's work, and this is no exception. My reaction after a few seconds was to seek out who did this track, as it possesses a lively yet fun soundscape and an interesting choice of instrumentation. The song moves around, showing darker sides, and breaks through that, shifting back to a more light style. Overall a fun romp through.
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