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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Fitting a person with the nick 'Last Mistakes' posts that . There are issues, but I don't think we're going to upload another trailer - I could be wrong though. The one on the torrent will be the true final trailer, and supposedly has its issues fixed up.
  2. Kyle's alter ego must be Sigma. Who else would tout such vile statements?
  3. It will be there when the album is out silly
  4. You'll see once you go to the project website...which reminds me, everyone visit the project website with Chrome when it does come out!
  5. Get ready. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O2AIzCLodU
  6. Pretty much my view, but the title alone has made me not interested in finding out more about the game. If they want to market well, they're going to have to do better than a title like that if they're going to make me interested in spending any time & energy learning more about it.
  7. Interesting, so the track Sixto did is not actually on the OSV - it checks out with my copy, which is ripped from the CDs myself.
  8. It definitely plays in the ending - in particular, when you're flying in the Flammie.
  9. Sixto's track is Reincarnation - he asked me where it was played in the game so I showed him a YouTube video of the ending, which was how he came up with the name.
  10. That has to be one of the most worst titles out there for a game.
  11. Really, a potshot at me years later for your poor attitude and lack of true apology for what was your fault the whole way through? You were given the chance to rectify it and you instead wanted to continue to act like I wanted to steal your money when you had the item. Grow up.
  12. A Wild ARMS track! Interesting take on the source, and definitely a good start to the arrangement. The song sort of sounds static on the arrangement side though. A sense of progression would add another dimension to the song. This has the potential to be a long and quite interesting song. I love most of what's there. The mid-frequency synth droning in the background that I believe is alluded to the others does get irritating, but only minorly so to me - it is the one that is used as atmosphere. You want to keep the song changing to keep it interesting to the listener, so it's good that it seems to disappear later on in the song in place of something else. I would love to see you make this song longer. It appears to be well-built.
  13. As noted, this song is short - I think this song lacks a complete feel to it. With how the song ends, there definitely is room for expansion even if it requires the injection of a little original material. There's a crowded sound to the song around two-thirds of the way through due to the instruments occupying the same mid-range frequencies. Clarity seems to be a big issue throughout the whole song - perhaps there's overcompression going on? This particular take on the same source might give some inspiration for you for the arrangement at least: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02007/
  14. There is a bit of clash with how the piano sounds here - in particular 0:13 and 0:15 sound a bit ugly. The drums also could use some tweaking. It is completely devoid of any oomph in the snare. I think the synth could benefit from some snazziness thrown in, as well as brought forward. The song sounds overcompressed , and it shows towards the end of the song. The electric guitar sample also doesn't sound too hot. The arrangement hops around a lot without really developing a central idea, and the song just sort of ends. There's some potential here, but the song needs a lot of work put into it to make it more interesting and enjoyable.
  15. The mixing sounds like it's cluttered - everything seems to be occupying the same area frequency-wise in the first minute or so, which makes it lack clarity. My ears could be playing tricks on me, but it also sounded like at times the left side was panned harder than the right side for at least one instrument. Overall, the arrangement is ok, although I feel it's too short (as I often do). I hope this helps a bit.
  16. The last word in korean there just means update. Not sure what it means though.
  17. I have the mp3 still on my desktop - I'm hesitant about posting it without his blessing though. Also welcome JohnQ4 who is doing Summer and Towering Mountain! He did this sexy track http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/414058
  18. That's what it looks like . The song in particular was difficult for him to play he said so he doesn't think he can do it in time.
  19. Lots of songs are in that queue - for musicmost part that queue is full of awesome music so I wouldn't even worry about it . Edit: Whoa, what the heck is with that sentence there - I hate cellphones sometimes. But yeah, for the most part I was saying that queue is large and full of awesome stuff.
  20. I highly doubt that there is a copyright issue. Many artists have made music about copyrighted content. The copyright isn't on a name, but on the work itself. There are nuances of course to this, but having the same name isn't enough to be a problem - many bands make songs with the same name for example. I don't think referring to a work is necessarily a copyright violation either. There's a band named Hobbit for example. Of course I'm not a lawyer, but as far as I can tell you wouldn't be in violation there.
  21. It'll be posted whenever - it's not one of the flood tracks, although it's pretty great. It was originally a part of the GMRB competition that DarkeSword ran, so you can already grab it for free.
  22. If you want ridiculous, check out X7...Tornado Tonion. As for favorite Maverick themes, I'm going to chip in a vote for MMX2. Bubble Crab, Flame Stag, Magna Centipede, Crystal Snail, Wire Sponge...and the awesome Counter Hunter Stage 1 & 2 songs.
  23. But we're bringing life to the thread! ...At least, that's my thoughts. We're not doing any harm posting suggestions for people, and if they want to latch on to them, even better! I've only made two posts with suggestions anyhow...lemme cram a few more badass themes ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqHs4dYHqwo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFu8e5PjwWw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VXe-fgJO-M / http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcw1h0gPxSM And... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRdPFn2ZPhs Lots of stuff out there that would definitely fit an ominous theme - that'll be it for my random suggestions.
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